Born to the name Rakrremir, but more commonly known as Rak, the young summoner was born into a family already sworn to a life of honor and service.
There was never much doubt to what life path Rak would take, nor was there any discussion when he grew to come of age. Like his father before him and his grandfathers before that, Rak was destined to become a summoner. The duty and the weight of his family was that of honor, fulfilling the words of their people.
Rak never doubted this goal, though was oft one of the least fanatical of his peers.
Despite carrying out his duties as well as he could, Rak always dreamed of more than the life assigned to him.
Unlike many of his kindred, Rak happily researched and looked into his ancestry. He is an avid learner of Orcish life, the branch of his ancient family which no one would rather address. Despite this extra-carricular research Rak is well liked by his peers, though is also occasionally the scorn of mockery for his interest in his more 'savage' ancestry.
Though his interests may be peculiar, Rak is an incredibly well respected fighter. Considered to be one of the best Summoners of the age, Rak fights like a wildman. Wading into combat as though it were little less than the next challenge presented.
Skills and Abilities

His Blade is known as Sojourn, a heavy Zweihänder which stands near as tall as he does. A sword which rests upon his back, but is near impossible to wield by ordinary men without Arcarmor. Rak being one of the few warriors being able to wield it without assistance.
His Arcarmor is known as Bastille. An inherited piece of equipment that has been passed through the family for centuries. Praised for its years of service and precious as any jewel, Bastille is an ancient piece of armor long held by Rak's family. He carries it with a great amount of honor and care, the armor serving as both a tool and a source of pride.