Open Chronicles Your Empire Calls!

A roleplay open for anyone to join

Ralian Thorpe

The Rambler
Character Biography
The Broken Duct Field


"Step up! Step up!" Cried Ralian Thorpe the Rambler. His gurdy twisting in his fingers as he called out to a group in a field near the walls of Annuakat. The droning tone of the spinning wheel on the strings worked its way passed the crowd at the active nearby market. Selling furs, spices, and feast foods from across the Empire and the greater world, it was a popular spot.

An open air tavern had taken root near the field with an old ruin a now broken aqueduct, which still spilled off enough water from time to time that they could ferment their own special brews, which were quite popular amongst the common folk that lived near that edge of the walls of the mighty city.

"Step up!" Your Empire calls to you!" Ralian yelled out once more. "Take the challenge! Show your strength and skill! Win a prize!" Ralian clapped a hand, pausing the music. "Show your worth to the Emperor!"

The obstacle course beside him was crude, but effective. Strung up to the broken aqueduct were rope ladders, thistle strung hoops, a wood wall, and a flower sack stuffed dummies. A miserably strung bow was laid out with very dull arrow, along with some training swords.

"Come and test your medal at this gauntlet! Enemies lie beyond the walls and beyond the borders. Your Empire needs to know it has strong warriors that can defend her in these dark times!"

Ralian took up a very large tankard of beer and swallowed a mighty gulp as the crowd moved to him.

"Step up! Win and win a prize! Your Empire Calls!"