Isaias Kildare
Isaias is a large Nordic looking man. He is built with thick muscles that lend him his weight. In general he bares the appearance of a man of great strength and competency. His black hair reaches mid way down his back and his face is shod with a rough black beard streaked with grey. His face speaks of hard living and intense demeanor, but also of cunning intelligence and brutal honesty. His appearance is that of an older man, even though he is younger than he looks. Hardships of his past have aided in inducing premature aging in his features. If seen his body bares the stories of hundreds of scars from both beast and man and things in between.
He dresses in medium studded leather armor often lined with fur as well as a fur lined cloak. He normally carries all his gear with him so he has a bag strapped to him as well under his shield.
He dresses in medium studded leather armor often lined with fur as well as a fur lined cloak. He normally carries all his gear with him so he has a bag strapped to him as well under his shield.
Skills and Abilities
Warrior: Down to his heart he is a warrior. Skilled mostly in the sword, shield and bow, but possessing a keen feel for anything presented as a weapon to his hands. Even his hands themselves.Survivalist: He has all the skills of a master ranger or tribesman and could live indefinitely in the wilderness in even the worst conditions. This also makes him a master tracker and pathfinder.
Animal Empathy: Through experience he has learned of nature. The habits ands minds of the animals. He knows them so intrinsically that he could predict what a beasts intentions are or what their next move would be and how they would act. Sometimes even being able to predict what a human would do.
Martial Artist: Through his years of fighting and experience he has developed his own system of fighting without weapons.
Seafaring: His skills do not end at the coast. He can navigate and pilot anything from a full sized galleon to a tiny skiff. And he can survive on the sea as well, though his options are far more limited.
Follower Of The Creator: Because of his reverence for the creator God he is blessed with immense spiritual strength that is fueled by his faith.Black Alchemy: Due to the experimentations performed on him in his youth he has been granted inhuman strength, endurance, and durability.
Arcane Distrust: He has a strict policy for himself against using magic.Cut The Source: His strength is based in magic and can be nullified by magical dampening tools.
Hermit: He distrusts people and feels more comfortable in the wilderness than a city and prefers animal company over human companionship.
Isaias isn't a people person. He speaks his mind and doesn't care who hears it. If someone cannot handle someone having an opinion or cannot handle someone disagreeing with them then he sees that person as weak and untrustworthy. He doesn't respect a single soul until they earn his respect, a feat easier accomplished by an animal.
He is normally a loner, but in his travels he has met many people who earned his respect and friendship. People he would die for in an instant.
He is normally a loner, but in his travels he has met many people who earned his respect and friendship. People he would die for in an instant.
Biography & Lore
Isaias Kildare led a hard life, and not all of it by his own choosing. As a child he was one slave of many kept by a coven of evil wizards, clerics, enchanters and alchemists who were experimenting their magics on the young children. At nine years old Isaias endured immense torture that went for five more years of his life. Every inch of his very flesh being marked and scarred with magical runes and incantations. His body subjected to hundreds of curses and blessings from dark gods, hundreds of alchemical poisons and medicines.
Hundreds of those children died to these experiments, but not Isaias. For some reason his will held on and he never gave up on life. At fourteen years old he experienced his final experiment. Then it was over... It was done... and what he found was that he was no longer in pain... He didn't feel weak... In fact... He felt immense power... And anger.
The bars to his cell felt like paper to him. The guards attempted to stop him with non lethal methods, but nothing they did stopped his progress as he made his way through the enclave to exact vengeance on his captors. When they finally panicked and came at him with swords and spears it was like his body was impregnable. He was only fourteen yeas old, still a child, but his body was like a man now. Muscled and dense and fast. The blades cut his skin and he bled, but it was nothing to the torture he had already faced, and his muscles were too thick for superficial cuts to affect him much. It was like he had become one of the heroes of old overnight!
When he was done his body was covered in cuts and blood, not all of it his own. And after smashing the fortified gate to the enclave he left to seek refuge anywhere but there.
At the first village he came to he found the villagers were kind enough to allow him refuge. But after a year and his strength was the cause of many accidents they exiled him as a menace.
After that he wandered the wilderness hoping to find anything to give him direction. He was angry and resentful of people since his exile.
It wasn't until he found a hermit in the midst of the wilderness that he could finally truly begin his recovery. The hermit was kind and took care of him, teaching him many things about many things. The hermit was wise in the ways of the world and even the ways of nature. But most importantly the hermit was wise in the things of the spirit. The hermit taught him about the spiritual realm, how all of humanity is locked in a spiritual warfare with their own souls in the balance. He told Isaias an incredible story of a God who created all that they know. The world, people, animals, magic, gods, this God created them all and his creation must return to him or be separated from him forever.
Isaias grew up to manhood in the care of the hermit and finally it was time for him to strike out on his own once more.
He found that he could fight very well and so made his new life as a hired sword. He traveled all over Arethil and in his travels he saw and experienced many things and faced many dangers. He became successful as hired swords and was quite content until he met a mercenary band known as the Blood Weasels. He was impressed with the men that worked in that company and decided to join with them for a while.
During his stint with the Blood Weasels he grew to respect the men and women and became friends with them, and they all marveled at the combined strength of the man that could break stones in his hands and accepted him as brother in arms. It wasn't long before the reigns of the band were given to Isaias. Humbled by the honor his friends gave him he decided to give the band a name more befitting their skill and stature as men and women of renown. Thus the Band of the Juggernaut was born with Isaias Kildare in their lead. The band went on to great respect and wealth within the countries of Arethil and were regarded among the top elite mercenary warrior bands in the land.
Hundreds of those children died to these experiments, but not Isaias. For some reason his will held on and he never gave up on life. At fourteen years old he experienced his final experiment. Then it was over... It was done... and what he found was that he was no longer in pain... He didn't feel weak... In fact... He felt immense power... And anger.
The bars to his cell felt like paper to him. The guards attempted to stop him with non lethal methods, but nothing they did stopped his progress as he made his way through the enclave to exact vengeance on his captors. When they finally panicked and came at him with swords and spears it was like his body was impregnable. He was only fourteen yeas old, still a child, but his body was like a man now. Muscled and dense and fast. The blades cut his skin and he bled, but it was nothing to the torture he had already faced, and his muscles were too thick for superficial cuts to affect him much. It was like he had become one of the heroes of old overnight!
When he was done his body was covered in cuts and blood, not all of it his own. And after smashing the fortified gate to the enclave he left to seek refuge anywhere but there.
At the first village he came to he found the villagers were kind enough to allow him refuge. But after a year and his strength was the cause of many accidents they exiled him as a menace.
After that he wandered the wilderness hoping to find anything to give him direction. He was angry and resentful of people since his exile.
It wasn't until he found a hermit in the midst of the wilderness that he could finally truly begin his recovery. The hermit was kind and took care of him, teaching him many things about many things. The hermit was wise in the ways of the world and even the ways of nature. But most importantly the hermit was wise in the things of the spirit. The hermit taught him about the spiritual realm, how all of humanity is locked in a spiritual warfare with their own souls in the balance. He told Isaias an incredible story of a God who created all that they know. The world, people, animals, magic, gods, this God created them all and his creation must return to him or be separated from him forever.
Isaias grew up to manhood in the care of the hermit and finally it was time for him to strike out on his own once more.
He found that he could fight very well and so made his new life as a hired sword. He traveled all over Arethil and in his travels he saw and experienced many things and faced many dangers. He became successful as hired swords and was quite content until he met a mercenary band known as the Blood Weasels. He was impressed with the men that worked in that company and decided to join with them for a while.
During his stint with the Blood Weasels he grew to respect the men and women and became friends with them, and they all marveled at the combined strength of the man that could break stones in his hands and accepted him as brother in arms. It wasn't long before the reigns of the band were given to Isaias. Humbled by the honor his friends gave him he decided to give the band a name more befitting their skill and stature as men and women of renown. Thus the Band of the Juggernaut was born with Isaias Kildare in their lead. The band went on to great respect and wealth within the countries of Arethil and were regarded among the top elite mercenary warrior bands in the land.
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