Zara Soltanis

Zara Soltanis

Biographical information
The Sun Throne 26 The Sun Throne
Physical description
Human Female 6'5 190 lbs. black amber black
Political information
Princess, Knight
Out-of-character information
OptimalOz 1/20/2024 Nubia by un_108

Zara is the first Princess of the Sun throne. It is said that the day Zara was born, the sun bore down on the lands with such intensity that the oceans boiled. Born with inhuman strength, speed, durability, and healing factor while under the sun, Zara has had no issues bulldozing her path through life. She was told she would never be a knight, and that the instructor broke his arm. Known as the Lioness of Cortos, she stands as the first line of defense for her kingdom.


A towering goddess of a woman, Zara stands far above the average ilk. Blessed with a muscular figure that houses incredible power, Zara is considered both a beauty and a powerhouse. Her black hair is often kept in curls falling all the way down her back. She often defies societal conventions when it comes to clothes and jewelry.

Skills and Abilities

  • Stronger, Faster, Tougher- While under the light of the sun, Zara has supernatural strength, speed, stamina, and durability that allows her to compete with beasts with her bare hands.
  • Healing: While in sunlight, Zara also heals from injuries at an increased rate.


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