Selina's Spellbook

This page is a chapter in Selina Della Altas

Notes on Lithomancy

Lithomancy, leximancy, power words, word casting⁠, Lithomancy is the magical art of translating reality.

Lithomancers use a framework built of their Glyphs, Impulses, and Phrases. Impulses are the raw elements of one's personality and purpose; these Impulses are channeled into magic and, from there, the user can then draw Glyphs.

Users draw Glyphs from the world around them as a flame draws oxygen to keep alight. A table is a TABLE but it is also STURDY, STIFF, CONSTRUCTED, and a pen atop it is a PEN with INK, and it is also USEFUL.

Lithomancers then draw these Glyphs, essentially logograms, from the world around them through their Impulse. This is similar to water being run through a stone filter: these words come into being only through the small lens and framework that shaped them.

With a pool of Glyphs, lithomancers then rearrange them in order to form Phrases, or their spells. These spells can range from simple words(such as "BURN"), to complex ones(such as "SINK SOUL"). The more specific, the cleaner and less dangerous the spell.

One of the most important elements of lithomancy is the Impulse, or the schema or mold in which you have a Phrase fit into. Impulses give shape and purpose to a spell based on which you choose to cast a spell through. Ex, Force:ENFLAME generates heat and fire, but Hope:ENFLAME inspires courage in your allies. Calm:STONE, makes your expression unchangeable like stone, but Grit:STONE could call earth to your arms to block an attack.

  • Calm: To be reserved and harmonious.
  • Daring: Innovation and the desire to build new things.
  • Feeling: A strong bond to emotions.
  • Focus: Passion to specialize, obsess, to be an expert.
  • Force: Headstrong and direct to the point.
  • Grit: Boldness and the ability to stand up and resist.
  • Hope: To draw strength beyond yourself and your limits.
  • Reason: Careful analysis, consideration, and experimentation.
  • Renown: To gather those around and nurture relationships.
  • Scheme: Planning, accounting for everything. Structure.
  • Style: To make lasting impressions to be recognized.
  • Trust: Acting in reliance and need of others and they to you.
Lithomancy, while incredibly versatile, is ultimately a very unpredictable art if used incorrectly. It can generate effects that seemingly bend the suspension of reality, but does so at three major drawbacks.

1. Lithomancy is unpredictable
Users must draw Glyphs from the world around them, translating the Glyphs into reality. This pool can generate nonsense glyphs that do not always create a spell or could otherwise create a Forced Phrase. This leads to its second weakness.

2. Lithomancy takes time
To generate a Phrase safely, lithomancers must take additional time in order to properly write the Words into being. The Glyphs and energies of the world they draw from don't always form words cleanly; while a Phrase can be forced and rushed, it always comes at a cost, with the severity of it based on the spell-power behind it. Shorter Phrases have inconsequential drawbacks, such as a legerdemain spell having the items slip from their fingers. Longer Phrases, such as pillars of flame, can go wildly out of control and devastate enemies and allies alike.

3. Lithomancy is draining
A Phrase has power equivalent to the number of Glyphs used in its creation. This makes long Phrases particularly difficult to use, and incredibly draining on the caster. However, even when a Phrase is short, if the caster is not specific, it can inadvertently cause a large amount of power to go up in a flash.

Consider: FLAME would create a fire. This would be able to be thrown at an enemy or to simply carry like a torch.

However, ENFLAME would create a flame that seeks to burn, absorb and eat up the space around them. This spell would be a great deal more powerful than the creation of a single flame. This would rapidly drain the caster's reserves and quickly invites a visit from the Herald of Magic.

4. Lithomancy is still magic

While not a drawback specific to lithomancy, the act of it is ultimately a discipline of magic. This means it is, and always will be, subject to the Laws of Magic.

An Excerpt from the Book on Lithomancy


A spell is a magical effect brought into being, or "cast", by a spellcaster.

Evocation: (Evocation spells manipulate energy or tap an unseen source of power to produce a desired end. In effect, they create something out of nothing. Many of these spells produce spectacular effects, and evocation spells can deal large amounts of damage.)
The caster creates three glowing darts of magical force. The darts strike simultaneously, and they are known to never miss. (They don't cause much damage as a trade-off.) (V,S)
I selected this spell to dissect. Its requirements are simple, and it is easy to cast, simply requiring verbal and somatic triggers. It appears to use some form of attunement in order to unerringly track its targets.
Projects a 15' cone of fire from the caster. (V,S)
Fires a continuous stream of lightening that tracks the target till the spell ends or focus is broken. (V,S)
A loud ringing noise, painfully intense, erupts from a point of your choice within range. Each creature in a 10-foot-radius sphere centered on that point is stunned and other inorganic material (Items) have a chance to break. (V,S)
A blue beam of crackling energy lances out toward the target, forming a sustained arc of lightning. (V,S)
School: Evocation
Duration: Instantaneous
Target: Range 100ft
Components: V, S,
Element/Type: Shoot, Fire/Fire
Damage/Effect: Project a flare of fire from your hands at a target within 100 ft.

Transmutation: (Transmutation spells change the properties of some creature, thing, or condition.)
A falling creature's rate of descent slows significantly. (V,S,M)(M = Avian Feather)
The caster touches a nonmagical weapon or item. Until the spell ends, that weapon becomes a magically enhanced tool. (V,S)
The caster or target touched rises vertically, up to 20 feet, and remains suspended until the spell ends. (V,S,M, A Piece of golden wire bent into a cup shape with a long shank on the end)
The caster or target can see in the dark. (V,S,M, A pinch of dried carrot)
Allows the caster to climb on the walls and ceiling like a spider. (V,S,M, A spider)
The caster assumes the traits of a visualized animal.

[Aquatic] The spell adapts the casters body to an aquatic environment, sprouting gills and growing webbing between their fingers. The caster can breathe underwater and gain the ability to swim proficiently.

[Change Appearance] The spell transforms the casters appearance. The caster decides what he/she looks like, including their height, weight, facial features, sound of their voice, hair length, coloration, and distinguishing characteristics, if any. The caster can make themselves appear as a member of another race, though none of the casters physical attributes change, and your basic shape stays the same; if the caster is bipedal, they can't use this spell to become quadrupedal, for instance.
[Natural Weapons] The caster grows claws, fangs, spines, horns, or a different natural weapon of their choice. The created weapon is treated as a magical weapon. (V,S)

Abjuration: (Abjurations are protective spells. They create physical or magical barriers, negate magical or physical abilities, harm trespassers, or even banish the subject of the spell to another plane of existence.)
The spell creates a magical bubble around the caster or target, this takes damage in place of the protected being. (V,S)
The spell captures a portion of incoming energy, lessening its effect on the caster. (V,S)
The caster can set an alarm against unwanted intrusion covering a 20-foot space. Until the spell ends it gives a silent alert to the caster whenever anything passes through the effected area. (V,S,M, Tiny bell and a piece of silver wire)
The caster or touched target is surrounded by a force of magical armor. (V,S,M, A piece of cured leather)

Divination: (Divination spells enable you to learn secrets long forgotten, to predict the future, to find hidden things, and to foil deceptive spells.)
The caster can sense the presence of magic within 30 feet. If touching an object the caster can detect if it is enchanted and the nature of the enchantment. *(Arcane Memorization - Memorized as Cantrip). (V,S)
The caster is able to determine visual and audio from a target or location they are trying to see. (V,M)(M = Globe or Reflective surface)
The target or caster is able to see in normal or magical darkness. (V,S)
Describe or name an object that is familiar to you. You sense the direction to the object's location. If the object is in motion, you know the direction of its movement.

The spell can locate a specific object known to you, as long as you have seen it up close, within 30 feet, at least once. Alternatively, the spell can locate the nearest object of a particular kind, such as a certain kind of apparel, jewelry, furniture, tool, or weapon. (V,S,M)(M = Forked Twig)

Enchantment: (Enchantment spells affect the minds of others, influencing or controlling their behavior.)
Causes paralysis on the target of the spell, preventing the target from moving. Requires constant concentration from the caster. (V,S,M, A small piece of iron)

Illusion: (Illusion spells deceive the senses or minds of others. They cause people to see things that are not there, not see things that are there, hear phantom noises, or remember things that never happened.)
Projects a 15' cone of colored lights from the caster to temporarily blind. (V,S)
Three illusory duplicates of the caster appear in their space. Until the spell ends, the duplicates move with the caster and mimics their actions, shifting position so it's impossible to track which image is real. (V,S)
The caster or target becomes invisible until the spell ends, anything the target is wearing or holding becomes invisible as long as its on their person. If the target attacks or makes a hostile action the spell ends. (V,S,M, Eyelash encased in tree sap)
The caster implants a message within an object, a message that is uttered when a trigger condition is met. (V,S,)

Conjuration: (Each conjuration spell belongs to one of five subschools. Conjurations bring manifestations of objects, creatures, or some form of energy to you (the summoning subschool), actually transport creatures from another plane of existence to your plane (calling), heal (healing), transport creatures or objects over great distances (teleportation), or create objects or effects on the spot (creation).)
The caster creates a shard of ice that they can fling at their target. Wherever the shard lands it will explode in a shower of lethal shards of ice. (S,M, Water)
A familiar arrives and serves the caster loyally. The familiar is remarkably intelligent and can speak with its master. The familiar only fights for the caster in a life-or-death situation.

The caster gains the service of a mystical adviser, a familiar to both serve and reveal to the caster secrets unknown to most mortals. Familiars grant the caster, additional spells, and help with some types of magic. The familiar can store all of the spells that the caster knows.

The familiar acts independently of the caster, but it always obeys the casters commands.

When the familiar is killed it disappears, leaving behind no physical form. It reappears after you cast this spell again.

While the familiar is within 100 feet of the caster, the caster can communicate with it telepathically. Additionally, as an action, the caster can see through the familiar's eyes and hear what it hears gaining the benefits of any special senses that the familiar has. During this time, the caster is deaf and blind with regard to his/her own senses.

The caster can temporarily dismiss the familiar. It disappears into a pocket dimension where it awaits the casters summons. Alternatively, the caster can dismiss it forever. As an action while it is temporarily dismissed, the caster can cause it to reappear in any unoccupied space within 30 feet of the caster.

The caster can't have more than one familiar at a time. If the caster cast this spell while he/she already has a familiar, the caster instead causes it to adopt a new form.

Finally, when the caster casts a spell with a range of touch, his/her familiar can deliver the spell as if it had cast the spell. The casters familiar must be within 100 feet of him/her. (V,S,M)(M = A brass brazier with charcoal and 100 gp of incense, fat, and herbs such as basil, savory and catnip)
An unseen servant is an invisible, mindless, shapeless force that performs simple tasks at the casters command. It can run and fetch things, open unstuck doors, and hold chairs, as well as clean and mend. The servant can perform only one activity at a time, but it repeats the same activity over and over again if told to do so as long as the caster remains within range. It can open only normal doors, drawers, lids, and the like. The Unseen Servant cannot attack in any way. (V, S, M)(M = A piece of string and a bit of wood)

Necromancy: (Necromancy spells manipulate the power of death, unlife, and the life force.)
The spell temporarily heals the caster or target of minor wounds. (V,S)
Fires a line of arcane energy, when it connects with the target they are immediately struck by waves of nausea, fever, vomiting, and other debilitating symptoms. (V, S, M)(M = A drop of sweat)

Research on Magical Nature

This research began with my study of Arcane Foci, their nature, how they work, what enchantments are behind their functions.
To summarize: An Arcane Focus attracts ambient magical energy and focuses it into a single area. The Focus filters the magic into a media that the user can interact with.
Through this media a skilled practicioner can give magic its necessary commands and components to make spells and other magics.

This launched me into new lines of questions and a drive to seek answers.
What is the basic nature of magic? What is the formula or makeup of the very material that is magic?
Using the media provided by my own Arcane Focus I began to delve deeper into this mystery, studying the substance of magic that permeates all of reality... Yes, I essentially was studying the fabric of reality itself and a mere glimpse into that mystery was nearly my undoing by The Herald.

I had to find another approach to address the same mystery.
I turned to the magic I'd gathered, the spells that filled my spellbook to bulging. Some were common spells known to many, some of my own creation. But as I studied them I began to disassemble them bit by bit, taking each component and examining each part, understanding them, breaking them down into their basic components.
This time there was no retaliation from The Herald so I went deeper.

What I discovered was language, numbers, mathematics, logic, shapes, barely understood concepts... The basic language of magic and, yes, reality itself.
The next step was to reassemble the spells I took apart and understand how those lowest components interact with that base language. The original builders who laid the foundation of magic must have been intellectual giants, they learned this language of reality and found a way to translate it into another language, one that the mind could comprehend and use to interact with that base language.
I rebuilt my spells following the languages they built and which new age magic users took for granted and barely understood.
Behind each rune, sound, symbol or command was a million more just like it with further and deeper definitions and meanings.

From this discovery I endeavoured to create my own magical language based on the words I designed for my original creations.
What resulted was a template through which I could craft spells, or take an existing spell and modify it to my purposes.

_ On Create: (Shape, spell name)
| |__ (Trigger)
| (School) - (Element) - (Value)
| |__ (Range) - (Value)
| |__ (Duration) - (Value)

Using this template I can formulate extremely complex arrays of commands, spells that remember and call up other spells. Linking this technique with my spellbook and filling it with necessary definitions and commands I can create nearly any effect or spell I could desire.

Naturally, the laws of magic are still constant, I cannot escape the fact that when my magic is exhausted so too is my ability to create spells.

However, because of the nature of this technique of chaining together small and insignificant cantrips, I can make spells of great effect with little cost to my magical reserves.


Effects: After marking the symbol (¥) in the air to cast the Mage Ward spell, a magical circle appears. Several more symbols appear in the magic circle producing and activating different effects.
The circle produces the following:
An alarm spell.
Two shield spells.
A detect magic spell.
A read magic spell.
And a detect life spell.

_ On Create: Symbol 1 (¥)
| |__ Somatic Symbol = ¥
| Universal-Magical
| |__ Touch
| |__ Instantaneous
IF = (¥)
Then = Magic Circle
____ On Create: Magic Circle (1ft)
|||||||| |__ (¥)
|||||||| Evocation-Magical
|||||||| |__ Personal
|||||||| |__ 1min
||||||| IF = Magic Circle
||||||| THEN = Alarm (Circle)
||||||| |
|||||||_ On Create: Alarm (Circle)
||||||| |__ Symbol = £
||||||| Abjuration-Sound
||||||| |__Personal-Circle(20ftradius)
||||||| |__ Loop
|||||| IF = Magic Circle
|||||| THEN = Shield (Dome)
|||||| |
||||||_ On Create: Shield (Dome)
|||||| |__ Symbol = ¢
|||||| Conjuration-Force
|||||| |__ Personal-Circle(20ftradius)
|||||| |__ Loop
||||| AND = Shield (Dome)2
||||| |
||||| On Create: Shield (Dome)2
||||| |__ Symbol = €
||||| Abjuration-Wind
||||| |__ Personal
||||| |__ Loop
|||| IF = Magic Circle
|||| THEN = Detect Magic(Sight)
|||| |
||||_ On Create: Detect Magic(Sight)
|||| |__ Symbol = ✓
|||| Divination-
|||| Detection+Sight+Magical
|||| |__ Personal-Cone 20ft
|||| |__ Loop
||| AND = Read Magic (Sight)
||| |
||| On Create: Read Magic (Sight)
||| |__ Detect Magic (Sight)
||| Divination-Language+Sight+Magical
||| |__ Personal-Cone 20ft
||| |__ Loop
|| IF = Magic Circle
|| THEN = Detect Life(Sight)
|| |
||_ On Create: Detect Life(Sight)
|| |__ Symbol = √
|| Divination-Detection+ Sight+Life
|| |__ Personal-Cone 20ft
|| |__ Loop
_ On Create: Symbol (÷);
| |__ Somatic Symbol=(÷)
| Universal-Magical
| |__ Touch
| |__ Instantaneous
IF = (÷)
THEN = Magic Circle 2
____ On Create: Magic Circle 2 (1ft)
|||||||| |__ (÷)
|||||||| Evocation-Magical
|||||||| |__ Personal
|||||||| |__ 1min per level
||||||| IF = Magic Circle 2
||||||| THEN = Call 1 (Portal)
||||||| |
|||||||_ On Create: Call 1 (Portal)(∆)
||||||| |__ Symbol = ∆
||||||| Conjuration-Space+Dimensional
||||||| |__ Personal - 5ft
||||||| |__ Instantaneous
|||||| AND = Call: (Spellbook)
|||||| |
|||||| On Create: Call: (Spellbook)
|||||| |__ (∆)
|||||| Conjuration-Space+Magical
|||||| |__ Target:Call 1 (Portal)
|||||| |__ Instantaneous
||||| IF = Call: (Spellbook)
||||| THEN = Levitate
||||| |
|||||_ On Create: Levitate
||||| |__ Spellbook
||||| Transmutation-Levitation+Up-4.5ft
||||| |__ Spellbook-5ft
||||| |__ Loop
|||| IF = Magic Circle 2
|||| THEN = Call 2 (Portal)
|||| |
||||_ On Create: Call 2 (Portal)(¶)
|||| |__ Symbol = ¶
|||| Conjuration-Space+Dimensional
|||| |__ Personal - 5ft
|||| |__ Instantaneous
||| AND = Call: (Spellbook)
||| |
||| On Create: Call: (Spellbook)
||| |__ (¶)
||| Conjuration-Space+Magical
||| |__ Target:Call 2 (Portal)
||| |__ Instantaneous
|| IF = Call: (Spellbook)
|| THEN = Levitate
|| |
||_ On Create: Levitate
|| |__ Spellbook
|| Transmutation-Levitation+Up-4.5ft
|| |__ Attune(Caster)-(Follow)
|| |__ Spellbook-5ft
|| |__ Loop
__ On Create: Symbol (°-°)
|| |__ Somatic Symbol = °-°
|| Universal-Magical
|| |__ Ranged-30ft
|| |__ Instantaneous
| IF = (°-°)
| THEN = Arcane Atronach
| |
|_ On Create: Arcane Atronach
| |__ (°-°)
| Conjuration-Magical+Humanoid
| |__ +Intelligence
| |__ Bind(Caster)
| |__ Ranged-30ft
| |__ 5-Minutes

The Fae

"Magic is the lifeblood of our world. It runs through the ground beneath our feet at all times, charges the air around us with it's strength, fills the water we drink to survive. It is those such as you and I, who draw it out of the leys and harness it who know it as Magic. To everybody else, it is merely superstition, attributed to fate and luck. These energies control so much more than we give them credit for, and even the Fey will never fully understand the way this world works. You, Selina Altas, have the gift of bending this world's energy to your will, to serve you. Cherish that gift."
~ Nairth San'Seya

During my travels I've sought out the magical avatars of nature known as the Fey, or Fae. Cautiously I made a deal to provide a service in exchange for insight into what the Fey view as magic. I've been tasked with a mission to plant and protect some rare seeds that were created for the purpose of causing regrowth and repopulation in a forest. In essence the seeds make other creatures strongly desire to reproduce with each other. It's been a task simply to protect myself from the effects because these seeds release some sort of hormone naturally that causes these reactions, naturally these would easily and quickly be gobbled up by predators because otherwise these seeds have no form of protection. My task thus far has been creating ways to protect them from predators.

The Fae, Nairth, prefers nonviolent methods but has thus far accepted my tactics. I should probably adjust my strategy and focus on actually modifying his creation to protect itself better, with his permission of course.

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