Taryc Irae

Taryc Irae

Biographical information
Elbion 27 Elbion
Physical description
Elf High Elf Female 5'8" (172.72 cm) 138 lbs (62.6 kg) Red Mahogany Light Green Fair
Political information
Knights Arcane (Order of the Dragon); College of Elbion Mage Knight War
Out-of-character information
Shade August 28, 2019 Champion by Dmitry Bezrodniy

Taryc is a Mage Knight of the Order of the Dragon, based out of her home city of Elbion. Her duties within the Order take her throughout the lands, often keeping her from Elbion for long periods of time. She craves the road, though, and quickly begins to feel caged if she spends too long at home.



Taryc is a woman of average height, with a lithely muscular build. She has red mahogany color hair that she keeps cut short, coming down to her ear level. Her eyes are a blue-grey which shine through with intelligence and a wary attention to detail. She can normally be found armed and armored, bearing her enchanted blade that marks her membership within her order and wearing some form of protection.


Taryc was born to roam, always feeling stagnated when kept in the same place for too long. She is a task-oriented warrior, able to keep her mind on her mission. She tends to be fairly upbeat, and keeps a decent sense of humor, though despite these she tends to keep people at arms length. She does not trust easily, and though she may forgive slights, she rarely forgets them.

Skills and Abilities


Melee – As a Mage Knight, she is trained in various weapons. She keeps her skill with a single blade and two-handed blades as her sharpest ones, and often has a weapon of either variety readily at hand.

Ranged – Her training did extend to ranged weapons, though she does not maintain these skills to the same level as her melee skills. Normally she has throwing knives about her, and possibly a crossbow, but tends to not utilize either very often.


Fire Magic – Taryc’s training as a Mage Knight of the Order of the Dragon had her primary magical skill be in fire magic, creating and manipulating fire to various effects.

Earth Magic – The Order of the Dragon also trains with earth elemental magic, though mostly for use as personal defense and bolstering the self.

Biography & Lore


The Early Years

Taryc was born and raised in Elbion, a ward of the City left orphan on the doorstep of the Order of the Dragons main hall. Her childhood saw to her education, as well as years of service as a page to the Knights and Squires of the Order. When she had earned her way to becoming a Squire, she began her tutelage in magic and skill at arms, augmenting her schooling in more common subjects.

Mage Knight Training

The Orders of the Knights Arcane within Elbion are warrior mages who specialize in varying degrees of mixing combat and magic. Many Knights travel the world as Knights Errant, and as such train to be able to tackle many tasks on their own.

Taryc’s training was fairly typical in this regard, the Order of the Dragon primarily focused on Fire and Earth magics tied closely in with blade work. Her instructors found her affinity for fire to be strong early on, and so her magical skills are primarily focused in that direction. Of her own choice, she focused on long and great blades for her melee training.

The Continuing Story

The story continues


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      Taryc Irae
      Last updated by
      Taryc Irae

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