Kalyn Ackson
Kalyn is a human girl of about average height. She keeps herself lean and fit without ruining her soft feminine exterior. Her build is petite, athletic and limber. She practices an amazing control over her body and always manages to stay healthy in spite of her wild lifestyle. Her hair is usually blond of shoulder length with a brightly colored highlight of some kind, though she often changes her hair, along with her eye and skin color to whatever strikes her fancy and whatever she thinks her fans would like. But usually she is Caucasian with blond hair and blue eyes. She always tries to keep a sunny disposition and has a beautiful smile.
She dresses in the latest and most expensive fashions, displaying her wealth in the way she dresses and how she presents herself. Depending on the situation she can be found in any sort of clothing.
She dresses in the latest and most expensive fashions, displaying her wealth in the way she dresses and how she presents herself. Depending on the situation she can be found in any sort of clothing.
Skills and Abilities
Personal Trainer: She is very acrobatic and athletic from much practice and regular workouts. A skilled gymnast.
Angel Voice: She is an incredible singer, taking her natural talent from birth and taking it through the best voice teachers of Mardania.
Light Foot: She is an amazing dancer, skilled in many forms of dancing from all over Arethil.
I'm a Star: She's an impressive actor, from her ability to improvise, to her skill with make-up and disguises, to her knack for deception and the creation of new personas.
Party Rock: She has incredible endurance, developed from the many all night wild parties she's attended. She also has a high tolerance for alcohol and several stimulants and drugs in spite of her lightweight.
Spatial Awareness: She has an intense awareness of where her body is in the world, allowing her to perform incredible acrobatic feats.
Angel Voice: She is an incredible singer, taking her natural talent from birth and taking it through the best voice teachers of Mardania.
Light Foot: She is an amazing dancer, skilled in many forms of dancing from all over Arethil.
I'm a Star: She's an impressive actor, from her ability to improvise, to her skill with make-up and disguises, to her knack for deception and the creation of new personas.
Party Rock: She has incredible endurance, developed from the many all night wild parties she's attended. She also has a high tolerance for alcohol and several stimulants and drugs in spite of her lightweight.
Spatial Awareness: She has an intense awareness of where her body is in the world, allowing her to perform incredible acrobatic feats.
The Silver Spoon: She is not built for a hard life, even though she is capable when forced out of her comfort zone, there is a breaking point to her resolve.
Follow Me: She has an addiction to Fairy Dust.
Not the Face!: She doesn't do well with pain.
Follow Me: She has an addiction to Fairy Dust.
Not the Face!: She doesn't do well with pain.
What's Wrong With Being Confident: She is confident in front of huge crowds of people, and being around people in general. This confidence carries over into many other areas of her life as well.
Smooth Criminal: She is adept at persuasion and deception with her words. She is an actor, so she has the skills for convincing nearly anyone of anything.
I Know a Guy: She is very well connected in most major cities and knows how to get into contact with the right people for nearly anything.
Rebel Yell: She is very outspoken about her personal views and doesn't care about any who think differently, even when it would be prudent to do so.
Social Bug: She loves to talk to people and loves being around people. She keeps an optimistic attitude and likes to keep things light and cheery.
Smooth Criminal: She is adept at persuasion and deception with her words. She is an actor, so she has the skills for convincing nearly anyone of anything.
I Know a Guy: She is very well connected in most major cities and knows how to get into contact with the right people for nearly anything.
Rebel Yell: She is very outspoken about her personal views and doesn't care about any who think differently, even when it would be prudent to do so.
Social Bug: She loves to talk to people and loves being around people. She keeps an optimistic attitude and likes to keep things light and cheery.
Look Over Your Shoulder: In spite of her intense social life, one of her biggest fears is of stalkers. Overzealous fans that take things too far. So when she is not surrounded by a crowd of “friends”, She travels with armed bodyguards. This is also coupled with fears of kidnapping and being tied up.
The Silver Spoon: She spent her life very sheltered, she is not ignorant of the world, but when brought face to face with that harsh reality, she doesn't know how to react.
Celebrity Politics: She is great at making the kind of “friends” that don't really care about her, but has no idea how to make “real” friends. She doesn't think she needs them, but is she wrong?
Drive By: When it comes to relationships, she doesn't know what a good one looks like, so she never stays committed to anyone, romantically or otherwise.
The Silver Spoon: She spent her life very sheltered, she is not ignorant of the world, but when brought face to face with that harsh reality, she doesn't know how to react.
Celebrity Politics: She is great at making the kind of “friends” that don't really care about her, but has no idea how to make “real” friends. She doesn't think she needs them, but is she wrong?
Drive By: When it comes to relationships, she doesn't know what a good one looks like, so she never stays committed to anyone, romantically or otherwise.
Ballroom Blitz: While she is not trained in military forms of combat, she has taken advantage of multiple commercially taught styles of self defense coupled with her gymnastics and athletics training. But this is a last resort if she cannot talk her way out of a situation.
Kazushi: She is skilled at using her opponents strength against them.
Can't Touch This!: She is very quick on her feet and very adept at dodging and escaping.
Kazushi: She is skilled at using her opponents strength against them.
Can't Touch This!: She is very quick on her feet and very adept at dodging and escaping.
Not the Face!: She doesn't do well with pain, one well placed blow can put her out of the fight.
Glad You Came: In a fight, what it all boils down to is: She is an artist, not a combatant. If she manages to hold her own, it's in the hopes that someone will soon be there to help her.
Staying Alive: She has never killed anyone in her life, she is not used to real dead bodies and doesn't do well around them.
Glad You Came: In a fight, what it all boils down to is: She is an artist, not a combatant. If she manages to hold her own, it's in the hopes that someone will soon be there to help her.
Staying Alive: She has never killed anyone in her life, she is not used to real dead bodies and doesn't do well around them.
Kalyn is an outgoing extrovert, she thrives on attention and adores interaction and conversation with other people. For her, she wants her life to be one big party with only enough time to stay healthy, keep in shape, keep her talents honed, and get enough sleep to not find a premature death. Every other waking moment she wants to spend living her best life, putting herself out there and trying new things, daring to even break social norms to feel the thrill of life rush through her veins.
She. Will. Talk. And she will talk your ear off about anything and everything even if she knows absolutely nothing about it. She's the sort of person to fill empty spaces in a conversation with just the continuous sound of her voice, as if the sound of her voice and what she had to say were the most important part of the conversation.
She has a bit of an ego, not entirely unwarranted due to her celebrity status, she's a big deal to a lot of people and she knows it, so she draws much of her self-importance and narcissism from that.
She obsessed with being pretty, with looking good, with standing out, with being the absolute center of attention.
She. Will. Talk. And she will talk your ear off about anything and everything even if she knows absolutely nothing about it. She's the sort of person to fill empty spaces in a conversation with just the continuous sound of her voice, as if the sound of her voice and what she had to say were the most important part of the conversation.
She has a bit of an ego, not entirely unwarranted due to her celebrity status, she's a big deal to a lot of people and she knows it, so she draws much of her self-importance and narcissism from that.
She obsessed with being pretty, with looking good, with standing out, with being the absolute center of attention.
Biography & Lore
Kalyn Ackson was born into a wealthy family in the capitol city of Mardus in the country of Mardania where she spent her days in a luxurious mansion with all her needs met.
It was in this lap of luxury that she learned of and developed her many natural talents.
Playing instruments,
And Gymnastics.
Her family hired the best tutors, trainers, and instructors to help her develop and hone her artistic abilities at an early age.
At age 12 she had starred in many junior acting productions, Appeared live to sing before the king, Performed as a singer with a well known musical band, and showed off her acrobatic skills in a popular tumbling troupe.
This impressive resume helped to launch her into her career when she grew older.
She took her talents and improved on them further with additional training and exploration of her limits, thus it was not long before she found herself in the spot light as a lead singer for a small musical group she helped put together, then her dreams soared high.
The performances got bigger, the sponsors paid more, requests from all over the kingdom came in from cities that wanted to hear her sing.
She became a national celebrity, singing and performing before millions of people from all over Mardania, and soon all over Arethil as her fame outgrew her homeland, copies of her performances were even smuggled as far as Cerak At'Thul as her fame spread far and wide.
After a while though, her original band broke up, not on bad terms, but they had to go their separate ways.
But she didn't let that get her down. She wrote her own songs, sang, danced, performed, did promotional advertisements, went to parties, lived the high life, kept her managers in check. She felt in control of her life and felt there wasn't any height she couldn't reach.
Kalyn is the happiest girl in Arethil, and she wouldn't trade it for anything.
It was in this lap of luxury that she learned of and developed her many natural talents.


Playing instruments,


And Gymnastics.

Her family hired the best tutors, trainers, and instructors to help her develop and hone her artistic abilities at an early age.
At age 12 she had starred in many junior acting productions, Appeared live to sing before the king, Performed as a singer with a well known musical band, and showed off her acrobatic skills in a popular tumbling troupe.
This impressive resume helped to launch her into her career when she grew older.
She took her talents and improved on them further with additional training and exploration of her limits, thus it was not long before she found herself in the spot light as a lead singer for a small musical group she helped put together, then her dreams soared high.
The performances got bigger, the sponsors paid more, requests from all over the kingdom came in from cities that wanted to hear her sing.

She became a national celebrity, singing and performing before millions of people from all over Mardania, and soon all over Arethil as her fame outgrew her homeland, copies of her performances were even smuggled as far as Cerak At'Thul as her fame spread far and wide.
After a while though, her original band broke up, not on bad terms, but they had to go their separate ways.
But she didn't let that get her down. She wrote her own songs, sang, danced, performed, did promotional advertisements, went to parties, lived the high life, kept her managers in check. She felt in control of her life and felt there wasn't any height she couldn't reach.
Kalyn is the happiest girl in Arethil, and she wouldn't trade it for anything.

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