Michiko Kaho Nishanti


Basic Details

  • Name: Michiko Kaho Nishanti
  • Species: Elf
  • Age: 119
  • Height: 5’11
  • Weight: 170 lbs
  • Hair: Black
  • Eyes: Mahogany
  • Skin: Lightly tanned

Personal Details

  • Occupation: Archer; Diplomat; Healer
  • Place of Birth: Yamatakuni; Nishanti Forest
  • Affiliation: Silverblood Family; Mystmarch Nobility; Yamata
  • Home: Siverhearth Keep; Yamatakuni
  • Aliases: The Grey Maiden


A regal, yet awkwardly limbed elf, Michiko is slender and appears so frail as to sway in the breeze. While the appearance of frailty is deceiving, Michiko’s nose is minutely too long, her lips small. Those who had seen a smile appear on the eastern elf’s lips saw it nigh a century prior, during the times when she had happiness at her disposal.

Dressed in the finery of her Yamata kin, Michiko is given to silks and colourful raiments a bit too vibrant to be proper.

Skills and Abilities

Empathy & Healing: Learned in the Healing arts from a young age, the Grey Maiden has often magical powers to heal the afflictions of body and spirit. While the energy it takes often drains her or steals her songbird voice for hours or days, she is also well versed in herbalism, tincture creation and the application of poison.

Aeromancy: The Grey Maiden was taught the art of aeromancy, or control of the wind from her 40’s onward. While it has been an age since she actively utilized her skills to aide her fellow Yamata elves, the regal maiden remains practiced and skilled.

Empathic: While controlled of emotion herself, Michiko can feel the imprint of emotion on another, sometimes acting out or becoming visibly uncomfortable in large crowds, or dissident places. It is said the matriarchal line suffered such ills, often fading to solitude in the forests of their beloved homeland, rather than become distressed in the tumultuous nature of community.


Michiko can first be seen as a frigid and uppity figure, given to few speeches and many moments of spurning further conversation. Abrupt in passing, and cheerless in crowds, the Grey Maiden, so named for her countenance rather than a physical awareness, can be seen as strict and dour.

Yet to those who make her company and ‘feel right’, Michiko blossoms like a morning’s lily. She laughs and throws colourful stories with gumption. Drinks rice wine, eats meat and challenges those who meet her fancy to an archery contest, or friendly hand-to-hand combat.

She is a woman of deep loves and terrifying convictions. A person desiring of calm and adventure away from her home.

Biography & Lore

The last surviving member of her line, Michiko was raised since her thirties by her maternal uncle, a powerful warlord and upper caste member of the Yamata. While the cause of her family’s death was known only to her and a few select others, none spoke for fear of the spirits’ wroth.

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