Thandren Kraise
"Fire is only dangerous in the hands of those who don't respect it."
A young human male, keeps himself clean-shaven, he has no scars on his body, but there are a number of tattoos. the tattoos visible are as follows
(1) positioned on the underside of his left forearm, a stark black flame that slowly contrasts into a fiery red.
(2) On his left middle finger, a stark black phoenix feather wraps itself around the digit between the knuckle and first joint
His clothing consists of semi-ornate garments that resemble a tunic, tied with a sash, the tunic coming to a stop slightly past his knees. The outerwear of his elongated tunic consists of silky burgundy material, the trim is gold silk adorned with gold leaves and branches, and the sleeves of the outerwear come to a stop halfway down the bicep. The inner wear however is off-white cotton, seemingly inexpensive and made for comfort, the cotton sleeves extending past where the rolled silk stops, having a bit of temperate protection. He wears jet black trousers and brown boots to finish
A long sash composed of the same material as the tunics trim is wrapped around Thandren's waist, topped off with a black leather belt. Inside the waist of the sash; pressed up against his abdomen, is a knife, its pearl handle visible topped with a silver phoenix pommel. From the leather strap hangs a rapier with a wider than usual blade that sits in a black leather holster, attached to the blade is the unique handle resembling a phoenix wrapping both wings around itself, the head, and beak completing the weapon as the pommel
(1) positioned on the underside of his left forearm, a stark black flame that slowly contrasts into a fiery red.
(2) On his left middle finger, a stark black phoenix feather wraps itself around the digit between the knuckle and first joint
His clothing consists of semi-ornate garments that resemble a tunic, tied with a sash, the tunic coming to a stop slightly past his knees. The outerwear of his elongated tunic consists of silky burgundy material, the trim is gold silk adorned with gold leaves and branches, and the sleeves of the outerwear come to a stop halfway down the bicep. The inner wear however is off-white cotton, seemingly inexpensive and made for comfort, the cotton sleeves extending past where the rolled silk stops, having a bit of temperate protection. He wears jet black trousers and brown boots to finish
A long sash composed of the same material as the tunics trim is wrapped around Thandren's waist, topped off with a black leather belt. Inside the waist of the sash; pressed up against his abdomen, is a knife, its pearl handle visible topped with a silver phoenix pommel. From the leather strap hangs a rapier with a wider than usual blade that sits in a black leather holster, attached to the blade is the unique handle resembling a phoenix wrapping both wings around itself, the head, and beak completing the weapon as the pommel
Skills and Abilities
Practiced Magician
Pyromancy- Thandren and his family are uniquely attuned to fire magic. He's able to create, manipulate, and extinguish flames in a number of ways. Such as small candlelight, fireball, or even a line of fire. there's a limit to what he can produce, fire is very volatile, and too large of a blaze can become uncontrollable.
Illusion- The second field he's apt in is an illusion, harmless sensory effects to massive illusions, though this is also limited by not only a size barrier but creativity. this spans from a ball of light or the ability to create a mirror image of himself, another person, or anything he's seen before, including sound and images.
Abjuration- This school he was forced to learn, focuses on defense and magic suppression. Countering spells, dispelling some enchantments, or other types of magic.
Transmutation- the last field and arguably Thandrens weakest, skills that come along with this pool of mana are Tools for utility and upkeep. Examples such as minor levitation of an object, cleaning his clothes when they become dirty, slowing an enemy or his own fall, and increasing an ally's speed. He has much more to learn about transmutation.
Thandren's father was an accomplished swordsman, not nearly as much as a knight, but there was definitely a skill. His father raised him to keep up with a sword, and until the Wyrm rose he practiced in competitions held throughout the city.
Pyromancy- Thandren and his family are uniquely attuned to fire magic. He's able to create, manipulate, and extinguish flames in a number of ways. Such as small candlelight, fireball, or even a line of fire. there's a limit to what he can produce, fire is very volatile, and too large of a blaze can become uncontrollable.
Illusion- The second field he's apt in is an illusion, harmless sensory effects to massive illusions, though this is also limited by not only a size barrier but creativity. this spans from a ball of light or the ability to create a mirror image of himself, another person, or anything he's seen before, including sound and images.
Abjuration- This school he was forced to learn, focuses on defense and magic suppression. Countering spells, dispelling some enchantments, or other types of magic.
Transmutation- the last field and arguably Thandrens weakest, skills that come along with this pool of mana are Tools for utility and upkeep. Examples such as minor levitation of an object, cleaning his clothes when they become dirty, slowing an enemy or his own fall, and increasing an ally's speed. He has much more to learn about transmutation.
Thandren's father was an accomplished swordsman, not nearly as much as a knight, but there was definitely a skill. His father raised him to keep up with a sword, and until the Wyrm rose he practiced in competitions held throughout the city.
Lineage of Fire
most people with a keen eye can pick up the numerous symbolical items around and on Thandren, though they aren't just symbolic. The story has it that he's descended from a phoenix, regardless of how true or not that tale is, Thandren has several capabilities outside of the typical line of "magic"
Restoring Flames- The effect of any spell or magic consisting of fire that thandren uses/casts/manipulates can be inverted, The flame blessing those it comes in contact with, instead of burning them it instead acts as a booster for the natural healing process, closing cuts or wounds in a matter of seconds, and even stabilizing fatal injury.
Heat Rises- Thandren's eyes are set ablaze, the amber turning into a crimson. This allows him to fly, double the output of his Pyromancy, and create a reactionary shield.
Mortal life is not for thee- Thandren's "inner flame" keeps him Immune to most diseases and resistant to poison and necrotic forces. The normal life span of a human is not what he will experience, he could very well grow to be as old as some of the elven folk or even older, though any specifics were lost.
Thandren has a higher than normal charm factor, his father being an ale maker got them into some exclusive events, and the boy simply turned up the bravado to fit in. though it's more of a personality trait he will certainly use it to get out of trouble or into a fun time if it can benefit him.
most people with a keen eye can pick up the numerous symbolical items around and on Thandren, though they aren't just symbolic. The story has it that he's descended from a phoenix, regardless of how true or not that tale is, Thandren has several capabilities outside of the typical line of "magic"
Restoring Flames- The effect of any spell or magic consisting of fire that thandren uses/casts/manipulates can be inverted, The flame blessing those it comes in contact with, instead of burning them it instead acts as a booster for the natural healing process, closing cuts or wounds in a matter of seconds, and even stabilizing fatal injury.
Heat Rises- Thandren's eyes are set ablaze, the amber turning into a crimson. This allows him to fly, double the output of his Pyromancy, and create a reactionary shield.
Mortal life is not for thee- Thandren's "inner flame" keeps him Immune to most diseases and resistant to poison and necrotic forces. The normal life span of a human is not what he will experience, he could very well grow to be as old as some of the elven folk or even older, though any specifics were lost.
Thandren has a higher than normal charm factor, his father being an ale maker got them into some exclusive events, and the boy simply turned up the bravado to fit in. though it's more of a personality trait he will certainly use it to get out of trouble or into a fun time if it can benefit him.
Cocky- Thandren can very easily get in over his head, believing the flames make him invincible. He's chewed off more than he could swallow more than once, he's likely to do it again.
Mana pool- While thandren is quite the practiced mage he's not all-powerful, His pyromancy and utility magic suffer particularly from running out of juice. There is a point to which casting will stop pulling from mana, and pull from his physical stamina instead
Components- His magic can take several different components to work. he must have sight of his targets, speak words, and make a gesture or even physical contact to focus the effect precisely, if these components are not performed or he is incapable of performing them, the spells will NOT work
Speech, physical movement, visual acquisition, and physical contact
(S) (M) (V) (C).
Poor physicality- While Thandren definitely has some muscle definition and sword coordination, there's also a lot he's lacking, anyone with experience would be a bad match, and more often than not will trade distance and magic for any kind of sword-based attack.
Wallow- While thandren is definitely a happy and more positive person, his parents recently passed, and the wound is fresh, his typical personality feels more like a shadow than anything else at this moment, and he's using anything he possibly can to shut off the loneliness.
Mana pool- While thandren is quite the practiced mage he's not all-powerful, His pyromancy and utility magic suffer particularly from running out of juice. There is a point to which casting will stop pulling from mana, and pull from his physical stamina instead
Components- His magic can take several different components to work. he must have sight of his targets, speak words, and make a gesture or even physical contact to focus the effect precisely, if these components are not performed or he is incapable of performing them, the spells will NOT work
Speech, physical movement, visual acquisition, and physical contact
(S) (M) (V) (C).
- Pyromancy is solely (M),
- Illusion is (M) (V).
- Abjuration needs (M) (V) sometimes (C).
- Transmutation requires (V) (M) (S) and sometimes (C) he must have sight of his targets, speak words, and make a gesture or even physical contact to focus the effect precisely.
Poor physicality- While Thandren definitely has some muscle definition and sword coordination, there's also a lot he's lacking, anyone with experience would be a bad match, and more often than not will trade distance and magic for any kind of sword-based attack.
Wallow- While thandren is definitely a happy and more positive person, his parents recently passed, and the wound is fresh, his typical personality feels more like a shadow than anything else at this moment, and he's using anything he possibly can to shut off the loneliness.
Thandren Kraise has a very Charismatic disposition, His father was an Ale/spirits maker and a Jeweler, and his mother was a studied magician and former instructor at the college of elbion. The boy attended Gaudy and Noble event's from a very young age, and as an only child, it left an impression on him.
Playful, hotheaded, and loyal, Thandren aside from being brash is also quite smart, using his charm and wits in everyday life, more now than ever before to hide his loss of direction after he lost his parent's to the great Wyrm, but despite his cocky behavior, he's a passionate and fun-loving person, who would do anything for those he considered family.
Playful, hotheaded, and loyal, Thandren aside from being brash is also quite smart, using his charm and wits in everyday life, more now than ever before to hide his loss of direction after he lost his parent's to the great Wyrm, but despite his cocky behavior, he's a passionate and fun-loving person, who would do anything for those he considered family.
Biography & Lore
Thandren was born to Tilna and Alendar Kraise. Tilna, a Mage from Allira who moved to Elbion to work as a teacher at the college. Alendar, an Ale and Spirits maker born in Annuakat to his Allirian and Kaliti parents. they met after Alenar went to Elbion for work, and after two weeks of falling madly in love, Tilna came back to Annuakat with her husband, three years later and they had a baby boy, raven black hair like his father, and the same amber eyes that his mother has. Thandren Kraise was born to a life of parties and studying.
By the age of ten, his father had started teaching him a bit of swordsmanship, and his mother knowing he may have an aptitude flowed suit with arcane studies, Thandren quickly took to the magic, before he learned an ounce of pyromancy he was making illusions like a prodigy. The years following he turned his aptitude for illusion magic into part of his charm, party tricks, bluffs, and impressing the occasional Lady. once his training in pyromancy started, however, his demeanor towards magic changed.
on his eighteenth birthday, he learned to create fire, this training continued for the next two years, and within that time he learned to respect it, life the ember was a life of its own, though this came at the expense of nearly burning his parent's villa to the ground. He then began teaching at the local school part-time teaching illusions and metallurgy/alchemy.
HIs steady life slowly came to a halt, the dreaded day came near and his parents were informed of the catastrophe to come, instead of packing up and leaving they vowed to help those who were unable, his mother and father went back to Thandren's extended family in Elbion, they helped evacuate as many innocents as possible but lost their lives in the process, and though the wyrm was put down, Thandren couldn't be worse off. Wallowing in his own company he learned to produce ale from his father's good friend, who is also temporarily holding the company, Content to keep his head down, but when he heard of the recent attack on Alliria, he though back to his parent's willing to help strangers, as so while company is in good hands, Thandren has set out to make himself useful and become someone he hopes his parents would be proud of.
By the age of ten, his father had started teaching him a bit of swordsmanship, and his mother knowing he may have an aptitude flowed suit with arcane studies, Thandren quickly took to the magic, before he learned an ounce of pyromancy he was making illusions like a prodigy. The years following he turned his aptitude for illusion magic into part of his charm, party tricks, bluffs, and impressing the occasional Lady. once his training in pyromancy started, however, his demeanor towards magic changed.
on his eighteenth birthday, he learned to create fire, this training continued for the next two years, and within that time he learned to respect it, life the ember was a life of its own, though this came at the expense of nearly burning his parent's villa to the ground. He then began teaching at the local school part-time teaching illusions and metallurgy/alchemy.
HIs steady life slowly came to a halt, the dreaded day came near and his parents were informed of the catastrophe to come, instead of packing up and leaving they vowed to help those who were unable, his mother and father went back to Thandren's extended family in Elbion, they helped evacuate as many innocents as possible but lost their lives in the process, and though the wyrm was put down, Thandren couldn't be worse off. Wallowing in his own company he learned to produce ale from his father's good friend, who is also temporarily holding the company, Content to keep his head down, but when he heard of the recent attack on Alliria, he though back to his parent's willing to help strangers, as so while company is in good hands, Thandren has set out to make himself useful and become someone he hopes his parents would be proud of.
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