Ashara Raja
Ashara Raja, a young woman born to a nomad tribe around Annuakat in Amol-Kalit, is the self-stylized 'Desert Trickster' also occasionally known as 'that thievin' git'. She's setting out to make a fortune, and have fun while doing it. There are pockets that need to be picked, ruins to explore, and friends to make.
Ashara Raja is a young dark skinned Kaliti woman with a svelte build and soft features, soft dark locks of hair reaching past her shoulders, and bright gold eyes piercing the air. She has some freckles on her face which are sometimes covered by makeup. Ash isn’t tall in stature, standing around one hundred seventy centimeters and though she has muscles, she is lean in figure except around the hips and bust.
Ash usually wears light clothing, both in color and in composition, such as cotton fabric tunics. She wears a blue satin sash around her waist with her belt where her sword and pouches hang. Depending on her mood or where she is, Ash will wear trousers and tall boots to help keep sand from her feet. Around her head, she often wears a wide brimmed hat with a few feathers and a blue satin headwrap, tying her hair in it. Ash likes to wear gold jewelry, necklaces, bracelets, and rings, but parts with them either by giving them away or by selling them for coin almost as quickly as she comes to possess them.
Ash usually wears light clothing, both in color and in composition, such as cotton fabric tunics. She wears a blue satin sash around her waist with her belt where her sword and pouches hang. Depending on her mood or where she is, Ash will wear trousers and tall boots to help keep sand from her feet. Around her head, she often wears a wide brimmed hat with a few feathers and a blue satin headwrap, tying her hair in it. Ash likes to wear gold jewelry, necklaces, bracelets, and rings, but parts with them either by giving them away or by selling them for coin almost as quickly as she comes to possess them.
Skills and Abilities
Ashara is capable of some basic spells and can hold her own in a fight, however her skills are specialized for theft, pickpocketing, stealth, and lockpicking. Deft hands and fingers are how she would prefer to make her coin, rather than killing whenever possible. She is usually quite charming and beguiling, good at simple misdirection, blending into crowds, and finding places to hide from prying eyes after having scored a shiny prize. She has learned some dancing and songs, and enjoys singing while traveling. Ash can play a lute, but isn't great with the instrument.
As a sorceress, Ash is hardly a wizard of renown, being only capable of simple spells true mages would consider tricks rather than incantations. She can use magic to open simple locks and doors, muffle her steps or increase the volume of her voice, throw her voice, create sources of magical light and other prestidigitation effects. Her favorite spells however involve using magic to charm, inspire, invoke terror, or enrage other beings in her vicinity, though such spells are hardly foolproof and known to be ineffective against beings with significant willpower. She requires the use of simple hand gestures and short verbal utterances to cast her spells, meaning that if she was unable to speak or make use of her hands, she wouldn't be able to cast magic. Much like scripture magic, Ashara’s knowledge of magic can use simple components to help offset the Price of Magic from drawing too deeply on her own spirit, such as using a match for a fire spell, or water for ice, merely acting as a supplement but isn’t necessary.
As a combatant, the desert girl prefers the use of a single, versatile longsword. She carries one light enough to be used in one hand but with a long enough hilt to grip with both hands comfortably. Ash is skilled enough to hold her own in combat, better than most bandits and highwaymen like herself, but not on the level of true knights or experienced bladesmen. Ashara can use a bow well enough to hunt game on the trail, which translates to being a useful archer in battle but she’s no marksmen. She very rarely wears armor, and when she does it is always light weight and comfortable, such as light chainmail or boiled leathers.
As a sorceress, Ash is hardly a wizard of renown, being only capable of simple spells true mages would consider tricks rather than incantations. She can use magic to open simple locks and doors, muffle her steps or increase the volume of her voice, throw her voice, create sources of magical light and other prestidigitation effects. Her favorite spells however involve using magic to charm, inspire, invoke terror, or enrage other beings in her vicinity, though such spells are hardly foolproof and known to be ineffective against beings with significant willpower. She requires the use of simple hand gestures and short verbal utterances to cast her spells, meaning that if she was unable to speak or make use of her hands, she wouldn't be able to cast magic. Much like scripture magic, Ashara’s knowledge of magic can use simple components to help offset the Price of Magic from drawing too deeply on her own spirit, such as using a match for a fire spell, or water for ice, merely acting as a supplement but isn’t necessary.
As a combatant, the desert girl prefers the use of a single, versatile longsword. She carries one light enough to be used in one hand but with a long enough hilt to grip with both hands comfortably. Ash is skilled enough to hold her own in combat, better than most bandits and highwaymen like herself, but not on the level of true knights or experienced bladesmen. Ashara can use a bow well enough to hunt game on the trail, which translates to being a useful archer in battle but she’s no marksmen. She very rarely wears armor, and when she does it is always light weight and comfortable, such as light chainmail or boiled leathers.
Ashara is a thief, she likes what she does and who she is. She’s willing to take what she wants, but she isn’t one to steal from the poor and downtrodden or to purposefully cause suffering with her mischief. She’s not above helping those in need, though not to the point where she would be left out in the cold or starve. Ash knows when she can afford to skip a meal, or has prospects in order to find new lodging. She will also go back to try to save a comrade in need, even at risk to herself.
She possesses a deep-seated wanderlust, the desire for adventure driving her to delve into ruins and uncharted dungeons, the exploration of the wider world, to see the night sky from every city, sail every sea, and climb the highest peaks in the world.
Beyond that, she is a mischievous girl. When traveling she may steal from her friends simply to prove that she can, only to return the pilfered objects when it suits her. Ash would never keep something that held sentimental value to someone she liked, but isn’t above taking it for her own amusement. She is a flirt, and enjoys using her charisma to her advantage, though she is naive to the ways of the world, meaning that she can accidentally cause faux pas, perhaps a political incident, or upset the wrong people while simple being her own mischievous self. Ash isn't a gloom and doom type, despite her history, possessing a very real zest for life and all its little twists of fate. Though she doesn't speak about it, she has no regrets or disappointments about how her life has progressed.
She possesses a deep-seated wanderlust, the desire for adventure driving her to delve into ruins and uncharted dungeons, the exploration of the wider world, to see the night sky from every city, sail every sea, and climb the highest peaks in the world.
Beyond that, she is a mischievous girl. When traveling she may steal from her friends simply to prove that she can, only to return the pilfered objects when it suits her. Ash would never keep something that held sentimental value to someone she liked, but isn’t above taking it for her own amusement. She is a flirt, and enjoys using her charisma to her advantage, though she is naive to the ways of the world, meaning that she can accidentally cause faux pas, perhaps a political incident, or upset the wrong people while simple being her own mischievous self. Ash isn't a gloom and doom type, despite her history, possessing a very real zest for life and all its little twists of fate. Though she doesn't speak about it, she has no regrets or disappointments about how her life has progressed.
Biography & Lore
Ashara keeps her past secret, even from close friends she may possess for reasons unknown. Some speculate that Ashara isn’t her birth name, and that given her nefarious intentions she has adopted a false identity to protect her loved ones in case anyone ever came after them in vengeance for any riches she steals. The girl doesn’t remark on these theories, but they are far from the truth.
The truth is, Ashara was born a nobody to a nomad tribe that lived around the Baal-Duru Delta region, selling wares at Annuakat when it suited them. Her parents weren’t famous or legendary, they were not important. They simply existed, once. When she was a young child, her father was killed while gathering in the deep dunes of Amol-Kalit leaving the girl and her mother to fend for themselves. Perhaps the pain of loss was too great, perhaps looking upon her daughter only reminded the woman of the husband she had lost, or perhaps it was selfishness that drove Ashara’s mother to abandon her in the desert alone. Clearly the intention had been that the young girl would die wandering the sands with no one to help her, but fate had other plans in store.
Ashara wandered the desert for several days and nights, at first following the tracks her mother had left in the sand before the dunes shifted and the winds swept the signs of her passing away. Eventually, heat and dust had started to claim the young girl. And then she was found. A small troop of mercenaries passing through the desert to Elbion found her walking aimlessly between the dunes and rescued her at the command of their leader, Boros the Black. The mighty minotaur clothed, fed, and cared for the girl who at the time refused to tell any of them who she was or where she had come from, only that she was grateful for their help. When they finally arrived in Elbion, Boros arranged to leave the girl at an orphanage he had grown up at in his youth. When filling out the proper forms, the girl chose the name Ashara and Mother Gretha gave her a surname from an obscure Annuakatan legend the old woman had a fondness for.
Of course, life at the orphanage wasn’t fun or exciting, but Ash was provided for and educated by the wizened woman during her youth. Ash, yearning for a break from the mundane, learned other skills with the other poor children on the streets, such as pick-pocketing, hiding, and misdirection frequently taking from tavern patrons as they left to buy herself sweets of trinkets that caught her eye. Despite her provisions, Ash preferred the life of an urchin to that of chores in the orphanage, snagging coppers and silvers from drunks to take what she wanted and help whoever she fancied. She learned to take care of herself, relying on nothing but her wits and talents, becoming independent. This life of crime left her with many trinkets merchants were happy to swap for things that were more useful to the trickster, and allowed the girl to live a life with a bit more luxury than she would otherwise be forced to live. Ill-gotten gains served her far better than being a tavern-wench or herbalist counting coppers every night in the hopes of buying a hot meal.
Eventually, as the girl grew older she learned to dance and began studying magic from one of the College of Magic’s students she befriended, being trained in simple spells and rituals. Magic was one of the few skills that didn’t come naturally to the girl, and so she often read books and tomes, practiced and received tutoring from her friend in exchange for this or that so that she could learn the basics of magic and its multitude of uses. Occasionally Boros would return to the city and visit his childhood home, becoming one of Ash’s first true friends. He exemplified the wanderlust that burned in the girl’s chest and she had hopes of joining him on his adventures one day before she matured.
When she reached her later teens, Ash began to realize she wanted more than to be a roving mercenary and while she would always be grateful for all that Boros had done for her and always consider him a friend, she wanted to set out on her own.
The truth is, Ashara was born a nobody to a nomad tribe that lived around the Baal-Duru Delta region, selling wares at Annuakat when it suited them. Her parents weren’t famous or legendary, they were not important. They simply existed, once. When she was a young child, her father was killed while gathering in the deep dunes of Amol-Kalit leaving the girl and her mother to fend for themselves. Perhaps the pain of loss was too great, perhaps looking upon her daughter only reminded the woman of the husband she had lost, or perhaps it was selfishness that drove Ashara’s mother to abandon her in the desert alone. Clearly the intention had been that the young girl would die wandering the sands with no one to help her, but fate had other plans in store.
Ashara wandered the desert for several days and nights, at first following the tracks her mother had left in the sand before the dunes shifted and the winds swept the signs of her passing away. Eventually, heat and dust had started to claim the young girl. And then she was found. A small troop of mercenaries passing through the desert to Elbion found her walking aimlessly between the dunes and rescued her at the command of their leader, Boros the Black. The mighty minotaur clothed, fed, and cared for the girl who at the time refused to tell any of them who she was or where she had come from, only that she was grateful for their help. When they finally arrived in Elbion, Boros arranged to leave the girl at an orphanage he had grown up at in his youth. When filling out the proper forms, the girl chose the name Ashara and Mother Gretha gave her a surname from an obscure Annuakatan legend the old woman had a fondness for.
Of course, life at the orphanage wasn’t fun or exciting, but Ash was provided for and educated by the wizened woman during her youth. Ash, yearning for a break from the mundane, learned other skills with the other poor children on the streets, such as pick-pocketing, hiding, and misdirection frequently taking from tavern patrons as they left to buy herself sweets of trinkets that caught her eye. Despite her provisions, Ash preferred the life of an urchin to that of chores in the orphanage, snagging coppers and silvers from drunks to take what she wanted and help whoever she fancied. She learned to take care of herself, relying on nothing but her wits and talents, becoming independent. This life of crime left her with many trinkets merchants were happy to swap for things that were more useful to the trickster, and allowed the girl to live a life with a bit more luxury than she would otherwise be forced to live. Ill-gotten gains served her far better than being a tavern-wench or herbalist counting coppers every night in the hopes of buying a hot meal.
Eventually, as the girl grew older she learned to dance and began studying magic from one of the College of Magic’s students she befriended, being trained in simple spells and rituals. Magic was one of the few skills that didn’t come naturally to the girl, and so she often read books and tomes, practiced and received tutoring from her friend in exchange for this or that so that she could learn the basics of magic and its multitude of uses. Occasionally Boros would return to the city and visit his childhood home, becoming one of Ash’s first true friends. He exemplified the wanderlust that burned in the girl’s chest and she had hopes of joining him on his adventures one day before she matured.
When she reached her later teens, Ash began to realize she wanted more than to be a roving mercenary and while she would always be grateful for all that Boros had done for her and always consider him a friend, she wanted to set out on her own.
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