Raider Creed

Raider Creed

Biographical information
Distant lands Not yet 20 in goblin years (Currently) ancent Ruins bi He/they
Physical description
Goblin Mix Male 4'4 60 lbs Dark swept back hair under helmet Red Pale green
Political information
Goblin Tribes Chieftain, Raid leader, Mercenary, Minion Gobkin clan The Grey Mage (Past), currently accepting applications
Out-of-character information
Gob-brigade 11/1/2025 zo AI

“Always walk away from a fight. Then ambush.”


Dressed in plate armor and dark clothing underneath, he is a short creature of slender frame, featuring pale green skin, broad shoulders, sharp teeth, long arms, a small waist, elongated clawed fingers, and red, serpentine eyes.


Named the Void Null Armor, this armor, despite its well worn and battered appearance, is crafted from an unknown metal and heavily imbued with void magic, allowing it to both reflect and absorb magic. However, it carries a curse; it severely drains the user's magical energy, endangering their life force if their magical reserves drop too low. Conversely, this benefits Raider well, as he has been using it to help balance his ever-growing magic levels and significantly reduce his magic sensitivity. He is rarely seen without it.

When not armed with a longspear, sword, or throwing daggers, he typically relies on his sharp claws and teeth.

Skills and Abilities

Stealthy: Can easily fit into narrow areas, seamlessly blends with darkness, and moves silently.

Bandit leader: Specializes in ambushes and hit-and-run strategies.

knowledgeable: Possesses a broad and varied comprehension of seemingly disconnected but interesting subjects.

Strategist: His thoughts frequently centre on the next phase of a strategy or devising methods to reach his objectives when a plan has failed.

Weapons of choice: Although typically armed with a spear, sword, or throwing knife, when unarmed, a raider's talons and fangs are just as deadly as any weapon.

Magical sensitivity: He possesses the ability to detect and respond to the magic around him in unique ways. Additionally, his body absorbs the magic in his surroundings and stores it, preserving it like a battery; however, these abilities often become more of a liability than a benefit—(see weaknesses).
Sharp ears: Possesses sharp hearing, with ears that are quite flexible, able to rotate and move independently to track sounds while also serving as extensions of their emotions.

Keen noise: Possesses a keen sense of smell that can detect very subtle odours.

Darkvision: Their eyes are adapted to see in low-light or dark environments.

Quick healing: Can improve the recovery speed by consuming raw meat or flesh.

Fae Ancestry: For those who can sense types of magic, the magic that Raiders possess would be recognized as Fae.

Agile Climber: Raiders' lean body and claw-like hands enable him to climb surfaces with greater ease.
Magic instability: Due to a traumatic event in his past, he becomes excessively sensitive and reactive to magical forces, often to the extent of experiencing discomfort.

While acquiring the power to harness magic from his environment, it has turned into a curse, constantly threatening his magical energy levels to exceed his body's capacity and putting him at risk of being overwhelmed internally by his own magic.

To address this, Raider donned a cursed suit of armour that syphons magic from its wearer, sustaining his levels as long as he doesn't wear it for an extended period to avoid total depletion.

Petty: The Raiders' arrogant and self-aggrandising demeanour frequently causes them to inflate their importance as a means of protecting themselves from feelings of inadequacy. Furthermore, when their plans consistently fail or their pretence is unveiled, they tend to respond with anger or resentment to those around them.

Cowardly: When confronted by a far more powerful individual, they are quick to yield. In dire circumstances or when faced with an unexpectedly formidable foe, he is usually among the first to flee.

whimsy: Even with his careful preparations and cautious nature, Raider's unpredictable tendencies and curiosity sometimes overshadow his plans.

Psychological scar: Magic always comes with a cost. Raider understands this truth more than most, having paid heavily in a deeply traumatic event that led to his magical instability, rendering him unable to fully trust others and fostering a deep-seated sense of cautious distrust and apprehension about using magic without the fear of inflicting harm on himself.


Best described as a charismatic, cruel, and power-thirsty gremlin.

Cunning allure: Raider frequently uses a charming, composed, and smooth demeanor to encourage others to let their defenses down around him.

Ambitious: Raider seeks power and is ready to use force, trickery, or any other underhand methods to accomplish his objectives.

Unstable: His constant vigilance against potential betrayal from others has caused him to act erratically, often leaving others unsure about his next move..

Treacherous: Raider isn't above acting as a sycophant to get what he wants and adopting a subservient demeanour towards those who can provide him with greater power, only to betray or abandon them once they no longer serve his interests.

Hypocrite: Growing up in a more scholarly environment than his peers, Raider feels a heightened sense of superiority over other Goblins and frequently displays a more sophisticated and cultured demeanour in dealings with other races, not wanting to be labelled with the common Goblin stereotypes associated with his kind.

Patience: Raider is an exceptionally patient goblin, capable of devising strategies that may only yield results years later or harboring grudges while biding time for the perfect moment to attack.


Raider became an orphan early in life; his parents, like numerous other goblins from the united tribes, had joined forces with the grey mage, serving as mercenaries or soldiers in his ranks to try to reclaim their ancestral lands.

It was soon after his parents passed away that he was taken in by Trolsk, a goblin magic user in the service of the grey mage, claiming to be a distant uncle on his father's side.

His uncle's prestigious role granted him the opportunity to observe the inner dynamics of the grey mage's inner circle, which he frequently took advantage of by eavesdropping on conversations in the war rooms or interacting with the warrior caste, much to his uncle's irritation and displeasure, often pulling him away to pursue his magical studies.

Although his education under his uncle primarily centred on academics and arcane matters, it was through his relentless questioning that he learnt of the forgotten histories, bloodlines, and magics of his heritage.

Perhaps due to a misplaced longing for his culture's grand past and heightened learning, he cultivated a sense of superiority among his peers, even inadvertently starting to imitate mannerisms of his foes to appear dignified.

The betrayal​

In those moments, he had paid little attention to his uncle's persistent urging to control magic; maybe it ought to have acted as a sign of what was ahead. Every form of magic comes with a cost; this was the final and most important teaching from his uncle to Raider, a lesson for which they both eventually bore the price.

He attempted to use Raider as a sacrifice to claim his magic for himself, but it backfired, claiming his uncle's life and ultimately making Raider the victor, though not without consequences.

As a result of this event, Raider gained a heightened awareness of magic, capable of detecting, perceiving and interacting with it in ways that few can, yet unable to control or invoke its power without endangering himself, ultimately wearing armor that offered some protection against its impact.

Raider developed a deep distrust of magic, opting instead to wield the sword, pledging his allegiance to the grey mage, and whrowing himself in one battle after another until he became one of the few remaining generals as the grey mage's armies collapsed.

The escape​

The tides of battle had shifted; the enemy, in their hubris, chose to destroy their territories rather than surrender them to goblin possession. They had unleashed something akin to a plague, one that scorched the earth, rendering it barren except for the dead or Changed, now arisen to consume whatever was left.

The fools thought they had it under control, but Raider sensed signs that it was just a matter of time before it turned against them. As the grey mages' armies were defeated one after another, Raider began making his own preparations.

He'd known of the runestone beforehand, the grey mage's means for escape and his plan to sacrifice his loyal followers as he made his getaway, abandoning whatever remained of his forces to endure persecution or be destroyed by the Changed.

As the collapse of the final stronghold appeared inevitable, he, currently serving as the grey mage's lieutenant, was naturally there to personally guide him to “safety,” and he’d grabbed at the opportunity with both bloodied hands, leading as many as would follow him through the gate.


Having left behind their former homeland via the runestone, his new clan, after an arduous and perilous journey, has recently settled in a seemingly long-abandoned fort ruin located in the swamps. He remains hopeful that this new setting will provide the assistance his people need to rebuild greater than that which they left and signifies a new start towards his quest for power.


Gossip: Beyond the typical scheming and power plays, there is nothing Raider loves more than juicy gossip.

Nails: Raider always ensures his claws are well-manicured and sharp; to break his nails is to provoke his wrath.

Avid Reader: He once read a romantic drama book titled *In the Interest of the Court*; since then, he has been in desperate search of its sequels and prequel series.

Scales: Though the material of the Raiders' armor remains largely unidentified, some say they have observed scale-like patterns under specific lighting conditions.



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