The armsman found himself withering, so he smiled weakly, almost bashfully. "Uh, right. Got it."
Gaheris forgot to follow up about the balcony business, too caught up in observing that wicked smile, caught somewhere between jealousy and disgust. Hated it. Hated everything. Should have stayed at the inn, should have hung Gamlek upside down and jostled him until the money came out.
Anything but this. Was that a stress migraine he felt coming on? Oh, it was.
"Great. I think we understand," Gaheris said, massaging his brow. "Let's get on with this."
Gaheris forgot to follow up about the balcony business, too caught up in observing that wicked smile, caught somewhere between jealousy and disgust. Hated it. Hated everything. Should have stayed at the inn, should have hung Gamlek upside down and jostled him until the money came out.
Anything but this. Was that a stress migraine he felt coming on? Oh, it was.
"Great. I think we understand," Gaheris said, massaging his brow. "Let's get on with this."