Amarin Saella

Amarin Saella

Biographical information
Thanasis 68 Thanasis
Physical description
Human Male 6'1 170 lbs Silver Hazel Fair
Political information
High Ascended
Out-of-character information
TapathyWR 7/26/2024 Square

The sunlight that pours through into Ōmeyōcān this morning is a sight I know few who live in this world will be blessed to see. Our most ancient home has always been a place of wonder and marvel, but only when our pristine work is illuminated in such a divine glow do I take pause to truly appreciate the life given to me.

Our island home of Malakath, while massive beyond our reach, is so infinitesimally small compared to the world beyond it. This, I know. Yet, as few as we are, we have accomplished what those across the waters could never hope to achieve. To bond with the gods themselves, beautiful and divine creatures with power unmatched, either to destroy and bring ruin, or in my dear Kallea's case, to restore life to the direst of sickness and plague.

Even one of us could change the course of history, were it not for our training and temperament. It is a hand we hold steady, a blade that could behead humanity should we be so weak as to drop it.

Why us? Why have we Ascended been tasked with so heavy a burden? We, who are human in every other way but our link to the Drake, to the Dragon? As the years pass, as my children grow and form bonds of their own, I find questions upon questions that only choose to pester me in my most isolated moments. The Sacrifice was the birth, the origin, a pact made out of a desperate need to survive.

Survive we have, and thrived. Often I look upon all that we've accomplished in the centuries since and wonder what those thirteen who gave their lives would think of what their sacrifice has become. Is this what they wanted? For us to remain rooted in place, locked in endless conflict with those that oppose us?

I do, of course, restrain my ponderance to these pages. Though the mysteries of our civilization, of our companions, do elude me to a stubborn fault, I find solace in that the wonders those mysteries have created are those that I am lucky enough to be a part of. The city of Thanasis, the beauty of Ōmeyōcān, the splendor of The Palace...

A small home it is, but a paradise to be sure.

-The Journal of Amarin Saella

House Saella

House Saella is one of the the Thirteen Great Houses of Thanasis. They are the breeders of the Ransa Dragons, highly coveted and beloved Dragons whose tears are said to cure any ailment and promote health even in the dark face of death itself.

Said to be descended from a convent of priests and monks who worshipped the Dragons even before The Great Crossing, House Saella is a deeply religious family, holding strong beliefs in the Godhood of the Dragons, and the divinity of their bond with humans. Many of the most prominent temples and shrines were funded and are maintained by the Saella family, with prominent members of the House sometimes offering sermons and historical lessons to the general public.

Much like the quite peaceful Ransa Dragons that House Saella breeds, they staunchly protest unnecessary war and violence, and do not approve of the use of Dragons for combat outside of self-defense. As such, Saella members seldom serve in any military capacity, with exceptions such as Erickson Saella, who notably lost his life in a battle against the Jarlax in The Borderlands.

That effort which would usually go towards raising soldiers instead is funneled to Academia; The Saella family is revered as one of the largest supporters of historical preservation and documentation, as well as education of the young. The House owns several libraries in the Inner District, and even one in the Outer District, free of use to the general public.


Amarin is unquestionably on the older side, with the wrinkles of age, slight build, and silver hair to display it. However, age has not stopped him from keeping up his appearances as High Ascended and current Patriarch of House Saella. Amarin often wears expensive suits, woven by the most skilled seamstresses in Thanasis. The scarf woven around his neck and the cape-like cloak hanging from his back are both keepsakes from his father, Alwin, who bequeathed them to Amarin shortly before his passing.

Amarin wears a pauldron on his left shoulder, originally belonging to that of his eldest child Erickson, an Ascended who lost his life in a vicious Jarlax assault while serving in the Borderlands. The pauldron was all that could be recovered of Erickson when the attack had subsided, and his father took to wearing it in remembrance.

Notably, Amarin walks using a cane, and sports an intricate brace on his left leg, This leg was completely shattered in his youth, during his first flight with his bondmate, Kallea, during which he fell from her back and found himself momentarily pinned underneath her weight. for a time, it was thought that Amarin would never walk again. It was thanks only to the tears of the Ransa Dragons his family breeds, including that of Kallea herself, that he regained partial use of the leg.

Skills and Abilities

Amarin is a skilled Dragon rider, despite his injured limb. As House Saella traditionally protests the use of Dragons for violence unless absolutely necessary, Amarin never served The Thunder of Thanasis in a military capacity. Instead, he opted to train and mentor the younger generation, finding fulfillment in nurturing the talent of others.

Despite his House's pacifistic nature, Amarin is a skilled swordsman, owing to many lessons as a young man with his father. The cane he uses contains such a hidden blade, ready to be drawn should the need for self-defense arise.

Amarin's most potent skill, however, is his ability to weave words into elegant and captivating speeches. House Saella funds and maintains many of the largest temples and shrines commonly used by the everyday citizen of Thanasis, and as such, Amarin has honed his tongue giving sermons and lessons to those eager for a deeper connection with the winged Gods they share their home with. Amarin has written several books adapting Thanasis' history for the everyday reader, and he fancies himself a historian of sorts.


Amarin is a soft-spoken and calm man, known for keeping his composure even in the most stressful of situations. As the Patriarch of the Great House Saella, he is acutely aware of the influence he has and feels no need to raise his voice to get his point across.

That is not to imply that Amarin is by any means a pushover; he's stubborn to a fault, and a staunch defender of Thanasis' well being and his family's values. Arguing with Amarin is an exercise in patience and, often, futility, and the Saella Patriarch is unafraid to use his sway to get what he wants in spite of opposition.

A firm believer in the importance of faith and academia, Amarin is a teacher at heart, often spiralling off into long-winded speeches and lectures at the drop of a hat. He is utterly captivated by the history of Thanasis, nearly to the point of obsession; Though the Saella estate lies in the Palace District, Amarin makes almost daily trips to Ōmeyōcān, sitting in the sun and writing in a journal.

The Ransa Dragon

While many types of dragons have consistent and observable traits throughout the entire breed, Ransa Dragons are unique in that their physical appearances vary widely. When Ransa Dragons are born, their bodies are long and serpent-like, with multicolored scales and vibrantly bright wings. Young Ransas are sometimes referred to as 'Rainbow Dragons' for resembling small winged rainbows soaring through the sky.

When a Ransa bonds to an Ascended, its physical appearance slowly changes shape. Over the course of several months, the Ransa will take on a form befitting to its bondmate's temperament, personality, and desires. This process, called 'Bondmorphing' is not yet understood, but it is considered a sign of a seasoned and respectable Ransa Rider to have a fully bondmorphed Dragon. Often, the only similarity it holds to its juvenile form is the vibrant array of colors it wears.

Ransa Dragons are highly sought after for their tears, said to hold magical healing properties with the ability to cure any illness. Some healers also believe these tears aid in the tending of wounds, and others promote them as an elixir to promote good health. Nevertheless, the procuration of Ransa tears by anyone other than their bondmate without the approval of the Saella house is considered taboo, as Ransas must feel pain or sorrow to produce these tears. There are several events when it is acceptable to take fallen tears, however, such as the Lamenting of the Lost. They are also offered as a prize in some competitions.



Kaella is Amarin's dragon. Like all Ransa, she was born with a long serpentine body and rainbow-colored scales, until she bonded to Amarin and slowly bondmorphed to suit his liking and personality. Her body retained most of its length, while her scales took on a stunning cobalt blue hue with purple spines. The most vivant change Kaella experience, however, was that of her wings, which took on the beautiful spectrum of the sun.

Even in his youth, Amarin's favorite pastime was to watch the sun rise and set over the Malakath horizon. The striking splashes of sunlight, split into all the warmest colors as it spread out across the vast expanse of untouched land was the sight that Amarin sought every day of his life, and so these desires manifested in the bondmorph of his Dragon.

Kaella is a very loyal and docile creature, preferring to lounge alongside Amarin unless directed otherwise. She is protective over Saella, to the point of nervous fits when separated for him for any meaningful length of time. In Amarin's youth, a riding lesson ended with her falling onto one of Saella's legs and crushing it. The ordeal brought with it enough sorrow to produce gallons of tears, many of which were used to heal Amarin himself.

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