Kilik Urk' Antukk
Not sure about all this divine, mumbo jumbo. But Damn if it doesn't feel good to rock the Arcarmor.
Long limbed, and agile. Quick to smile, and with clever golden eyes. Prone to loose and flowing garb when out of his armor
Skills and Abilities

Runner and Jumper - Flow like water.
Archer- In addition to his skills with his arcarmor, Kilik is a capable marksman.
Survivalist - You don't get far without knowing a thing or two.
Biography & Lore
A testament to the Uroghoshi's adherence to the greater good, putting the promise of merit before bloodline, Kilik was brought in through the Summoner Program.
His mother, Servant born, had left the refuge of Rytghosh early in her life. Found partnership in the great ork city of Bhathairk, and noticed that her son, while not the largest or strongest of his generation, had a keen sense for games and competition. Agile and able, with a timing most natural and uncanny, he oft danced around his opponents in games of kykanpahs, the inflated leather sphere always seemed stuck to his limbs, just before a strike sent it shooting down range.
Well, she sent missive to Rytghosh. Scouts were sent to observe, and along with a small cadre of other Bhatharik born, Kilik was placed into the Summoner Program.
Arduous and grueling, with more than a few a deaths along the way, it was at the age of eighteen that Kilik was granted his arcstone, the Black Opal that contained Puruja and Ashpaw. Bound to him, via the flowing tattoo runes that were worked into his flesh with needle and ink.
Given the codename, Tzemph, he serves the Inheritors, though his mind oft wanders to wonder.
His mother, Servant born, had left the refuge of Rytghosh early in her life. Found partnership in the great ork city of Bhathairk, and noticed that her son, while not the largest or strongest of his generation, had a keen sense for games and competition. Agile and able, with a timing most natural and uncanny, he oft danced around his opponents in games of kykanpahs, the inflated leather sphere always seemed stuck to his limbs, just before a strike sent it shooting down range.
Well, she sent missive to Rytghosh. Scouts were sent to observe, and along with a small cadre of other Bhatharik born, Kilik was placed into the Summoner Program.
Arduous and grueling, with more than a few a deaths along the way, it was at the age of eighteen that Kilik was granted his arcstone, the Black Opal that contained Puruja and Ashpaw. Bound to him, via the flowing tattoo runes that were worked into his flesh with needle and ink.
Given the codename, Tzemph, he serves the Inheritors, though his mind oft wanders to wonder.