"Imagine being locked in an eternal battle... with yourself"


Eae is the epitome of the image a mind conjures when one thinks "Avariel". The winged elf is slender, like her kin, but short for her species, standing at around 5'7. However, with skin the texture of milk, hair like soft-spun silk, and a lithe, feminine figure, she is no less striking than others of her kind. While her pointed ears are often shrouded behind her tresses of long hair, the young woman's enormous wings remain constantly on display.
Skills and Abilities
Soft-footed: Being Avariel can have its advantages. Beyond the blessing of flight; Eae's entire frame is slight and her footfalls soft. The girl has taken this a step further and actively practices the art of subtlety, and as a result, is adept at stealth and subterfuge, able to often go completely unnoticed, even with her magnificent wings
Silver-tongued: The eerily beautiful, hypnotic voice of her species is one thing, but Eae has trained over several years to wield it with great skill. Diplomacy can be an invaluable skill and Eae would prefer to such over violence. Her sister, eaE, on the other hand, is equally skilled in the art of wit, perhaps even more so. When in control, eaE can wield her silver tongue into almost anywhere.
Dark Magic: Neither Eae nor eaE are capable with a weapon; at best, they can tell one end from the other. However, they have access to a much more potent means of defence. It's a very dark place you would have to find yourself for your very soul to split in two. Eae was always magically gifted, but after the event she calls "the split", everything changed. She used to be able to cast magic without causing pain, without hearing her alter squeal in pain. She used to be able to weave spells without plants around her withering and dying... not so much anymore.
Silver-tongued: The eerily beautiful, hypnotic voice of her species is one thing, but Eae has trained over several years to wield it with great skill. Diplomacy can be an invaluable skill and Eae would prefer to such over violence. Her sister, eaE, on the other hand, is equally skilled in the art of wit, perhaps even more so. When in control, eaE can wield her silver tongue into almost anywhere.
Dark Magic: Neither Eae nor eaE are capable with a weapon; at best, they can tell one end from the other. However, they have access to a much more potent means of defence. It's a very dark place you would have to find yourself for your very soul to split in two. Eae was always magically gifted, but after the event she calls "the split", everything changed. She used to be able to cast magic without causing pain, without hearing her alter squeal in pain. She used to be able to weave spells without plants around her withering and dying... not so much anymore.
Quiet and reserved, Eae is often grateful for her stunted height among her species. It allows the timid elf to blend in more easily in a crowd, even with the large wings she tucks in close to her body. Preferring oft to listen and understand well before she opens her mouth, the winged elf is almost eternally found with her head buried in her embroidery; busily stitching away and seemingly focused solely on whatever project is at hand.
Eae's other, referred to only as "the bitch" by her sister; the alter residing in the girl's body is everything the Avariel is not. eaE is sassy, cheeky, and enjoys nothing more than jumping into the middle of other people's affairs and meddling with them. Perhaps it's for the best that she does not have full control, although that does not stop her from sneakily antagonising her sister... or the two from arguing.
Together, these two halves make up Eae. The result of their shared presence, the Avariel may often be seen quietly arguing with herself, or perhaps addressing some additional, unseen member of a conversation.
Quiet and reserved, Eae is often grateful for her stunted height among her species. It allows the timid elf to blend in more easily in a crowd, even with the large wings she tucks in close to her body. Preferring oft to listen and understand well before she opens her mouth, the winged elf is almost eternally found with her head buried in her embroidery; busily stitching away and seemingly focused solely on whatever project is at hand.
Eae's other, referred to only as "the bitch" by her sister; the alter residing in the girl's body is everything the Avariel is not. eaE is sassy, cheeky, and enjoys nothing more than jumping into the middle of other people's affairs and meddling with them. Perhaps it's for the best that she does not have full control, although that does not stop her from sneakily antagonising her sister... or the two from arguing.
Together, these two halves make up Eae. The result of their shared presence, the Avariel may often be seen quietly arguing with herself, or perhaps addressing some additional, unseen member of a conversation.
Biography & Lore
The Beginning
It was on the quiet, secluded side of a mountain that Eae first drew breath. The Avariel, small even for a babe, was given little chance of surviving. Her wings were small, her body fragile, her lungs barely drew breath and the tiny girl was quiet. However, soft and small as she was, Eae was a fighter. She seemed to cling from the edge for some time, but never did it claim her. She lived, she grew, learning the quiet, honest work of maintaining the tiny farm she found herself. If the young she-elf ever wondered why her parents didn't have the same splendid feather wings she did, she never voiced such. Neither did they ever bring it up. While she had her mother to nurture and guide her as she became a woman; Eae had to learn to fly all on her own... and it was just as clumsy and awkward as one might imagine.
The Split
The mind does strange things when dragged to the very brink of its limits. No one knows if--were they to be confronted with the end--they would fight until their dying breath, snap and lose themselves to insanity, or simply perish as the mind gave up.
Eae won't talk about the Split. What is known is that the event lasted several months, perhaps a year. Her parents were killed, a fragment of a diary entry detailed the way their bodies were mutilated and burned in seemingly some kind of ritual. Her penchant for embroidery is perhaps a coping mechanism derived from this time, time perhaps spent mending clothes... or flesh.
When pressed, neither Eae nor eaE will speak of the Split, or the person responsible, if it even was a person. Eae seems to be of the belief it was a demon, while her alter believes it was a human... one that she could, and very much would like to kill.
The Present
While someone might catch sight of the elf on the street and wonder why a well-groomed (if humbly dressed) Avariel struggles to find work and settle down, it would become apparent within a short conversation. To say that her constant mumbling to herself or the sudden and jarring switch in personalities is unnerving would be a most egregious understatement. So Eae is a wanderer, taking what work she can in exchange for shelter and food for as long as she's welcome to such.
It was on the quiet, secluded side of a mountain that Eae first drew breath. The Avariel, small even for a babe, was given little chance of surviving. Her wings were small, her body fragile, her lungs barely drew breath and the tiny girl was quiet. However, soft and small as she was, Eae was a fighter. She seemed to cling from the edge for some time, but never did it claim her. She lived, she grew, learning the quiet, honest work of maintaining the tiny farm she found herself. If the young she-elf ever wondered why her parents didn't have the same splendid feather wings she did, she never voiced such. Neither did they ever bring it up. While she had her mother to nurture and guide her as she became a woman; Eae had to learn to fly all on her own... and it was just as clumsy and awkward as one might imagine.
The Split
The mind does strange things when dragged to the very brink of its limits. No one knows if--were they to be confronted with the end--they would fight until their dying breath, snap and lose themselves to insanity, or simply perish as the mind gave up.
Eae won't talk about the Split. What is known is that the event lasted several months, perhaps a year. Her parents were killed, a fragment of a diary entry detailed the way their bodies were mutilated and burned in seemingly some kind of ritual. Her penchant for embroidery is perhaps a coping mechanism derived from this time, time perhaps spent mending clothes... or flesh.
When pressed, neither Eae nor eaE will speak of the Split, or the person responsible, if it even was a person. Eae seems to be of the belief it was a demon, while her alter believes it was a human... one that she could, and very much would like to kill.
The Present
While someone might catch sight of the elf on the street and wonder why a well-groomed (if humbly dressed) Avariel struggles to find work and settle down, it would become apparent within a short conversation. To say that her constant mumbling to herself or the sudden and jarring switch in personalities is unnerving would be a most egregious understatement. So Eae is a wanderer, taking what work she can in exchange for shelter and food for as long as she's welcome to such.