Shaileigh Ilayda
Shaileigh was brought up in a court obsessed with ideals of beauty and perfection. She tends to hold some of those beliefs herself and maintains herself in an impeccable fashion. Her immaculate red hair is always in perfect condition and her clothes are always radiant and pristine, fitted perfectly for her lithe frame.
Duanann Affinity
- Pleasure
- Shaileigh has the ability to manipulate the pleasurable feelings of those around her. She can make the feelings stronger or weaker. She, herself, thrives off of others pleasures when she manipulates them.
Elemental Alignment
- Air
Celestial Alignment
- Solar
Animal Form
- Tiger
Shaileigh is a social butterfly. She enjoys anything that leads to a good time and is always eager to participate in any manner of festivities.
While she enjoys having fun, she is also quite straightforward, never hesitating to speak her mind regardless of the situation. Understandably this does tend to get her into some interesting situations, and she has garnered a reputation for getting into some trouble every now and then, but she makes an effort to mitigate these incidents.
Though living her entire life in the Summer Court, the banality and repetition in her life has left her disillusioned and wanting for more. In a bold move, she left her lifelong court, and pledged herself to the Spring Court in the hopes that a fresh start will renew her spirit and re-ignite her passionate side. Hopefully, the Spring do not obsess over appearances and beauty; she cares for them, but there is so much more to get out of her life.
In times where she is in privacy, she prefers to enjoy the outdoors and feel her feet in the dirt. Often she can be found up in a tree reading a book.
While she enjoys having fun, she is also quite straightforward, never hesitating to speak her mind regardless of the situation. Understandably this does tend to get her into some interesting situations, and she has garnered a reputation for getting into some trouble every now and then, but she makes an effort to mitigate these incidents.
Though living her entire life in the Summer Court, the banality and repetition in her life has left her disillusioned and wanting for more. In a bold move, she left her lifelong court, and pledged herself to the Spring Court in the hopes that a fresh start will renew her spirit and re-ignite her passionate side. Hopefully, the Spring do not obsess over appearances and beauty; she cares for them, but there is so much more to get out of her life.
In times where she is in privacy, she prefers to enjoy the outdoors and feel her feet in the dirt. Often she can be found up in a tree reading a book.
Biography & Lore
Shaileigh was born in the Summer Court and that is where she spent the majority of her life, and it has not been a particularly exciting one at that. She has lived her many years attending parties and festivals, enjoying the finer aspects of life as a Duanann. Still, she found herself yearning for something more, something with higher meaning than parties and nonsense politics.
The rumblings of a change in leadership within the smaller Spring parlor court reached her ears before long. The idea of a younger, more opinionated King with the will to take action instead of spouting words intrigued her greatly. So greatly, in fact, that she has since left the court of Summer, pledging herself to the Spring in hopes of being a part of whatever comes next, that it will bring her the new lust for life she desires.