Samara Khalid
Samara is 6'3 and she has spent many hours honing her skills as a warrior and her body shows that in it's sleek muscles. She has long black hair and sparkling silver eyes. Her skin is pale and stays that way no matter how long she spends in the sun.
Black Shuck Abilities
- Humanoid Form
- Canine Form
- Ley Magick
- Terrifying bark
- Shadowform
- Dark Vision & Blind Sight
Elemental Alignment
- Light
Celestial Alignment
- Lunar
Samara is no non-sense and can be quite terrifying. She is a very dark sense of humor even though she mostly tries keeps it to herself. She could easily rip a grown man limb from limb if she chose to. She is intimidating and her resting bitch face gives off the impression that she hates everyone. Which, sometimes, is the truth.
Underneath her dark and scary look, she is a genuinely nice person if you take the time to find out. She has a bad habit of finding broken creatures and trying to fix them. She may be a warrior, but she enjoys making friends and she will go out of her way to help others. She loves going to parties and people watching is one of her favorite activities.
Unfortunately, she can turn on the drop of a hat. She can go from being nice to trying rip off someone's head in a matter of seconds. The opposite is also true. Samara can go from deadly to friendly in the same breath. It all depends how she is feeling in that moment.
She likes to take risks and, while she likes routine in her daily life, she likes to chart the unknown when she is not working. The more dangerous the activity, the more she will love it.
Underneath her dark and scary look, she is a genuinely nice person if you take the time to find out. She has a bad habit of finding broken creatures and trying to fix them. She may be a warrior, but she enjoys making friends and she will go out of her way to help others. She loves going to parties and people watching is one of her favorite activities.
Unfortunately, she can turn on the drop of a hat. She can go from being nice to trying rip off someone's head in a matter of seconds. The opposite is also true. Samara can go from deadly to friendly in the same breath. It all depends how she is feeling in that moment.
She likes to take risks and, while she likes routine in her daily life, she likes to chart the unknown when she is not working. The more dangerous the activity, the more she will love it.
Life, Freedom and Revelry - Complete (Raphael & Samara)
The Great Autumn Fae Bake Off - Complete (Luella & Samara)
Don't Go Chasing Waterfalls - Complete (Raphael & Samara)
The Hidden Isle - Complete (Raphael & Samara)
The Great Autumn Fae Bake Off - Complete (Luella & Samara)
Don't Go Chasing Waterfalls - Complete (Raphael & Samara)
The Hidden Isle - Complete (Raphael & Samara)
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