
i throw wishes into the night and wait for the stars to catch them. ✶
Amaryllis of the House of the Phoenix

♡ STYLE : Her Highness
♡ AFFINITY : Twilight
♡ ELEMENT : Fire & Light
♡ ANIMAL SHAPE : Brown Bear
♡ ALIGNMENT : Seelie
♡ COURT : Summer
Amaryllis is the younger sister of Titania, Queen of the Summer Court. Unlike the crown, Amaryllis is a soft-hearted girl with a friendly and likable personality. Known amongst her kind for her cheerful disposition, the princess of summer is especially fond of children and treats all living beings with kindness. Born to be a princess rather than a queen, Amaryllis spends her eternal life enjoying the little things and she has become popular even among those of lower birth for being an uncomplicated and easy-going royal. She takes good care of the people in her court in her own, strange, way and shares close bonds with all of her underlings.
Amaryllis holds domain over twilight and her powers grant her the ability to withhold sunrise and sundown, creating an extended period of dusk and dawn. The princess is known for using her affinity to bless the people of her realm with longer days or nights during special occasions such as weddings or the birth of a child. The cost of this, ironically, is time lost. Amaryllis feels sleepy after making use of such might and can often be found dozing off in the gardens or other random places. Because of this, she is often referred to as the sleepyheaded princess. Amaryllis preferably takes naps in her animal form: a cozy and fluffy looking brown bear.
Amaryllis holds domain over twilight and her powers grant her the ability to withhold sunrise and sundown, creating an extended period of dusk and dawn. The princess is known for using her affinity to bless the people of her realm with longer days or nights during special occasions such as weddings or the birth of a child. The cost of this, ironically, is time lost. Amaryllis feels sleepy after making use of such might and can often be found dozing off in the gardens or other random places. Because of this, she is often referred to as the sleepyheaded princess. Amaryllis preferably takes naps in her animal form: a cozy and fluffy looking brown bear.
Like any fae, Amaryllis is able to touch the veins of magic than run through the continent, utilizing them and seeking their strength to turn into her own. Aside from the typical abilities such as wards, glamours and travel via the ley line, the princess’ personal magick focuses on her elemental affinity to light and fire and grants her special abilities. Such are becoming invisible or the creation of blinding lights and large fires. Over a thousand years, Amaryllis has amassed a considerable amount of strength, but due to her pacifist nature the exact extend of her ability is unknown to the fae. The princess has never been witnessed taking advantage of her powers and such, the people of her court do not consider Amaryllis to be a source of vigour to draw from should conflict ensue.
For unknown reasons Amaryllis has never taken a warlock and remains without a mate.
For unknown reasons Amaryllis has never taken a warlock and remains without a mate.
Amaryllis plays the harp and is a terrific singer.