House Virak
House Virak is one of the seven former Great Houses of Vel Anir.
Founded even before the building of the great walls of Vel Anir, House Virak is one of the most ancient noble family lines located in the fortress City. This fact is a core identity of most of the members of the House, and it is a closely held point of pride for each and every one of them.
Having been around for so long House Virak has melded into almost every single facet of Anirian Politics. Chiefly however the House has centered itself around concerns of the military.
Most of House Virak's holdings are in forges, mines, and the sale of arms to small nations. This trade has made the House incredibly wealthy and afforded them a great portion of prestige and power within Vel Anir. Something they hang on to even after the revolution.
Their wealth and chosen trade also means they hold a great amount of sway with the Military of Vel Anir and most of it's soldiers.
Even now many soldiers and even officers within the Anirian Guard hold a great amount of respect for the name Virak. Though its House Guard was dissolved by order the Republic, many former soldiers still work in ancillary positions for the House. Elise Virak herself has devoted much of her time to finding position within her various estates for former soldiers and veterans.
This tactic has suited House Virak incredibly well and post-revolution they have maintained an incredibly popularity. Both politically and economically Virak maintains a great amount of power. Though like every other Noble House it is not curtailed in how it can use that power by the Republican Government.
House Virak is one of the seven former Great Houses of Vel Anir. This means that it as an entity holds vast amounts of wealth, political influence, and military power. Though all of these have been curtailed and dampened after the Revolution by various laws.
House Virak nevertheless remains a powerful force within the city itself. Having long ago aligned itself with the Military, the House holds a great amount of sway over the Anirian Guard and it's allocation of resources. Still supplying many weapons and armors, as well as raw materials for the militaries own production.
Though much of their property was forcefully sold to the Republic, House Virak still maintains more industrial works than any other private entity. Their long tradition in holding mines, forges, and lumberyards still ringing true. A fact which grants them a great amount of sway with both merchants and the current government.
This control has been put to good use post-revolution, though mainly to buy favor. Elise Virak has been incredibly cooperative and even generous with the resources of her family. She has used her vast wealth in order to garner favor both with the public, and with Officials in the Guard. She is well liked by the officers, and maintains friendships with many powerful merchants.
In an odd sort of way, House Virak has only increased it's prestige after the Revolution. Much of the violence and xenophobia tied to the the Great House has been wiped away with the new 'face' leading it. Whether or not this is just an act is difficult to tell. Yet public opinion is seemingly currently on their side.
Of course, this does not mean House Virak is without it's enemies.
Almost since it's inception the members of the Virak family have nearly been at all out war with House Luana. The two families have clashed on more than once occasion, twice leading to open battle between their House Guard and numerous duels being fought between the centuries. This animosity has not lessened in the least after the Revolution.
Other Houses of course still oppose Virak as well, though the constant fighting and assassination attempts seem to have lessened since the creation of the Republic. In the wake of this new understanding however new enemies have arisen.
Virak is now beset by other voices. Anti-noble Crusaders, peace activists, pro-elf groups, and dozens of others who have come to the forefront.
Despite these new enemies, House Virak is doing quite well in the Republic. Carefully playing the game to suit it's own base of power and ensuring hat it continues to survive in Vel Anir. Whatever form the city takes.
House Virak nevertheless remains a powerful force within the city itself. Having long ago aligned itself with the Military, the House holds a great amount of sway over the Anirian Guard and it's allocation of resources. Still supplying many weapons and armors, as well as raw materials for the militaries own production.
Though much of their property was forcefully sold to the Republic, House Virak still maintains more industrial works than any other private entity. Their long tradition in holding mines, forges, and lumberyards still ringing true. A fact which grants them a great amount of sway with both merchants and the current government.
This control has been put to good use post-revolution, though mainly to buy favor. Elise Virak has been incredibly cooperative and even generous with the resources of her family. She has used her vast wealth in order to garner favor both with the public, and with Officials in the Guard. She is well liked by the officers, and maintains friendships with many powerful merchants.
In an odd sort of way, House Virak has only increased it's prestige after the Revolution. Much of the violence and xenophobia tied to the the Great House has been wiped away with the new 'face' leading it. Whether or not this is just an act is difficult to tell. Yet public opinion is seemingly currently on their side.
Of course, this does not mean House Virak is without it's enemies.
Almost since it's inception the members of the Virak family have nearly been at all out war with House Luana. The two families have clashed on more than once occasion, twice leading to open battle between their House Guard and numerous duels being fought between the centuries. This animosity has not lessened in the least after the Revolution.
Other Houses of course still oppose Virak as well, though the constant fighting and assassination attempts seem to have lessened since the creation of the Republic. In the wake of this new understanding however new enemies have arisen.
Virak is now beset by other voices. Anti-noble Crusaders, peace activists, pro-elf groups, and dozens of others who have come to the forefront.
Despite these new enemies, House Virak is doing quite well in the Republic. Carefully playing the game to suit it's own base of power and ensuring hat it continues to survive in Vel Anir. Whatever form the city takes.
Though in Vel Anir it is law that any and all mages are given to the Dreadlord, House Virak has disobeyed this edict since it's creation.
This is not out of any moral or just reason, House Virak does not believe in 'protecting' their family from the training of the Dreadlord's. Rather, it is because House Virak does not wish to lose the true source of their power; their connection to the family's blood magic.
Although no one is quite sure why House Virak turned to the use of Blood Magic, the family records do show that the founder of the House Erich Anselm Virak was the one who began it.
The founder of the House created a twisted form of Blood Magic, creating a ritual that would form a Well of Power. This Well would be filled by the lives of dozens of slaves, and be permanently bound to House Virak through the sacrifice of their own blood. In the midst of the Ritual Erich slaughtered his own sister, cutting her throat and sealing the magic into place.
The Well was crafted, it's depths overflowing with the power of dozens of lives.
Through the centuries this power was far from enough. The well ebbing as more and more of it's strength was used. Thus, over the centuries the Well has been suffused with the lives of thousands of individuals wrought through rituals of war, sacrifice, and outright massacres.
Due to how the Ritual works however, a price had to be paid. In order to keep the Well connected to the family, one of each generation must be sacrificed to maintain the link.
This power is not without it's other faults, and along with the sacrifice of their own blood the members of House Virak must take careful note to measure themselves. The Well of power is not just a thing of blood, but has over the centuries become it's own entity. It twists the mine and breaks the body, always hungering, always reaching. Only the strong can survive it's touch, and the weak die out.
For the Members of House Virak, the Well of Blood is what allows them to do their magic. It grants them strength, confidence, and everything they need to remain in their proper place. A dangerous tool, but one that cannot be denied.
This is not out of any moral or just reason, House Virak does not believe in 'protecting' their family from the training of the Dreadlord's. Rather, it is because House Virak does not wish to lose the true source of their power; their connection to the family's blood magic.
Although no one is quite sure why House Virak turned to the use of Blood Magic, the family records do show that the founder of the House Erich Anselm Virak was the one who began it.
The founder of the House created a twisted form of Blood Magic, creating a ritual that would form a Well of Power. This Well would be filled by the lives of dozens of slaves, and be permanently bound to House Virak through the sacrifice of their own blood. In the midst of the Ritual Erich slaughtered his own sister, cutting her throat and sealing the magic into place.
The Well was crafted, it's depths overflowing with the power of dozens of lives.
Through the centuries this power was far from enough. The well ebbing as more and more of it's strength was used. Thus, over the centuries the Well has been suffused with the lives of thousands of individuals wrought through rituals of war, sacrifice, and outright massacres.
Due to how the Ritual works however, a price had to be paid. In order to keep the Well connected to the family, one of each generation must be sacrificed to maintain the link.
This power is not without it's other faults, and along with the sacrifice of their own blood the members of House Virak must take careful note to measure themselves. The Well of power is not just a thing of blood, but has over the centuries become it's own entity. It twists the mine and breaks the body, always hungering, always reaching. Only the strong can survive it's touch, and the weak die out.
For the Members of House Virak, the Well of Blood is what allows them to do their magic. It grants them strength, confidence, and everything they need to remain in their proper place. A dangerous tool, but one that cannot be denied.
Active Family
Erich Anselm Sellon Virak[Father/Patriarch] - Deceased
Valeria Lyene Virak[Mother] - Deceased
Elise Valeria Athesia Virak[Eldest Child/Daughter]
Erich Sarkun Virak[Eldest Son/Twin]
Reinhard Anselm Virak[Youngest Son/Twin] - Deceased
Valeria Lyene Virak[Mother] - Deceased
Elise Valeria Athesia Virak[Eldest Child/Daughter]
Erich Sarkun Virak[Eldest Son/Twin]
Reinhard Anselm Virak[Youngest Son/Twin] - Deceased
Branch Families
Unlike other noble families, House Virak is structured in a more defined way. Only the 'core' family dubs itself with the name Virak while others are spun off into a multitude of branch families. This was done to keep knowledge of the Well of Power to only those who needed to know.
Put simply, if parents had more than the two twin children, the others would all eventually take on a new name and form a new branch family. If the core family ever dies out, the strongest of the branches would take root and dub themselves Virak.
This way the secret of the family is maintained, and the line of Virak continues to thrive.
It also means that the Branch families of House Virak are much closer than those of other families. Uncles, Aunts, and Cousins are closely involved in day to day dealings and the ties are maintained very carefully.
Current Branch Families;
Lorel - Founded only thirty years ago, Dreadlords, military ties
Atrienn Lorel - Father/Patriarch
Liliana Lorel - Youngest Daughter
Adriana Lorel - Middle Daughter, Married in Alliria to Merchant Councilor
Lorenna Lorel - Eldest Daughter, Commandant in the Anirian Navy
Isbrand Lorel[deceased]
Diemut - ??
Caeso Diemut
Alwine - ???
Mercer Alwin
Marr - Founded five hundred years ago, incredibly close ties to the Guard, arms length from the main House.
Garret Marr
Keldrin Marr
Halden Marr
Cressidia - Founded two hundred years ago, merchants, run many forges and mines for Virak.
Annaliese Cressidia
Put simply, if parents had more than the two twin children, the others would all eventually take on a new name and form a new branch family. If the core family ever dies out, the strongest of the branches would take root and dub themselves Virak.
This way the secret of the family is maintained, and the line of Virak continues to thrive.
It also means that the Branch families of House Virak are much closer than those of other families. Uncles, Aunts, and Cousins are closely involved in day to day dealings and the ties are maintained very carefully.
Current Branch Families;
Lorel - Founded only thirty years ago, Dreadlords, military ties
Atrienn Lorel - Father/Patriarch
Liliana Lorel - Youngest Daughter
Adriana Lorel - Middle Daughter, Married in Alliria to Merchant Councilor
Lorenna Lorel - Eldest Daughter, Commandant in the Anirian Navy
Isbrand Lorel[deceased]
Diemut - ??
Caeso Diemut
Alwine - ???
Mercer Alwin
Marr - Founded five hundred years ago, incredibly close ties to the Guard, arms length from the main House.
Garret Marr
Keldrin Marr
Halden Marr
Cressidia - Founded two hundred years ago, merchants, run many forges and mines for Virak.
Annaliese Cressidia
House Virak was created in the time of Vel Anir's founding.
Though history from such a long time ago is wrapped in mystery, lies, and half truth, there are several ancient tomes which mark that the story of House Virak is at least partially true. There was indeed a man named Sirith Virak, and he was a follower of Anirius. Famed for his creation of the beasts named Manticores, or at least the Anirian version of them.
Little is known of this man aside from his role as a Soldier. A warrior who stood at Anirius' side and fought against the ascendeds enemies. Apart from that, everything else that is known of Sirith Virak is apocryphal or simply made up. Dozens of tales have been told over the years, and separating truth from fiction is a ball of yarn that no one has really wished to unravel.
Despite it's lost histories, House Virak has been a consistent force in Vel Anir for well over a thousand years.
In that time they have committed both great horrors, as well as great acts of charity.
The very nature of a Great House is to be reviled by some, and beloved by others. Virak is no exception to this rule. There are those who would see every member of the family exterminated, and others who believe they should be crowned as rulers of Vel Anir.
In general, Virak was known and is still known for backing the Anirian Guard. Using the cities military as an avenue for their own grandeur. They acquired mines, forges, blacksmiths, and anything they possibly could, supporting the Guard even as politics began to shift and change.
Every war Vel Anir took part in Virak was there. Every fight, every battle, every opportunity. Over the centuries the House became almost intrinsically tied to the military. Many members of the family becoming Officers and even Generals.
Over the years House Virak became known as warmongers. A title aptly earned as they supported every conquest, every battle, and every war Vel Anir got itself into. Though the family itself paid a heavy price, never holding back one of their own from the fighting, it also created a great prestige for the House. Many Guardsmen, to this day, hold a great amount of respect for House Virak. Not the least of which is due to their willingness to fight.
This constant soak of blood and war only empowered the House of Virak and it's magic.
Many Virak's, and it's various branch families, became famed soldiers and eventually Dreadlords. The families famed penchant for breeding manticores continuing all the way down the centuries.
Over the centuries House Virak took part in dozens of plots, schemes, and even military operations. The extent of their involvement was always shrouded and hidden, but it is quite easy to say that House Virak had a direct hand in most major incidents in Vel Anir.
The destruction of House Urr, the supplanting of the King, the razing of the Falwood, and the burning of Vel Cidren are all incidents that are known to have involved House Virak. Though it is almost entirely certain that the list goes far beyond just these incidents.
In more recent history, House Virak was controlled by Erich Anselm Virak.
His control of the House came nearly two decades before the Revolution which would bring on the Anirian Republic. His reign of the House was marked with an upward battle. Virak was, at the time, on the outside of the ruling alliance. Thus Erich focused on regaining Virak's military power. Building up the Houses stockpile of arms and developing it's House Guard into an army of it's own.
This was, of course, incredibly displeasing to the other Great Houses but was mostly ignored. With the ruling alliance figuring that any move towards violence could be suppressed by the Guard and Dreadlords.
On the fifteenth nameday of his two sons, the twin sons of Erich were set upon the ritual to maintain the well. Unfortunately, his own namesake betrayed him, and the Patriarchs son fled before the ritual could be completed. Unsatisfied with this ending, Erich tricked his son into returning and through a scheme of his own design fooled the boy into killing his brother.
Though his son fled in the aftermath, Erich considered the whole thing a success. Eventually using his daughter as a replacement for the rituals conduit and granting her the power she now wields.
Over the next few years House Virak continued it's build up. Forcing it's continued stay and influence in Anirian politics through sheer force of will and the threat of violence. Elise Virak grew up and began to take small points of power within the family.
As she grew up and came to understand more, Elise slowly set her own plans into motion. Intent on taking power from her father.
This all came to a head when the Revolution sparked in Vel Anir. Entirely intent on siding against the Guard and the Dreadlords leading the rebellion, Erich Virak ordered the mobilization of his House Guard. A move that would have hampered, if not outright halted the coup.
Elise, working in conjunction with her runaway brother, instead killed her father. A moment which was set up to be witnessed by Aisling Weiroon.
The betrayal allowed Elise to take control over the House, as well as sealed the Well of Power to only Elise herself.
In the wake of the Rebellion and with the new Republic in charge, Elise's crime of patricide was forgiven. Her actions were seen as a necessary revolutionary act, and she was given a full pardon.
Now free and in charge of her own House, Elise joined the full swing of the new Republic. She willingly and without arguing offered a great tithe to the Government. Willingly giving up a vast amount of wealth in support of the Republic and securing her place as a friend to the new administration. Shortly after she garnered favorable contracts and trade agreements.
In the first election Elise stood and was elected in her mothers home city, taking a place in Parliament.
Though House Virak is in no way a painted symbol of peace, it is easy to say that since Elise Virak has taken charge the family has begun to rehabilitate its image. Though still a great source of support for the Guard, Virak is working heavily to ensure that Vel Anir at large both respects and speaks well of the House.
A goal it seems to be succeeding at.
Though history from such a long time ago is wrapped in mystery, lies, and half truth, there are several ancient tomes which mark that the story of House Virak is at least partially true. There was indeed a man named Sirith Virak, and he was a follower of Anirius. Famed for his creation of the beasts named Manticores, or at least the Anirian version of them.
Little is known of this man aside from his role as a Soldier. A warrior who stood at Anirius' side and fought against the ascendeds enemies. Apart from that, everything else that is known of Sirith Virak is apocryphal or simply made up. Dozens of tales have been told over the years, and separating truth from fiction is a ball of yarn that no one has really wished to unravel.
Despite it's lost histories, House Virak has been a consistent force in Vel Anir for well over a thousand years.
In that time they have committed both great horrors, as well as great acts of charity.
The very nature of a Great House is to be reviled by some, and beloved by others. Virak is no exception to this rule. There are those who would see every member of the family exterminated, and others who believe they should be crowned as rulers of Vel Anir.
In general, Virak was known and is still known for backing the Anirian Guard. Using the cities military as an avenue for their own grandeur. They acquired mines, forges, blacksmiths, and anything they possibly could, supporting the Guard even as politics began to shift and change.
Every war Vel Anir took part in Virak was there. Every fight, every battle, every opportunity. Over the centuries the House became almost intrinsically tied to the military. Many members of the family becoming Officers and even Generals.
Over the years House Virak became known as warmongers. A title aptly earned as they supported every conquest, every battle, and every war Vel Anir got itself into. Though the family itself paid a heavy price, never holding back one of their own from the fighting, it also created a great prestige for the House. Many Guardsmen, to this day, hold a great amount of respect for House Virak. Not the least of which is due to their willingness to fight.
This constant soak of blood and war only empowered the House of Virak and it's magic.
Many Virak's, and it's various branch families, became famed soldiers and eventually Dreadlords. The families famed penchant for breeding manticores continuing all the way down the centuries.
Over the centuries House Virak took part in dozens of plots, schemes, and even military operations. The extent of their involvement was always shrouded and hidden, but it is quite easy to say that House Virak had a direct hand in most major incidents in Vel Anir.
The destruction of House Urr, the supplanting of the King, the razing of the Falwood, and the burning of Vel Cidren are all incidents that are known to have involved House Virak. Though it is almost entirely certain that the list goes far beyond just these incidents.
In more recent history, House Virak was controlled by Erich Anselm Virak.
His control of the House came nearly two decades before the Revolution which would bring on the Anirian Republic. His reign of the House was marked with an upward battle. Virak was, at the time, on the outside of the ruling alliance. Thus Erich focused on regaining Virak's military power. Building up the Houses stockpile of arms and developing it's House Guard into an army of it's own.
This was, of course, incredibly displeasing to the other Great Houses but was mostly ignored. With the ruling alliance figuring that any move towards violence could be suppressed by the Guard and Dreadlords.
On the fifteenth nameday of his two sons, the twin sons of Erich were set upon the ritual to maintain the well. Unfortunately, his own namesake betrayed him, and the Patriarchs son fled before the ritual could be completed. Unsatisfied with this ending, Erich tricked his son into returning and through a scheme of his own design fooled the boy into killing his brother.
Though his son fled in the aftermath, Erich considered the whole thing a success. Eventually using his daughter as a replacement for the rituals conduit and granting her the power she now wields.
Over the next few years House Virak continued it's build up. Forcing it's continued stay and influence in Anirian politics through sheer force of will and the threat of violence. Elise Virak grew up and began to take small points of power within the family.
As she grew up and came to understand more, Elise slowly set her own plans into motion. Intent on taking power from her father.
This all came to a head when the Revolution sparked in Vel Anir. Entirely intent on siding against the Guard and the Dreadlords leading the rebellion, Erich Virak ordered the mobilization of his House Guard. A move that would have hampered, if not outright halted the coup.
Elise, working in conjunction with her runaway brother, instead killed her father. A moment which was set up to be witnessed by Aisling Weiroon.
The betrayal allowed Elise to take control over the House, as well as sealed the Well of Power to only Elise herself.
In the wake of the Rebellion and with the new Republic in charge, Elise's crime of patricide was forgiven. Her actions were seen as a necessary revolutionary act, and she was given a full pardon.
Now free and in charge of her own House, Elise joined the full swing of the new Republic. She willingly and without arguing offered a great tithe to the Government. Willingly giving up a vast amount of wealth in support of the Republic and securing her place as a friend to the new administration. Shortly after she garnered favorable contracts and trade agreements.
In the first election Elise stood and was elected in her mothers home city, taking a place in Parliament.
Though House Virak is in no way a painted symbol of peace, it is easy to say that since Elise Virak has taken charge the family has begun to rehabilitate its image. Though still a great source of support for the Guard, Virak is working heavily to ensure that Vel Anir at large both respects and speaks well of the House.
A goal it seems to be succeeding at.
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- https://chroniclesrp.net/threads/bastion-of-gold-power.241/
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