The Symbol of Abbon
“The depths of space crawl with terrible entities. Pray they ignore this world.”
-- The Book of the Cosmos
-- The Book of the Cosmos
The Dark Ones are maligned beings of Celestialism. In Celestialism mythology, they are the opposites of the benevolent Cosmic Pantheon. Near the end of the Cosmic Pantheon’s time on Arethil, the Dark Ones waged a war called the Noxomarchy.
Several cults to the Dark Ones appeared throughout Arethil’s history – known as Dark Cults. These organizations normally fall to dark, corrupting magics over time.

Abbon, Aspect of the Void
After centuries of being unaware, the Races of Arethil eventually discovered the existence of the Dark Ones. An ambitious human emperor began a ritual to call upon them in order to use their power. This emperor was corrupted and became a Dark One himself – thus bringing the other Dark Ones’ attention to Arethil.
Astra was quick to expel the corrupted emperor from Arethil. Yet in the years to follow, the Dark Ones reached out to powerful mages throughout Arethil and began to corrupt the world that the Cosmic Pantheon had nurtured.
Magic from the Dark Ones – while powerful – always corrupts. Demons and abominations are said to be the creation of the Dark Ones. Some of the worst corrupted lands of Arethil – such as the Dread Marshes – are blamed upon the use of magic from the Dark Ones. Mages still fall to the Dark Ones due to the promises of vast power.
The goal of the Dark Ones is not explored in detail. The most apparent objective is that the Dark Ones seek to corrupt all life on Arethil.
The Dark Ones eventually personally invaded Arethil once enough corruption had spread. This resulted in the War of the Dark Ones, or the Noxomarchy. This war lasted for several decades and resulted in significant destruction across Arethil. To remove the Dark Ones from Arethil, the Cosmic Pantheon had to cast themselves into the cosmos with the Dark Ones as well. This resulted in all the gods leaving Arethil.
Six named Dark Ones visited Arethil, yet Astra warned that more exist:
- Abbon – Aspect of the Void
- Nebbatt – Aspect of Extinction
- Shor – Aspect of Famine
- Halch – Aspect of Hunger
- Merke – Aspect of Silence
- Therg – Aspect of Destruction, the Corrupted Emperor