Aura magic as a discipline was developed formally by Madam Valkery as an expansion of Empathy Magic. However many mages of other disciplines use these skills unintentionally. This type of magic is very versatile and flexible due to its focus on the smallest unit and conservation of energy.
Types of Aura
There are many different kinds of aura and many different kinds of magical disciplines tap into these. However Aura magic attempts to take advantage of all of the different kind of aura and use them to manipulate the world around them in subtle ways.
Some of the types of aura include magical, emotional, soul or life, residue, animal, natural and inanimate.
Magical aura
Magical auras are most commonly read by powerful mages and it is the energy given off by anyone who performs magic.[1] It can also be found on enchanted items, or inherently magical races, plants or animals. This type of aura can some times leave a residue behind and is more volatile and diverse than the other types of auras. Some magical auras decay much faster while others decay at a very slow rate. This type of aura is usually either the leftover energy after a spell has already been cast or the energy as it is being converted into a magical effect. Someone who practices aura magic can convert other auras into magical energy to use in spells.[2] However, it is rather inefficient to collect magical aura directly for spells.
Emotional aura
Emotional aura is the type of aura used in empathy magic.[3] It is a strong type of aura that hangs around people and is linked to their emotions. When the arua is removed the emotion is removed as well. This can have detrimental emotional effects if one is not careful.
Soul or Life aura
Soul aura is a type of pure highly condensed aura that functions as the energy that the living body uses to stay alive and bind their soul to their body. Without it, they die, but it is not their soul. It can be used by aura mages to very powerful effects. However, the effects on the physical body are detrimental. The body is not built to hold that much soul aura, and collecting more than one's own aura can lead to internal bleeding, vomiting, black out's, loss of pigmentation in hair or skin and even hair loss. If these symptoms go unchecked they can lead to death.[4]
Aura residue
Almost all aruras leave behind a weaker residue on objects and people they come in contact with. This residue it weaker than the emotional or soul auras that they come from but are easier to collect and manipulate. Collecting it is also completely harmless to the user and the environment. Aura residues decay faster than other auras, completely dissipating within 24 hours. Residues can vary in strength depending on what type of aura it came from and how recently it was left behind. Strong emotions are more volatile often leaving stronger auras behind. Because of its ease of use, this is the type of aura most commonly used in aura magic.[5]
Animal auras
Animals give off auras just like people but are often weaker than the auras of sentient races. Collecting the aura of the animal directly from the animal can kill the animal just like collecting soul aura can kill the person. Using pure animal auras is not as harmful to the body as soul aura but it is still more concentrated than aura residues and emotional auras. Animals also can leave behind aura residue.[6]
Natural auras
Plants also have their own auras and resonance. Some types of plants can have a specific frequency that can affect the persons own aura when ingested.[7] The older the plant the more powerful the aura. Collecting aura directly from a plant can weaken or even kill it. Many mages who use nature as their source of magic use this type of aura without realizing it.
Inanimate auras or resonances
Inanimate auras are auras that belong to inanimate objects it can be something constructed by the intelligent races like a chair or something natural like an unshaped stone or raw mettle. All these things give off a very low-level aura or resonance.[8] Most cannot leave residues but sometimes a non-living thing will have a resonance strong enough to leave behind an aura residue. For example, silver's aura is so dense that it leaves behind a residue which can counteract the natural healing of many supernatural beings. Things like crystals and certain metals resonate at specific frequencies and can be used to manipulate one's own aura.
Some of the types of aura include magical, emotional, soul or life, residue, animal, natural and inanimate.
Magical aura
Magical auras are most commonly read by powerful mages and it is the energy given off by anyone who performs magic.[1] It can also be found on enchanted items, or inherently magical races, plants or animals. This type of aura can some times leave a residue behind and is more volatile and diverse than the other types of auras. Some magical auras decay much faster while others decay at a very slow rate. This type of aura is usually either the leftover energy after a spell has already been cast or the energy as it is being converted into a magical effect. Someone who practices aura magic can convert other auras into magical energy to use in spells.[2] However, it is rather inefficient to collect magical aura directly for spells.
Emotional aura
Emotional aura is the type of aura used in empathy magic.[3] It is a strong type of aura that hangs around people and is linked to their emotions. When the arua is removed the emotion is removed as well. This can have detrimental emotional effects if one is not careful.
Soul or Life aura
Soul aura is a type of pure highly condensed aura that functions as the energy that the living body uses to stay alive and bind their soul to their body. Without it, they die, but it is not their soul. It can be used by aura mages to very powerful effects. However, the effects on the physical body are detrimental. The body is not built to hold that much soul aura, and collecting more than one's own aura can lead to internal bleeding, vomiting, black out's, loss of pigmentation in hair or skin and even hair loss. If these symptoms go unchecked they can lead to death.[4]
Aura residue
Almost all aruras leave behind a weaker residue on objects and people they come in contact with. This residue it weaker than the emotional or soul auras that they come from but are easier to collect and manipulate. Collecting it is also completely harmless to the user and the environment. Aura residues decay faster than other auras, completely dissipating within 24 hours. Residues can vary in strength depending on what type of aura it came from and how recently it was left behind. Strong emotions are more volatile often leaving stronger auras behind. Because of its ease of use, this is the type of aura most commonly used in aura magic.[5]
Animal auras
Animals give off auras just like people but are often weaker than the auras of sentient races. Collecting the aura of the animal directly from the animal can kill the animal just like collecting soul aura can kill the person. Using pure animal auras is not as harmful to the body as soul aura but it is still more concentrated than aura residues and emotional auras. Animals also can leave behind aura residue.[6]
Natural auras
Plants also have their own auras and resonance. Some types of plants can have a specific frequency that can affect the persons own aura when ingested.[7] The older the plant the more powerful the aura. Collecting aura directly from a plant can weaken or even kill it. Many mages who use nature as their source of magic use this type of aura without realizing it.
Inanimate auras or resonances
Inanimate auras are auras that belong to inanimate objects it can be something constructed by the intelligent races like a chair or something natural like an unshaped stone or raw mettle. All these things give off a very low-level aura or resonance.[8] Most cannot leave residues but sometimes a non-living thing will have a resonance strong enough to leave behind an aura residue. For example, silver's aura is so dense that it leaves behind a residue which can counteract the natural healing of many supernatural beings. Things like crystals and certain metals resonate at specific frequencies and can be used to manipulate one's own aura.
The Five Tenents of Aura Magic
Aura magic, as a discipline, mostly uses aura residue to perform spells. Because of this, conservation of aura is important to make the most of the weaker aura. To help with this Madam Valkery came up with five tenants. The smallest unit, nonverbal and nonsymbolic, environmental awareness, full understanding, and serendipity. These tenants do not need to be followed to use aura magic but if followed ones skill and power can multiply threefold.
The Smallest Unit
Always use the least amount of aura necessary to gain the desired effect. This can be done by breaking down the desired effect into the smallest parts that are needed to achieve the effect and then removing anything that is unnecessary and wasting energy.
Nonverbal and Nonsymbolic
There are no verbal or somatic components to casting Aura magic. Other disciplines use these to help focus the magic. However, Valkery believes that verbal and somatic components reduce the flexibility of the effect and speed of casting. Because of this, it can be difficult to grasp at first but once achieved the freedom to combine and rearrange effects in massive.
Environmental Awareness
This not only applies to being conscious of one's environment but also using one's environment to one's advantage. To conserve aura reserves one should only use magic if they cannot do what they wish to achieve by nonmagical means. Furthermore one should supplement the magical effect with nonmagical elements as much as possible, using one's environment and circumstances in the casting of the magic. For example, instead of summoning a large flame, summon a spark and set something on fire.
Full Understanding
In order to achieve the best effects and to understand the smallest units involved one should strive to understand what one is trying to accomplish on a nonmagical level. If one has never lit a fire with flint and steal then how is one expected to do it with magic. Once one has experienced something then it is easier to recreate effectively with magic.[9]
Serendipity/ The Simplest Solution
The simplest solution is usually the correct one. By using the simplest most direct route to ones target effect one can conserve a lot of aura that would have otherwise been wasted.[10]
The Smallest Unit
Always use the least amount of aura necessary to gain the desired effect. This can be done by breaking down the desired effect into the smallest parts that are needed to achieve the effect and then removing anything that is unnecessary and wasting energy.
Nonverbal and Nonsymbolic
There are no verbal or somatic components to casting Aura magic. Other disciplines use these to help focus the magic. However, Valkery believes that verbal and somatic components reduce the flexibility of the effect and speed of casting. Because of this, it can be difficult to grasp at first but once achieved the freedom to combine and rearrange effects in massive.
Environmental Awareness
This not only applies to being conscious of one's environment but also using one's environment to one's advantage. To conserve aura reserves one should only use magic if they cannot do what they wish to achieve by nonmagical means. Furthermore one should supplement the magical effect with nonmagical elements as much as possible, using one's environment and circumstances in the casting of the magic. For example, instead of summoning a large flame, summon a spark and set something on fire.
Full Understanding
In order to achieve the best effects and to understand the smallest units involved one should strive to understand what one is trying to accomplish on a nonmagical level. If one has never lit a fire with flint and steal then how is one expected to do it with magic. Once one has experienced something then it is easier to recreate effectively with magic.[9]
Serendipity/ The Simplest Solution
The simplest solution is usually the correct one. By using the simplest most direct route to ones target effect one can conserve a lot of aura that would have otherwise been wasted.[10]
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- ^Empathy
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- ^Touching the Void Post #31
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