Completed What the Sword's For

Character Biography
Aera Eäron - a city like any other in Aeraesar: a ruined relic of a time now passed. At the Eventide's coming, this city like all the others, save for their capital of Sharyrdaes, was overrun and abandoned. There were none who dwelt here now that would be any friend of the Aerai.

From her current vantage, a ridge protruding from the side of a steep hill in the forest, Vailë could see the city's spires rising up along the coast. She'd been to Aera Eäron before, that was in the time before. Though she could recall much of the city as it was then, there was no telling what over a century had done. Places once quite safe could now be quite the opposite - they would need to be cautious of that alone, let alone whatever else lurked within the city's walls. Places like this were more a refuge for the ilk of monsters than anyone else now, which was of course why they were here. Arkhivom was staging his army somewhere in their lands, and if they knew where then it was all the better for them - provided they weren't captured in the process.

"We're close," Vailë declared, turning her head down the steep ridge to the path below where Phyrra awaited her, "and no sign of... anything."

It was odd, but not terribly uncommon. Aeraesar was rife with monsters of many kinds, but just because they existed in great numbers did not mean that they existed everywhere. Sometimes they simply came to a place where their presence was not so thick. Vailë was simply suspicious of such occurrences, especially when the exact opposite was most definitely to be expected.

She slid down the side of the ridge and returned to Phyrra's side, saying, "this doesn't seem right."

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  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Phyrra
'Does it ever?' On foot, her bow strung and slung over her left shoulder, Phyrra arrested Vailë's slide with an outstretched palm. 'Let's take things slow. Go in quiet, cautious.' And see what happens from there. Given the layout of the city, and the destruction since, there were more than a few routes into the city. Phyrra knew from experience which ones were safe, and which were better off avoided.

Of course, the situation in Aera Eäron might have changed some since then. Arkhivom was not known to rest on his laurels. The horde of monsters that followed him were no different.

'Walk with me?' Smiling, the Third Blade led Vailë down into the farmland that had once surrounded the city. The crops that had once grown here had long since died, just as the cattle had been slaughtered for meat or sport. 'A shame this place has been reduced to little more than a memory,' she remarked, gazing beyond the burnt-out farmsteads to the city walls. 'I recall it having been quite beautiful, once.'

Before the Eventide. Before the death and destruction of so many of their peoples. Was this what awaited them all in the end? Darkness and ruin?

Phyrra paused, went to one knee in the blackened earth. 'Movement, by the balustrade.' She pointed. 'See?'
  • Love
Reactions: Vailë
Phyrra's smile was returned with one of Vailë's own, and with a hum she nodded in reply. Long had it been since the only light they could find was in one another, and Vailë was pleased that she had been dispatched alongside one who shone as brightly as Phyrra. She was confident that they would discover whatever there was, if anything, to find here.

"I remember watching the sunrise from the harbour..." she recounted, sharing a fleeting visual memory with clarity.

Phyrra paused, and Vailë was quick to perceive her caution and followed suite. Tracking her direction, Vailë looked to see, but while her own eyes were too slow to catch the flash of movement, she could see through the memory of her kith. While there was no uncertainty that there was something out there, that was of little surprise. To what extent is what they needed to ascertain, and it would be a lie for her to say she hoped to find nothing here. Though she, like all her kind, were advocates of goodness and peace, she could not deny what she was.

She was an Aerai.

The Aerai were warriors, and she did feel the call of battle. Though theirs was a purpose based in faith and benevolence, it was harsh in its brutality and calming in its finality. For them, there was a quiet comfort that came in the throes of combat, for some even joy hidden beneath the struggle. They did not seek out conflict for the sake of dominance, or sport. They did not seek combat, nor wish for it to find them - but cold would the day be when one turned their head from it.

Quickly, her eyes darted across the top of the wall to catch any other signs of movement. Finding none, she directed her attention lower. The main gate was torn from its hinges, and the way into the city there wide open. If there was a greater force here, they could easily have set a trap there. However, that could also be said of any other potential entrances for that matter.

For all they really knew, that entire wall was crawling with beasts of any and likely many kinds, ready and waiting to descend upon them.

A smile formed on her lips, "well, the front door is open," her hand rested on the hilt of her sword, "we could find out really quickly what we're dealing with here."

  • Gasp
Reactions: Phyrra
'Or we could find ourselves walking into a trap we can't fight our way out of,' replied Phyrra. Glancing over her shoulder, the she-elf flashed Vailë a small smile. 'Still, couldn't hurt to keep things simple for a change.' The front gate was wide enough for two carts to pass side-by-side. So who would notice when they decided to slip through?

The old watchers were all dead, after all, and their ghosts would not bother returning kin. The monsters might, if there were any. Were there any?

Only one way to find out, she thought, taking a moment to breathe. 'All right! Let's go knock, see who answers.' Making her way through the fields, Phyrra stopped just short of the bridge spanning the dry moat ringing Aera Eäron. Sharp stakes lined the far side of the trench. Like everything else here, most had long since rotted through.

'I'll go first,' she whispered, eyeing the high walls and watchtowers with keen eyes. She had grown accustomed to the shadows a long time ago. They didn't frighten her like they used to. 'Wish me luck.' With a small nod, Phyrra sprang up from her hiding place. A headlong rush carried her across the bridge and into the shadowed maw awaiting her on the other side.

When nothing happened, she paused, looked around.

Your turn, she communicated telepathically, ears peeled for any hint of activity above or beyond. The wind whistled between the rusted teeth of the portcullis. Apart from that and the distant shriek of something dying, the only other sound to be heard was that of her own hushed breathing.
  • Yay
Reactions: Vailë
And that sound was soon paired with the patter of Vailë's feet as she drew near, quieting as she slowed to a halt near Phyrra's side. She shot her a returning smile, and then scanned the surround of the new environment with a quick but careful eye. Aera Eäron was a city rivaling Sharyrdaes in its own right, once, and it was made with the same diligence, as all Aerai works were. Most of the city's ruin was a product of the war, and not the weathering of time. Despite the destruction, the resilience of the lingering architecture was a testament to the craftsmen of the past. She was solemnly awed, but withdrew from her emotion as quickly as it rose.

Sword in hand, she knelt low and put her ear near to the ground. The sound of the coastline nearby was overwhelming, but an Aerai's ears were sharp.

"There's something in town square," she said, bringing herself upright again, "but its hard to tell what."

Beckoning Phyrra to follow with the inclining of her head, Vailë started on her way. She was swift, and like the monsters they sought to hunt she kept herself to the shadows. And it was easy to do so. With what little light there was that still managed through the canopy of rolling dark above, a deeper dark was cast from structures and wreckage of all sorts. It wasn't long until they'd found themselves upon the square, and within they beheld an interesting sight.

Pacing back and forth with no obvious aim was a beast of Arkhivom's design. It stood and moved in the likeness of a feline, but instead of fur it wore a hardened shell for skin. Its face was like that of a lizard with a long, rounded snout and black, lidless eyes. Its tipped tail swayed back and forth, and its talons clicked against the stone beneath it with every step. As they drew nearer, it hissed and growled, aware of their presence but uncertain of where they were. On their own, displaying a modest sense of telepathy, these creatures could be a handful. But Phyrra and Vailë both knew that though these beasts rivaled the Aerai in sight, their hearing was especially poor, so they were usually found in number.

  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Phyrra
A hand as gentle as the summer breeze came to rest upon Vailë's armoured shoulder. Wordlessly, Phyrra pointed towards an alleyway exiting the square. With the numbers against them, it wouldn't hurt to even the playing field by luring their enemy into unfavourable terrain. The alleyway, dark as it was, could fit no more than two Aerai shoulder to shoulder. The perfect place to fight, should it come to it.

I would like to avoid a confrontation until we know what we're up against, she thought, sharing her mind with the fair-haired Aerai accompanying her. Let us explore further. Perhaps we will discover what exactly brought these creatures here in the first place. Phyrra doubted they were here to sightsee.

Indeed, she perceived a greater purpose to their visit. Why else would such "beings" visit a grave, already looted as it was.

Slinking through the half-light, the she-elf disappeared into the mouth of the alley. It was dark, but not so dark as to leave them blind. A strange chittering sound emanated from the square at her back. A dozen dry throats mimicked the sound, carrying it further into the maze of streets and abandoned passages riddling Aera Eäron.

Phyrra identified at least a dozen more before the sound died down.

'That's... concerning,' she whispered, laying an arrow across her bowstring. 'What do you think they are here for? Not prey, certainly.'

  • Wonder
Reactions: Vailë
Vailë was hardly one to argue with sound reasoning, and though to be a Sword of the Order was no small thing, they were far from invincible. Skillful, nimble and powerful, yes, but as they were so woefully aware, far from invulnerable.

She followed after her sword-sister, far more concerned with shrouding her mind and staying out of sight than disturbing the landscape beneath her feet, but silent all the same. After only she'd made a few paces into the dark of the alleyway did the creature's call sound. Its beckoning was soon echoed by the sound of many others, and Phyrra's estimation was backed up with Vailë's own, only with the added and likely shared opinion that there were likely even more than they could detect.

"Very," she replied, drawing out a dagger in a backhanded grip, leaving her shield on her back just yet. As for Phyrra's question, she thought for only a moment and then said, "they're protecting something... or someone."

Let's go.

They started down the darkened alley, and through their minds Vailë shared her suspicion. If there was one thing about Arkhivom that they knew for certain, it was his obvious disdain for the Aerai as a people and more interestingly, their faith in the Celestials. She thought that the temple in Aera Eäron, which was an imposing structure in the city, might foster some more obvious clue. It was located not too far from the city's square.

  • Cthulu Knife
Reactions: Phyrra
They moved swiftly and silently, avoiding the monsters in their path as far as they were able to. The feline-lizard hybrids were not at all subtle. Noisy, and in some cases quarrelsome, they clicked and clawed and prowled the city streets aimlessly. Though, of course, they never wandered too far from the temple.

Whatever awaited them there was bound to prove troublesome. Phyrra hoped she had brought enough arrows to take it down, or if that proved too much to ask, drive it off.

Ghosting along behind Vailë, the she-elf kept her eyes peeled and ears pricked up for any signs of the enemy. For all the noise those strange monsters seemed to make, the streets were eerily quiet. It left Phyrra with a deep sense of unease. A feeling she no doubt shared with her companion.

'Arkhivom has a lot to answer for,' she whispered, passing through the decrepit ruin of an old bathhouse. Beyond, the temple awaited. 'Check the shadows,' she advised, 'up high, by the marble columns. Don't want anything dropping in on us when we make entry.'

Needless advice, perhaps. Vailë knew what she was doing, had fought enough of the dark-bringer's foul creations to make a career out of it. Even so, Phyrra could not allow herself to withhold such information. Who knew, it might just save their lives.

  • Bless
Reactions: Vailë
At the mention of Arkhivom's name, the grip on her sword's hilt tightened some. Anger flared through her, but it diminished in as little as a breath, soothed by the strength of her mind and her determination for focus. Arkhivom did indeed have much to answer for, and as she scanned across the wreckage of this place she once again reminded herself that for her part, she would see that he did indeed answer.

Out into the dreary street her eyes turned up, heeding Phyrra's warning. She saw no sign of threat from above, but these creatures grew more clever in greater number. They could indeed be lying in wait, expectant of their intrusion. But too, who would be folly enough to venture into this broken place? Surely they were only so prepared for such an incursion as theirs.

And as luck would have it, it seemed her musings were correct. They slipped through the street and found their way into the temple with little issue, and quickly began making their way through its great corridors. It was reminiscent of the temple in Sharyrdaes, but far from as vast. It was only a short while after that the sound of distant voices made it to their ears.

Vailë shared a concerned look with her comrade, and though she shared no audible thought it was clear she was perturbed.

It took them little time to reach the cathedral, which they decided to enter into from the upper mezzanine. It was dark, but there at the base of the altar were there torches lit, and three figures who stood there conversing. They were drenched in shadow, and impossible to discern, and they spoke in a language that Vailë did not fully understand, but she could hear them clearly and certain words did sound familiar.

Have you ever seen them speak before? She asked through thought, having never seen Arkhivom's monsters behave in such a way.

  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Phyrra
'A few times.' Phyrra admitted. 'Always from a distance. Do you recognise the language? Sounds Infernal, almost.' It wasn't, though. Phyrra knew the hellish tongue. Had spoken it, once or twice. Arkhivom's devils were of a different breed, with their own language and behaviourisms. That they talked to each other did not surprise her.

The anger she detected in their tones did.

'They seem displeased about something. Perhaps they have not yet discovered what they came here for?' Sharing another look with her companion, the Third Blade moved closer to the edge. Sharp eyes regarded the three figures where they stood below the altar. Shadows resolved into robes, and beneath a dark hood, Phyrra caught the slightest glimpse of something pale.

'Dead flesh.' She communicated via the bond, her inner voice calm, serene. 'Dead and rotting. These are no "ordinary" mortals.' Feeling her grip on her weapon tighten subconsciously, Phyrra slid back into the deeper shadows surrounding them.

'What do you wish to do, Vailë?' She asked, unsure of how to proceed. 'We could try to capture one, see what it is they're searching for.' She hesitated. 'I doubt they will talk, however.' Another pause. 'Perhaps we should let them pass, or else... follow them?' Her suggestion was almost innocent. The smile that accompanied it definitely wasn't.
  • Smug
Reactions: Vailë
So Phyrra had witnessed such a thing. It was curious to her, as she had always assumed - like many others had - that Arkhivom's monsters were mindless slaves to him, driven by bloodthirsty lust and his hate alone. That they behaved like this was startling to her. Luckily, Phyrra was much less distracted by what was to Vailë a revelation, and she remained focused on what was of far greater importance. She snapped back to the moment, considering Phyrra's observations.

You're right, they likely would not share anything...

Her eyes turned to meet her kinswoman's at her suggestion to follow them, her own half smile forming at the tone she implied.

Following them is probably our best bet... but it could be a trap if they catch on to us.

She watched and listened to the dark trio below for a while longer as they spoke to one another, their voices laced with malice. Yet it did not sound of ire toward one another, simply... angry. Whether they were expressing frustration about a certain thing or if that was their way of speaking she could not really be sure, but she imagined it was the latter.

And then, abruptly, they all turned in one direction and departed from there, disappearing into the dark of a vast corridor.

Shall we?

  • Yay
Reactions: Phyrra
'After you!' Slipping from their hiding place, the two elves descended from the gallery in a blur of movement. Cautiously, careful not to make any noise that might give them away, Phyrra gazed down the dark corridor their prey had decided to take. She could just about make out soles scuffing on stone. A door clattered open, drowning the sound out entirely.

Making the most of the opportunity, she dashed forward, nimbly hopping over a fallen plinth she saw at the last second.

Up ahead, the threes' voices picked up again, as if discussing something. She was too far from them to make out the details, but it wouldn't have made a difference if she had. They were speaking in their strange dialect again, the sounds emanating from the open doorway reminding Phyrra of beasts rather than men.

Following the noises deeper into the building, she paused at a three-way junction, glanced around.

'They've split up,' she whispered, watching the angles and offshoots, a subtle feeling in her chest as the echoing voices bounced and rebounded. 'Left, right or straight ahead?' She asked, knowing they would have to make a choice soon or else risk losing the scent.

  • Wonder
Reactions: Vailë
After arriving at the intersection, they took but a moment to assess the situation. It was curious to her that their quarry had chosen to split up, but she reasoned that perhaps they did not know for certain where to find what they were looking for... whatever that was. She was certain there was perhaps something here in the temple that must have been of interest, but she could not fathom what exactly.

But what she did know of Aerai architecture, was that if they were looking for something special, then the way directly ahead was where they would find it.

She afforded a quick transference of her reasoning, indicated the way directly ahead, and then started forward. She moved with the same agility they had before, carefully watching her step despite her speed.

Then, hitting her like a brick wall she felt an unmistakable presence. No doubt Phyrra felt it too. And with a seamless motion she changed her direction mid-step, and ducked nimbly out of sight behind some debris.

After she fell silent, the click-clack of a Gwathui's talons on the stone floor rang out with clarity. She shot a look to Phyrra.

Its coming right toward us... do you think we can hide?

If not indefinitely, then at least long enough to deliver a decisive and silent killing blow...

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  • Nervous
Reactions: Phyrra
Phyrra went right as Vailë broke left. She could feel something coming their way, even though either of them had yet to lay eyes on it. The click and scrape of taloned feet followed. Phyrra's skin crawled at the sound. No, I don't believe so, she replied, setting her bow down between her feet.

Without a sound, she drew her blade, held it close to her chest. The sounds were growing closer, more threatening.

The Gwathui emerged from the darkness like some kind of nightmare. A runt, it possessed enough mass to eclipse Phyrra and then some. Black as midnight, with long limbs capable of striking her down, the Gwathui approached their hiding places without a care in the world. Wandering, not prowling.

I'll draw its attention
, said Phyrra, risking the telepathic bond all Aerai shared.

Waiting until the monster was right between them, the she-elf burst from cover, her sword raised to strike. Her boots kicked at loose scree, but it was not the sound she made that drew the Gwathui's eye. It was motion.

Spinning to face her, the monster opened its jaws to roar.

  • Scared
Reactions: Vailë
The Gwathui's features were nothing if not terrifying, but to the steeled pair of Phyrra and Vailë, it was just another day. The creature turned with an unnatural speed when it spotted the first elf's movements, rearing its head back to unleash a terrible scream and lashing attack.

Vailë, with all the agile grace her elven blood afforded her, silenced the creature with a leap and swift swing of her sword through the neck. The Gwathui's head fell abruptly to the floor and angerly chomped a couple of times before it became still. Its body stumbled away a few steps and then fell into a heap.

Then, she waited. Her breath was quiet and she remained as silent as she could, listening for the approach of another foe. When it seemed none would come, she relaxed and smiled to her friend.

We're lucky, she thought to Phyrra. She wasn't exactly sure how sentient those monsters were, but she knew they had some kind of telepathy. Had the creature been paying more attention, had it been more aware then it might have thought to send for others. It likely wasn't given enough time.

  • Yay
Reactions: Phyrra
Was it luck that put your sword through the beast's neck? Phyrra asked, pleased to see her companion smiling, despite of it all. Don't sell yourself short, Vailë. It was a clean kill, worthy of acknowledgement. Pride was a pitfall, but all warriors possessed some modicum of it. Even Aerai.

Phyrra did. She was not ashamed to admit it.

Sheathing her sword, she stepped away from the twitching carcass to retrieve her bow. Drawing an arrow, she returned it to the string. We should go before any more show up, she said, moving swiftly, quietly. It will only be a matter of time until they find the body. There was nothing to be done about that. Infiltration worked best when you didn't have to kill anything. But the Gwathui had forced their hand by appearing when it did.

Passing through familiar hallways, the pair came to another junction. Pausing at the corner, Phyrra listened for signs of movement. Her heart beat a steady rhythm in her chest as she peeked out, making sure the coast was clear.

You lead, she said, turning to Vailë, her thoughts reassuring. I will cover you.

  • Bless
Reactions: Vailë
Vailë bowed her head as a quiet thank you for Phyrra's acknowledgement. Of the two, Phyrra was far more outright, that much was clear. But Vailë did too have this same sense of pride, to serve the will of the Conclave and the gods as a warrior, and to do so well. To be acknowledged by a peer, who she herself held in very high esteem, was no small point for Vailë.

And so her steps forward were bolstered by this, and as the two moved forward their footfalls fell into sync. Their breath as well. Their heartbeats even. As the Shoraes would have them be. To be the many, or the few...

...who are one.

At the junction, Phyrra proposed Vailë take point, and so she did with a nod and a sure foot. And so down the corridor they did tread, and they'd find the fates had willed their path this way clear, and before long they came to the grand doorway of what they both knew to be a great chamber: the temple's archive.

Within, as Vailë drew close, there was the sound of shuffling and movement, but not voices to be heard. Searching.

She looked to Phyrra with an uncertain look across her features. It was becoming more and more apparent that this was no sort of staging area.

Below each of the Aeraesarian temples, there was a chamber. These chambers were places that only a select few knew of, predominately the high priesthood, and the Conclave. The nature of these chambers was as of yet unknown to Phyrra and Vailë, but they had been told that the way to them was through the archive, and it was hidden.

Should we return and inform the Conclave? There is no doubt that they know of the chamber, and likely whatever is inside.

  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Phyrra
Phyrra weighed the question in her head. Should they return to the Conclave with news of what they had learnt here today? Or should they stay, and perhaps discover more of the enemy's machinations in so doing. If you believe it to be the best course of action, she replied having come to a decision. I trust your judgement in this matter, though, one wonders how they came to know of these chambers in the first place.

A question for another time, perhaps.

Drawing back from the doorway leading to the archives, Phyrra led her sister back the way they had come to a fork. Curving away to left and right, it provided them with options they did not have on the way in.

Taking the left fork, Phyrra stepped softly amongst the ruins. Up ahead, a beam of moonlight shone through where the corridor had collapsed in on itself. A soft breeze tugged at the silver strands of hair protruding from beneath her hood.

It was then a shadow fell across the breached section.

Holding up a hand, Phyrra flattened herself against the wall as another Gwathui crawled its way into the corridor ahead of them. Sniffing curiously, it rose up on its hind legs, exposing its chest and belly to the moonlight. The soft meat made for an excellent target. Still, Phyrra knew it would have been a mistake.

One arrow would not suffice to bring it down. Not there, at least.

Pulling back her bowstring til the grey feathers tickled her chin, Phyrra lifted her aim. A golden eye swivelled, landing on the spot she was concealed. She heard more than saw the gwathui's lungs begin to swell, as it made to cry out in alarm.

Her arrow pierced its heart before it could even begin to make a sound.

We're clear, she thought, approaching the still-twitching monster.

  • Yay
Reactions: Vailë
Your abilities rival those of Te'leis, sister. No doubt you will ascend to Second with little time.

Te'leis had been renowned for her status as one of the most accurate archers in the Order's history. News of her untimely death had not yet reached the Order, and it would be met with great grief when the day of that knowledge came.

As they approached the opening of the breach, yet another shadow was cast in the light that shone through. She slid to a halt and looked there, seeing now a vastly different creature standing there. It was one of the creatures they had been pursuing, or at least one like them, and it too was cloaked under a dark hood.

And then it spoke to them, its voice sounding like many voices echoing after one another...
  • Bless
Reactions: Phyrra
"Think not of your leaving," she spoke, her voice both beautiful and terrifying, "for that time has not come. Our lord wishes to meet with you."

She reached forward with her hand, unveiling a dark, taloned gauntlet. A dark magic took shape in her grasp. Blackness coalesced, and then shot out toward them like black lightning, passing overhead. It struck out in a great flash behind them, and caused the corridor to collapse, forcing them to confront her.

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  • Cthulu Knife
Reactions: Phyrra
'I am certain your lord wishes for a great many things,' replied Phyrra, stepping from the shadows, her face and armour coated in dust. Her throat felt dry, and she could feel her eyes beginning to water from all the particles in the air.

Wiping them clear, she drew another arrow from her quiver as she looked up to the dark figure barring their escape.

'Alas, he is no lord of ours nor will he ever be.' Arkhivom. Enemy. Lord of Death and Destruction. How many of her brothers and sisters had he butchered in his endless pursuit of power? How many had his minions, monsters like the one standing before them now?

'I suggest you step aside,' the she-elf continued, watching the masked one closely. 'Return to your Master. Tell him we were not interested.'

I'm sure it won't be the first time he's heard those words.

  • Wonder
Reactions: Vailë
"A pity," came the creature's dreadful reply.

Vailë lowered her arm which she had used to shield her face from the barrage of dust and debris that had filled the air. As Phyrra shared words with the creature, she examined it carefully.

There had been tales told of Arkhivom's lieutenants, twisted creatures that had been remade in his own image and bound to him completely. She wondered if this was one such lieutenant. But, after Phyrra's exchange with the creature, she was given little time to ponder.

Instinct overtook her, and she reacted just ahead of what came.

In a flash, Rhugarol moved against them. From beneath the shadow of her cloak she unveiled a pair of blackened blades. Vailë, anticipating the dark one's attack, was able to intercept her and clash with her momentarily. Rhugarol, however, used the momentum of her approach to outmaneuver the Aerai, and after a brief brush of their steel she whirled around the elf and moved to close the gap between her and Phyrra.

  • Dwarf
Reactions: Phyrra
Tensing as Vailë clashed with the masked-one, Phyrra ripped her sword free and closed with their assailant. As quick and confident as their enemy was, it was still two-on-one. Lunging nimbly forward, Phyrra lashed out with her bow, using the reach it granted her to her advantage.

Vailë, disengage and get clear. I will handle this.

Communicating through the tight bond they shared as warriors and Aerai, Phyrra let go of her bow as the stranger's blades snatched it aside, before quickly stepping in with a cross-cut aimed at her opponent's head.

A black blade came up to parry, but the strength of the blow was still enough to drive her back a step.

Now, Vailë!
  • Gasp
Reactions: Vailë
The two of them were of similar standing in the Order, both ranking among the Third of the Sphere. And though each of them had earned that in their own merits, when it came to martial prowess Phyrra was well ahead of Vailë.

So when the dark one clashed with her sister's steel, she swung her sword one final time only to strike against one of the blackened blades. Then, leaving no chance for a response, she leapt away toward the opening, hurling a bolt of blue lightning at Rhugarol.
  • Bless
Reactions: Phyrra
She moved quickly, sharing only a few blows with Vailë before twisted her way around her to attack Phyrra. She found herself between the two now, batting away the bow which struck out before whirling around in anticipation to meet the pair of attacks which fell upon her together. She deflected Vailë's sword with ease, but met far harder against Phyrra's blow. She stepped back, and caught from the corner of her eye a flash of light. She leapt back, narrowly avoiding the magic Vailë had employed. Then, as quickly as her feet found the ground, she crossed her arms across her chest and moved forward to attack Phyrra again.

  • Bless
Reactions: Phyrra