The Grotto
The grotto is one of many scattered underwater caves in the Kiva archipelago. The only difference is that this particular grotto is large enough to contain several pods of Kivren. Here they socialize and congregate, sharing the spoils of their hunts together.
This particular grotto is protected naturally by a dense barrier reef system, making it very difficult for any ships to come close to shore lest they risk being run aground.

The archipelago is frequently the subject of tropical storms, so unless one knows the specific route, it is difficult to navigate to the grotto. There are many underwater caverns and passages that connect it to the open ocean. There are several waterfalls that flow through this grotto, and there is an avid amount of sea life as well.
There are a number of sharks and other larger predatory fish that swim along the outer banks of the reef, making it dangerous for anyone who may be caught unawares. Although Kivren hunting parties are known to keep the population down to ensure the safety of their pods.
The grotto can easily move from shallow waters and dip to drastic depths. The number of caverns both above and underwater can confuse anyone who isn't familiar, making it very easy to become lost.

What little is known by the Kivren is that this is where they congregate in safety. There is plenty of food as well as areas for the Kivren to settle in and call home without the risk of larger predators attacking. The vast cavern and grotto systems allow for the Kivren to moving in and out easily, swimming out into the open ocean and into the barrier reef without much difficulty.
It is difficult to reach the grotto without knowing which passages to take, and one could very easily find themselves amidst the deeper sinkholes where larger predators lurk waiting for a distracted creature to become their next meal.
By all accounts, this isn't a normal settlement like a town or a village. Nonetheless, the Kivren had adapted to their natural surroundings and carved a home for themselves that works with their environment. That is why instead of buildings they live in carved out coral nooks and use the natural beauty of the sea life that surrounds them as decoration.
Very few outsiders have ever swum or set foot in the grotto; those who have were likely captured by the Kivren for their next meal or found themselves the unlucky few to have somehow managed to stumble into it. Once inside, it is very difficult to find an exit – and more often than naught, would catch the attention of a Kivren in short time.
It is said that the sirens of Kiva are said to have such a craving for the flesh of men that they would lure sailors into the depths of the sea. There, they would quickly turn into a meal for the fearsome creatures, leaving nothing but bones in the bottom of the sea.