Amelia Rowe

Amelia Rowe

Biographical information
Allir Reach
Blacksmith Apprentice
The Messengers
Physical Description
Dark brown
Social/Political Information
Blacksmith Apprentice
The Wyvern's Nest
OOC Information
August 31st 2021

Amelia Rowe’s a young blacksmith seeking to advance her skills and career. Her biggest dream being to one day craft the weapons that legendary heroes wield in battle. She’s inexperienced at the moment and looking for any chance to improve.

She’ll happily go on quests if it means finding some rare material for her to craft a weapon from. She's a Blacksmith Apprentice at the Wyvern's Nest.


She’s a young woman with long, dark brown hair that keeps tied back into a ponytail that just reaches her mid-back in length. She has bright blue eyes and light, suntanned skin. She has a fit body build and a small scar just under her right eye.

She dresses in plain clothing, mainly because she can’t afford anything fancier. She usually wears a navy-blue tunic, and dark gray trousers.

Skills and Abilities

Physical Condition - Amelia's physically fit and in all-around good condition. This allows her to work a forge properly and hit hard when she gets into a fight. Her athleticism also allows her to run far, carry heavy things, and work long and hard without exhausting herself.

Blacksmithing - Amelia has basic skills in blacksmithing. Although she's still an apprentice. Her workmanship is suitable but sometimes shoddy. She's best suited for repairing, sharpening, and otherwise tending to things as opposed to crafting a new one.

Her skill in blacksmithing has also led to her being knowledgeable about metals and other materials that can be used for blacksmithing, both common and rare.

Bladed Weapons - Amelia has learned a little about wielding bladed weapons for the sake of defending herself. Although she's still no trained warrior.


Amelia’s an endearing young woman with boundless enthusiasm, tempered only by her own insecurities. She’s polite and friendly on a person-to-person basis, usually at a disadvantage in social situations due to her inexperience in them. She’s a generally good-hearted person who’ll try to help others who need it. She’s prone to being tricked by some craftier people but hasn’t let that keep her down for long.

She loves blacksmithing and is wholly dedicated to honing her skills in it, although the challenges can sometimes feel overwhelming to her. She dreams of being a great blacksmith someday, one whose weapons will be wielded by the greatest of heroes. She’s always looking for some rare material she can use to craft better weapons as a result of this.

She’s a lover of stories, both true and legendary. Looking up to the heroes that each speaks of. This contributes to her being an overall hopeful and optimistic person.

Biography & Lore

She grew up in a fishing village on the coast of the Allirian Strait. She worked as an apprentice for the only blacksmith there. She’s always been a lover of both stories and weapons. While she loved her hometown, there wasn’t any room for advancement, as so few people lived there.

Amelia left home at nineteen, looking for an opportunity to train her skills. She first went to Alliria and got a job working for Tanith and Elra Mistfall. Later, she moved with them to the Vale, where they helped her get a job at their new business of the Wyvern's Nest.


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