Heavily Unfinished. If anything I have here does not fit the site's lore, I'd prefer someone to tell me where I did wrong rather than have my character taken down, thank you.
Biographical information
The Spine
Physical description
Greyish Pink
Political information
Wandering Mercenary
Out-of-character information
Daniel Matras (ArtStation)

A Goblin of slightly above-average build and stature. He wears a near-full set of steel plate armor and a one-handed blade that would be more appropriate for an Orc, forcing him to use it as a two-handed weapon effectively.
Skills and Abilities
"You'll do what you're told!"
For a Goblin, Zagroza has a surprisingly Intimidating and Charismatic presence. He is capable of speaking in fluent Common Tongue and his voice makes up for his lack in size alone.
When it comes to battle, Zagroza may as well be one of the most competent Goblins. While he is by no means a military genius, he could assemble a rabble of Goblins, Orcs and other more Barbaric peoples and turn them into a respectable fighting force with relative ease. His kind of discipline, however, is not the more universally known one, although it has been clearly inspired by Human military traditions.
Savageness remains in this Goblin's blood, no matter how civilized he is. Rather than just inflict fatal wounds and leave the rest to Death, he goes a few steps too far and mutilates his opponents. Rather than simply slice the throat of an advesary he will always attempt a decapitation. Rather than just cutting into someone's side he will always attempt to cleave them in two. He will always take getting covered in gore over risking his foes surviving. If he is unable to do such things while in combat, you can always expect him to take the heads off their corpses. Still, he will never strike a fatal wound against someone whom is needed alive, or when forced to fight someone who's death will just make things worse. Situationally this is a trait that could be both good or bad, depending on the situation.
Zagroza is a... Surprisingly decent being. Sure, he usually prefers to spend his time in solitude, but he will never chase people away from him if they interrupt said solitude. He tends to avoid social generalization and judges people on a person to person basis, but sometimes his bitterness towards some of the races can slip by, offending potential allies or friends.
He sees Goblins, Orcs and other 'barbaric' peoples as kindred brethren that should work together, and as such he can be pretty Patriotic about his views.
Other than that, his personality can be pretty much described as cardboard, aside from the rare moments where he may shine and display that there is, in fact, something more underneath.
Biography & Lore
There is not much Zagroza remembers about his past. He cannot recall having parents or being raised to learn anything useful. His first memory comes in the form of being alone in a cave, and one day, he just had to leave. He has started as an absolute zero.
From there forward, he has learned everything by himself, from language to fighting to surviving. Life was rougher to him than most, even most Goblins. His reason for constantly wearing a helmet is not out of shame for being a Goblin, but rather to hide the absolute mangled and scarred sack of flesh that was once a face. His title "the Steel One" is hardly because of his armor preference, but rather the unwavering will to live he has displayed in the hardest of times.
Nowadays he fancies himself a Goblin with a purpose and ambition to create a state where Goblins, Orcs and other 'unsavory' races may find refuge in, as well as modernize these people to the point where his faction would rival the others. This may end up being just wishful thinking, but he is a Goblin of action, not words. He had taken up the sword to earn riches, influence and make that dream a reality with his own hands.
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