Private Tales Twice Cursed, Once Introduced

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer

Cassandra Galanis

Vessel of the Shade
Character Biography
Alone again, upon the open road, Cassandra wandered along the winding roads of the Allirian Reach, through farm and field alike. Her gaunt figure, clad in simple clothes and her worn red hair tied into the most functional of buns, must have seemed unimposing to most of the travelers she met, save for the sword on her hip that glowed with an eerie bluish-green hue through its scabbard. An ordinary girl indeed, with an extraordinary blade--even this perhaps did not seem out of place. And that was intentional, for the spirit that resided within her and often took direct control of her body, which had cursed her from her early teenage years, was hunting.

The Shade had possessed many bodies during its long existence, so old that perhaps even the eldest Fae might not remember it. Mostly, those bodies had been those of warriors, strong men who served to enhance his unnatural strength. With Cassandra, he'd found a new strength: anonymity. It had been its downfall before that its overwhelming strength could be spotted and recognized by anyone. But no one paid attention to the thin girl with a sword, a camouflage that might make the stealthiest snake or spider envious. It found new emotions to prey on from those who sought to victimize such a girl, dark energy it could drink and be full of for days, weeks. And finding new prey was so easy when Cassandra made the Shade practically invisible.

And so the forgettable girl with the sword and the curse made her way through the Reach, the spirit within her hungering, ready to pounce on the next unsuspecting passerby...

Aine Flynn
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Aineflynn
The day started a little better than most; the sun danced behind many puffy white gowns backdropped by a baby blue sky. Aine awoke upon a soft bed she made from hay. A local widow took pity on the wretch and allowed her to sleep in the barn's loft. Yes, the establishment didn't have the most pleasant smells, but it could have been worse.

Aine always took advantage of not having to sleep on the cold ground, worrying if she would be alive or unalive the next day. Of course, though, she made sure to repay the widow and, with some luck, was able to help with some chores before leaving.

The old widow had given Aine a basket filled to the brim with items that would help her at least get through the night and, if lucky, into tomorrow. The way fate's played with their little pawn had her confused. Did they show mercy, or was this a sign that there was something far more sinister waiting to pounce?

It was probably best not to dwell on it, so she didn't. As the day grew on, it soon was getting later and later with each passing moment. She continued to make her way along paths through farm and field until she found the main road.

Once again, she gave those who passed her a wide birth; reaching into the basket, she pulled out a bright red apple bringing it to her lips, and with one swift motion, bit down with a crunch. The white juices oozed from the wound and left a little on the corner of her mouth.

The long black hooded robe hid all of this from sight; those who watched from afar would only see a brown gloved hand peek out from baggy sleeved reach into a blanket-covered basket, pull out an apple, and see it disappear within the shadows of the hood as this phantom walked along the road.
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  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Cassandra Galanis
Cassandra could often, unfortunately, feel when the hunger was starting to rise again in the Shade. It was not altogether dissimilar to a normal hunger for food, yet there was something deeper, irresistible about it, to the point where she herself would think of doing dark things to innocent people the way that damnable spirit would. It tore her up inside, as always, but what could she do? You're just a girl, it would always remind her. Yet always she longed for her freedom; the Shade had too, initially, but now it was clear to it that Cassandra was indeed a potent host, both for her magical lineage and her unassuming guise.

A gentle wind meandered through the trees, disturbing their leaves ever so slightly. She could still feel the wind on her face, for now, but she wondered if in time she would become so similar to the Shade that her corporeal form would no longer offer her the few comforts of life she had remaining. And as that unsettling thought washed over her, an opening in the trees revealed a lone figure in a black, hooded robe, holding a simple basket. She looked the part of a witch, at least to Cassandra, based on fairy tales she'd heard growing up.

She could already feel the Shade itching to take control. She didn't have the energy to resist much at the moment, other than to reassure it that they would feed on this new prey very soon. For now, Cassandra approached this new person, her thin boots plodding against the dirt road in rhythmic steps as she made her way over. In moments she would be within speaking distance. She relished a chance at conversation as much as she relished appeasing the Spirit--

Something's wrong. The voice rang clearly in Cassandra's head.

The Shade was suspicious. It wasn't one given to fear or apprehension usually, so she took heed of this situation. Perhaps this was a witch after all? Then again, maybe they were just overreacting. Even eons-old spirits got it wrong sometimes, right?

Maybe we should avoid this one, she thought in reply.

No, it responded sharply. I'm too hungry to pass up a chance like this. We just need to be careful.

That made Cassandra's stomach turn. Yet she knew it was pointless to resist. Dangerous or not, they were going to drain this traveler's energy. She worked up a gentle, unassuming smile, and spoke in the polite, even tone she always used when she was tricking prey.

"Greetings," she said, still unsure of who she was talking to beneath the hood. She gave a small bow. "I know it is not common for travelers on the road to speak, but I must confess your attire is cause for concern, and I wish to ascertain your intentions before I resume my journey."

Try as she might, her tone was always forced, too polite to be that of a 25 year-old woman. Yet it was functional for purpose, and in this instance, she wasn't too concerned about something like that for the moment...

Aine Flynn
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Aineflynn
A sudden flash of pain shot through her mind like a hot poker made her pause her movement. The sheer sensation was intense, making Aine drop the half-eaten apple in her right hand and touch her right temple, and it only dulled a little as she slowly massaged the area. Soon, what people could describe as a crackling sound began to appear in the den of her ears. It was like the moment before lightning would strike its victim. The hair on the back of her neck was standing up in warning.

What in god's fire was this. Aine asked herself as her lids shut, trying to stop whatever was happening to her. A voice that seemed to waver at first caught her attention, and those bright eyes shot open to see a woman bowing before her.

What had this person said? The strangers' voice was competing with the crackling in her ears. Did this person say she was going to arrest her? Her mind raced quickly with panic; then, another sensation made her fingertips itch. Aine took a step forward out of confusion and tried to hear better the drifter, an invisible force that made her digits tingle shoved her sliding backward a step away from the woman, sucking the wind from Aine's lungs.

Aine gulped in the air, holding her chest.

"Whit the?" Replied in a gasp of air. Aine was too busy looking down in shock to look up and see if the other person had felt the same or at least seen what happened. The tingling eased, and soon she regained composure straightening herself, and now the stranger had her full attention.

Aine's hood had flown off in the assault, revealing a pretty but smudged fair complexion, long chestnut hair disheveled, having not felt the touch of a comb for many moons. Ruby lips cracked from being out in the elements and luminescent golden almond orbs staring oddly at the wander.

"Na." All she could muster was to say through the headache still hurting her head.
  • Wonder
Reactions: Cassandra Galanis
Cassandra could feel some ill energy start to well up within her as this stranger grew closer. Born a daughter to a mage, it was driving her mad that she couldn't put her finger on what was happening. Then, the stranger took a step forward, and Cassandra could feel it, an imperceptible force that seemed to be almost repelling her away from the person. What is this?

The Shade echoed her thoughts as they witnessed the person in black almost bounce backwards away from them, then clutch their chest, followed by speaking what seemed to be gibberish. Maybe it was a spell, or some language Cassandra didn't recognize. While her caution grew, the Shade's hunger intensified, as it always did around magical people. They didn't know that this stranger was, of course, but the interaction had only made the Shade more excited. So, it took control. Cassandra's hair slowly became tinged with the characteristic purple whenever the Shade took over, and a faint blue aura surrounded her. It reached for the magical blue sword, Kastor, as it spoke, an unsettling double voice that seemed almost a harsher, dissonant echo of Cassandra's soft spoken natural tone. It also was much less proper.

"Listen, I don't what your deal is, but you've gotta be full of magical energy if whatever just happened, happened. Don't worry, I'll make this quick."

It drew the sword with murderous intent, as it shifted into the form of a claymore. Wasting no time, it lunged at the figure with a huge swing, only to--


--be sent flying backwards, as Kastor flew what must have been 100 feet back. The Shade found itself rolling on the ground for a moment, as Cassandra felt her temples buzzing as her mind attempted to process what just happened. She swore she saw some kind of barrier form, or maybe it was something more intangible entirely. Either way, the Shade was not pleased.

"Hey, what the hell are you?" It called out, getting to its feet and adopting a fighting stance despite the lack of a sword. "If that's a barrier, I'll break it down!"

I think something more is going on, Cassandra thought to the Shade. Maybe this stranger would have answers.

Aine Flynn
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Aine's raised her right hand to the side of her face, and with gentle circular movements from her fingers, she tried to massage the pain away from her mind as she watched the stranger before her. A confused expression appeared on Aine's face for a second as she had no idea what was going on.

Why did she feel like this?
How was it connected to the traveler?
Was it even connected to the traveler?
What was this woman's attention?

These questions flashed in her mind like the speed of light, and soon she got her answer.

The woman before her began to transform into something not natural. Aine's almond eyes widened with panic as the creature before she showed just how dangerous they were.

The loud pounding of her heart drowned out some of what the entity shouted at her. She heard bits and pieces and tried to make sense of it all, and then it was too late to do anything. The woman pulled a sword and came at her.

Is this how I die? Like this not knowing who I am and why I was cursed? Aine asked herself in those milliseconds; Aine shot her arm out to cover herself the best she could, bracing herself for the life-ending blow. She closed her eyes tightly and waited.
It felt like an eternity as she awaited the impact, a few quick thoughts of will it hurt, will she know she was dead, what would happen after. A sadness grew within as she had no memories of her life to pass before her eyes. Aine had no memories other than the ones she made the past year and now, which weren't something special in any way. She felt sick that the gods had been this cruel, and as these thoughts kept appearing over and over, Aine noticed that the blow hadn't come yet or had it, and she didn't feel it.

She slowly opened her left eye leaving the right eye still squinted closed. As she peeked to see what had happened and at that moment she heard a loud clang sound that pierced her eardrums. Aine's right eye was open now as she let out a painful scream from the sound hitting her ears. The female knight seemed to be attacked by the invisible wall sending her flying away.

Aine's hands covered her ears to try and help the pain, and soon it eased, replaced by a soft buzzing sound. Her mind raced on what the hell was going on, and had she done that? Calm yourself, lassie, you need to figure this out, and panicking won't help. She listened to her advice and slowly calmed herself enough to allow her brains to work again.

She forced herself to rewind everything in her mind and analyze every detail to find answers. Soon she began to piece some things together, but there were still some missing pieces to her puzzle. Aine's attention went back to the entity who spoke to her.

"A have na idea whit A am , A speir the same o ye. Gin its a barrier, A didnae put it up, an gin A haed, o course ye'd break it doun." She paused as she tried to figure this out, and then a light brushed some shadow away from her mind, but this experiment needed to happen.

"i have A feelin ye're no gaun'ae be able tae break it. Lets see shall we?" Aine dropped to her knees, dust from the road pillowed up a little as she held her arms outstretched.

"alricht, come kill me, tak me from this world, gin A canae undo this curse, then the best way tae get rid o't is tae kill me, sae come get me." She dived into despair and depression to trick herself into giving in and ending her life. She had to know if she was the one putting this weird wall up out of instinct or not. Yes, it was a suicidal experiment, but at least they'd get answers. She hoped that this test would end with the woman again shoved away from her.

If this happened again, she had a theory of what might be going on but first things first, let's see how this experiment ends.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Cassandra Galanis
At first, the Shade was confused, primarily for two reasons. For one, it seemed this stranger--a woman, judging by the sound of her voice--had a serious death wish. Negative emotions like that were some of the worst to drain, providing very little energy for the hungering spirit. Second, it could not stand her accent, and it was always the trivial things that drove the Shade mad.

"I don't know what pisses me off more," it said, its double voice still reverberating through the air. "That you're taunting me with this barrier, or your ridiculous accent. If you wanna die so bad, yeah, I'll make it happen. Lemme just grab my sword, don't worry, I'll make it real quick this time."

I think it's a trap, Cassandra thought.

Shut up. She wants to die, she's going to die, and I'll make sure it happens.

Cassandra sighed internally. The Shade's fury was as dangerous to them as it was to their victims. And its temper was as short as a sheep's wool after being sheared. Probably shorter. It walked back to where the sword had been launched, a comically far distance, and picked it up unceremoniously. Then it marched back, sword in hand, violence burning in its eyes as it shrugged off the humiliation of walking over 50 yards just to pick it back up.

If it's a barrier, we want to minimize the point of impact, Cassandra thought. Estoc.

The glowing blue blade shifted into a long, slender shape, the form of the rapier's bigger cousin. Truthfully, she hated helping the Shade, but she knew sometimes it was better than fighting.

"Alright girlie, hope you're ready to die," the Shade said, readying the blade into a high stance to thrust. It gave a wicked grin as it ran at the stranger, taking one last step as it performed the lunge, extending one arm to maximize the distance to the target. The blade pierced further than the previous slash, the blade's tip reaching perhaps to about 6 inches away from her face. Unfortunately, this only caused a more violent repulsion than the previous attempt, which rocketed the blade's pommel directly into Cassandra's face, knocking her flat to the ground as the magic sword bounced around. For a moment, the world went dark; when she awoke, Cassandra was herself again, and felt a discomforting feeling: she couldn't feel the Shade's presence. Of course, then the pain from the incident set in, and she clutched her forehead as she cried out in pain.

"Dammit, that really hurts," Cassandra said, rocking slowly back and forth in a sitting position on the ground, face in hand. In a moment of panic, she reached for the sword again, standing quickly and pointing it toward the stranger, but it was clear from her posture that she had no idea how to wield a blade herself.

"I uh... I'll kill you if you get close," she said, panicked. It was at this time that she finally realized the stranger's own situation, which might not have been too dissimilar to her own at this point...

Aine Flynn
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  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Aineflynn
Aine remained on bended knees, arms out, watching the predator's expression show a bit of confusion and then switch to anger and frustration like a snap of the finger. She wished the creature would hurry up, as it was growing harder to keep concentration on staying in this disgusting toxic world of despair, as right now, her body wanted to flee. Beads of sweat began to slide down her face, making small streaks.

As she walked the walk of shame, the knight spits out venom telling her exactly what it hated about Aine, and the last thing said made Aine very confused.

"Whit accent? A dinnae have an accent, it's ye wha has a rediculse accent." Aine paused and was about to continue when she watched the woman race at her sword pointed directly at her. Here we go, she thought, waiting to see if her theory was correct. Don't run away, don't run away, you want to die, you want to die. Aine told herself over and over to keep her body from fleeing. Her stomach danced the tango of butterflies that moved to the beat of the quickening beat of the heart. Please don't pass out, don't pass out, Aine pleaded to herself. The world was now in slow motion as the intruder of spaces somehow was able to push the sword past where the barrier was. Oh Shite, Oh Shite, OH SHITE! Aine repeated over and over in her brain as those consuming striking yellow eyes crossed to following the blade that stopped right before the tip of her nose.

Once more, the creature again catapulted away from her, landing a distance away. The relief that washed over Aine was like nothing she had ever felt before. It was as if she was bathing under a water fountain of tingles. Her body reminded her that her lungs needed some air to live as they began to burn. Aine sucked in air-breathing, slowly slumping herself fully on the ground and placing her hands close to her chest.

Dear gods, I was right; thank the gods I have this curse. Aine was taken back by the comment for a millisecond, but it vaded. Her eyes moved back toward the woman, now rolling and crying on the ground and then quickly getting up to only once more point the bloody sword at her again. The woman had changed, and it wasn't the same before. Aine rolled her eyes and let out a sigh, remaining seated cross-legged on the ground.

"Really?" Aine called back sarcastically.

"Gin ye havenae realized, neither ane o cause harm the other, sae sit doun an relax, yer startin tae give me a headache again. " She paused, sucking in another slow breath to get her thoughts straight, and then she continued.

"I'm cursed, I don't know why I'm cursed, how I got this curse, but whatever the rules with this ability is effecting whatever you have. So, my theory, two wrongs don't make a right. If you get my meaning lassie, question though? Whats wrong with you?" Aine bluntly asked, as she was over the whole dramatic ordeal and didn't feel like pussy footing around the subject. It would be too disrespectful.
The defensiveness Cassandra felt was only reflexive, of course; the only times she was in control of her body and someone was talking to her was usually only moments before a fight ensued. It was quite rare, or even unheard of, for her to really converse with someone on a level that did not involve her trying to find a way for the Shade to feed on their empathic energy. She gripped the blade tightly in her hands, running her thumbs over the hilt as if it might help should she need to strike, her eyes locked intensely on the stranger's with a look that resembled a cornered mouse.

Then the stranger spoke. She made a claim that puzzled Cassandra; something about two curses, and their interaction. It reminded her of when her mother used to give similar speeches about opposing magics that worked together in strange, unpredictable ways. She lessened her grip on her sword, still holding it out, but her stance relaxing significantly. If this stranger wanted a fight, she wasn't showing it.

Whats wrong with you?

Wrong--she hated that word, yet it was an entirely accurate description.

"I..." she started, then inhaled sharply. Talking to another human being felt unnatural, strange. "There is a spirit that lives in the pendant around my neck, and I cannot remove it, for it possesses my body whenever I try. And... it hungers. It feeds off the emotions of those around me. And my own. I suppose it is a curse, though I haven't thought of it as such, much as I wish to be free of it."

Then it dawned on her: she couldn't feel the Shade's presence. It was gone from her mind. She felt a quiet elation, one that made her want to jump and shout and anything other than stand still and try to talk to this person. Her thoughts were her own for the first time in longer than she could remember.

"And... what is your curse? Does such a barrier project any time someone tries to touch you?"

She remarked on the sadness of such a question, as she realized if it were true, perhaps this stranger might have been as lonely as Cassandra was. It was a daunting, but subtly hopeful thought for the girl possessed by the Shade.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Aineflynn
Ah, possession. Aine thought, it all now was making sense. One after the other, pieces were snapping into place in her mind. The tilt of her head was slight as she listened further, and it seemed that the stranger before her had a similar situation indeed. She wondered if there was a way to get rid of such a spirit. It sounded that this entity was powerful and needed someone just as equally so.

But again, that was a moot point; as the wheel turned and turned, ears would perk to the question. It was an exciting way of thinking about her situation. In a way, there was a barrier but not the one this person thought.

"I guess i a way ye coud call it a barrier but more." She replied reaching for an apple that had fallen from her basket. She picked it up with her left hand, and then with her right, she gently placed the finger of the glove between her teeth and pulled her hand free. She then reached over and touched the apple. The only thing that happened was that the apple's color became more vibrant and smelled utterly delicious. The item had a tantalizing shine on it.

Aine carefully rolled the apple crossed the dirt road toward the woman hoping it stopped at her feet. She placed her glove back on her hand. If the woman picked up the apple, it smelled like an apple, but did it taste like an apple? No, once the stranger tried to bite into its flesh, would be met with the pain of sinking their teeth into an apple made of glass.

"What iver livin bein thon comes i contact wi, such as touch ma hand, or any part o ma flesh, their cursit somehow." A deep sigh exhaled floated out as Aine placed her arms behind her, palms down, leaning back to brace herself.

"So, the only barrier A wear, is the clothin ye see on me, an the act o avoidin livin things as much as possible." She couldn't curse the knight, and the revelation in her mind made her sit back up.

"But A dinnae have tae dae thon wi ye, hmm. Sae, yer beasties magic an whatever magic inside o me, reflects ilka other gin ye or A get tae close." What had the fates laid before her, a small, wary smile began to form.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Cassandra Galanis
Though she was still suspicious, Cassandra eventually lowered, and even sheathed the sword as the stranger continued to talk. She found herself intrigued--while the origin of Cassandra's own curse could be traced back to that wretched tomb, she wondered if the stranger's was a similar case. She could think for herself for once, and that was leading Cassandra to some bold designs.

"I must confess, if I understand you, that your existence must be a lonely one, then..." she said, her eyes downcast. "I apologize that our first meeting, then, was such a violent one. But around you, my thoughts are my own again, at least for now." Her face broke into a half smile, as tears welled up in her eyes. "I cannot express... how freeing it is..."

She broke down into sobs now, unable to wipe away all the tears that were suddenly streaming down her face, as small laughs punctuated her intermittent sobs.

"I'm sorry--I can't help it. You don't know how happy this has made me. Every day since that day my mind has been burdened by Its presence. I haven't had a thought of my own in so long, and I think you're the reason why," she said. What she said next was sudden, and she hadn't thought of all the details, but she looked up at the stranger, and gave a tear-streaked smile.

"I'm Cassandra. Won't you travel with me? I don't want to be alone anymore."
The smile faded from Aine's lips as she watched the woman before she broke down in tears. Aine wanted to go to her, but she couldn't or could she. She moved slowly towards her until she felt the warning of vibrations in her head. She paused and stayed there, which was an arm's length away from the woman, she tilted her head to the side and a frown formed. It wasn't from pity, more of understanding and not being able to help.

The poor creature was having what looked like a mental breakdown. Aine knew the feeling. As the woman spoke, it was now understandable why she was crying. It was pure relief of finally having a burden removed. Aines's eyes began to well up, and tiny droplets soon started to stream down her face. What was the ever-loving Shite happening?

If an adventure came along right now, they would see a very pitiful confusing sight of two women balling their eyes out. There is no evidence of why these two women were crying like babies, other than maybe they were very drunk.

"A'v got some idea, yer welcome, A think, it's alricht, but coud ye stop crying, cause yer makin me cry." Aine sniffled and gave her best try at showing a comforting smile. Travel with the woman was that wise; of course, she couldn't curse the girl, and it had been forever since she had company on the road.

"Yes, I'll travel wi ye for a little while, but A have ane thin tae speir, we figure oot another way tae feit thon beasty i ye, then killin innocent people." Aine gestured, rubbing her eyes, trying to calm her emotions. She had a theory actually on this. If it was emotions that the spirit fed on, well, the apple she just cursed was alive and had feelings from her placing magic on it. So, in a way, she could curse things, and maybe the sword could devour that for a little while. It was an idea she'd bring up to Cassandra later.

"A pleasure tae meet ye Cassandra, A'm Awnye." A slight nod of her head.
  • Aww
Reactions: Cassandra Galanis
It seemed Awnye--Aine, that was--understood Cassandra's plight at least on some level, and Cassie's tears were getting through to her.

"Oh, Aine," she said, giggling a little through her tears, but also taken aback as it seemed Aine wanted to get closer, but ultimately was blocked by the barrier of the curse. At least, that's what Cassandra surmised, whether right or not. "Thank you. Yes, I'll try not to let the Shade kill anyone. I've never had this happen before, so I don't even know if it'll last. If it doesn't, well... I... I'll make sure I leave you be. I won't let it try to hurt you again."

She gave a big smile again, most of the tears dried by now.

"I know a thing or two about traveling. Still have to feed myself, after all. And... I uh.. have a lot of gold from the unfortunates I've run into."

It was a shameful admission, but it did at least mean Cassandra had something to offer for their journey.

"Only... where should we go, Aine?"

The wind picked up and the breeze caused many of the nearby trees to sway and rustle. The most terrifying part of being free, she figured, was not knowing. The question was loaded; they could go to any town anywhere, of course, but Cassandra's quiet voice carried with it a heavy implication that went beyond the literal. And it was an answer she was sure Aine didn't have, but she nonetheless desperately wished she did.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Aineflynn
So the beasties name was Shade, which makes sense; after all, those entities that choose to possess people are on the dark side of the light most of the time. At least, she read somewhere. Aine wiped her dry tears away from her face with the back of her gloved hand.

"Again ye are welcome thouch ye dinnae neit tae keep thank me, A'v done nothin other then see juist have far ye can fly." Aine answered, giving a comical smirk.

The way Cassandra so innocently put how she came across some income made her stomach twist. She already knew that this Shade would be long gone if Cassandra had any control. So, it was easy for her to understand that the girl wasn't at fault, so it was much easier to digest using said soul money.

"Good we are in agreement thouch, A will agree thon Shade bein gone isnae permanent an A have some thouchts on hou tae keep the worm inside ye in check." Aine paused a moment as she glanced around, then back to Cassandra and asked where to go. It was like watching a lamb lost from its mother, whether Cassandra knew it or not; now, she appeared to be at her most vulnerable state. Aine could tell that Shade had been controlling everything, and this poor girl was no more than a caged bird watching, unable to. She couldn't continue the thought as something inside her grew angry, and so the answer to the question was to get the hell off the road.

"Well, first A think we shoud get aff the road before anyone comes along, we leuk like a richt couple o babies." Aine paused with another attempt of lightening the mood.

" A think we shoud make camp somewhere close, thare is A believe a toun a guid ways up but it'll tak at least until afternoon tomorrow tae get thare, an besides A think we both neit a rest dinnae ye?" She continued and then suddenly raised her arm and sniffed herself.

"A wash, A defently neit tae bath." Aine added. She looked back to Cassandra, lowering her arms stood up and turned, gathered the basket of goodies that were still ok to eat, and started to walk toward the side, making sure to stop and look back at Cassandra.

"Donae forget tae grab thon cursit apple, canae have thon lay about." Aine called, pointing in the direction of the cursed item.
  • Bless
Reactions: Cassandra Galanis
Cassandra was taken aback by Aine's thoughtful kindness regarding the apple and her own curse. It made her wonder if she was just being selfish, as she accepted that help without question and with the listening and attentiveness of a child. Of course, she thought, how brilliant it was that the apple would carry residual energy that she could consume to keep the Shade suppressed and also fed.

"I think a bath sounds wonderful," Cassandra said. She was covered in the dust of the road and her own sweat from weeks of fighting. She picked up the apple that Aine dropped, gingerly slipping it into her small pack. There were a million things she wanted to talk about, just for the sake of saying them to another human being and not just thinking it to a malevolent spirit, but she tried to contain her excitement. "I think there was a bathhouse somewhere close by. Perhaps we should go there and, as you said, get a wash," she said, mimicking Aine's accent at the end.

She was smiling so much she thought she might burst, but she nevertheless started walking up the road, knowing they would reach the bathhouse by nightfall. Along the way she'd talk about whatever came to her mind: how pretty the trees were, how she really wanted to change out of her clothes, her favorite food...

It was dusk when they finally arrived. Cassandra had exhausted her talking points by now, probably to Aine's great relief. She was able to get them both lodging and food with her pilfered gold, and she stayed as close to Aine as she could even as they prepared to get in the bath itself. She didn't want to risk the Shade coming back, especially not in a vulnerable moment like this. Given the hour, the two of them had the ladies' bath to themselves, and after getting undressed while facing the opposite direction from Aine and slipping a towel over her barren, almost skeletal frame, she finally dipped her toes into the warm water. After a deep breath, she would enter fully into the bath, gently sitting down and letting the heat enter her body without resistance.

"Aine... Thank you. This was a good idea," she said, leaning her head back and closing her eyes. It was the first time she'd felt truly relaxed in longer than she could remember.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Aineflynn
Aine smirked at the small mimick and let out a chuckle. She'd nod here and there, letting Cassandra know if she noticed that Aine was listening as they walked. As Cassandra talked, and talked, and talked some more, Aine couldn't fault the woman by this flood of vocal exercise. It appeared to be forever since Cassandra spoke to anyone that wasn't this Shade, and so there was no ill will for Cassandra doing this. It felt good that she lender her ear to this newfound acquaintance, perhaps soon a friend.

She agreed to the bathhouse; it was the only way she should bath without turning the water into some cursed thing. It's why she never bathed any stream. Water was a living creature and susceptible to what her touch could do to it. Bathhouses usually boiled the hell out of the water, generally sterilizing it; they also drained the contaminated liquid after every guest, so she was safe to bath freely without the fear of something terrible happening. Aine followed Cassandra's example, appreciating and respecting the privacy Cassandra gave her with her back to her. She did the same, of course. She kept her eyes on the wall as she still had a robe on, hesitating a moment and then following suit and shed the fabric.

Aine had an attractive body; The fates had gifted her in the right places that most would find appealing to the eye, though perhaps not at the moment. She carefully made her way into the warm water pool, making small circular ripples that danced on tiny waves. Aine moved to where she could lean back but still be enough distance away.

A deep sigh rolled off her tongue in agreement as her body melted like butter.

"Mmmmm, yer welcome." She replied in a relaxed state of satisfaction. Her eyes were closed as she leaned her head back to rest on the edge opposite Cassandra.

"Thouch A shoud be the ane thank ye, for the lodgin an food." Aine added.
  • Bless
Reactions: Cassandra Galanis
Cassandra waited for several minutes simply soaking in the water before responding. She wondered if the lives of others were like this all the time, simply existing and taking in the sights, sounds, and comforts of places both familiar and not. She found herself unable to resist looking at Aine every now and then, less out of attraction and more out of curiosity. She was just a teen when the Shade had inhabited her body, and for about a decade she'd been under its control. Small, intimate moments like this were strange and unfamiliar to her, and she didn't really know how to conduct herself. Looking too long for one moment, Cassandra blushed and looked away.

"I'm sorry," she said, suddenly. "I've just uh... I've not been with anyone like this before. Not since, well, my mother would bathe me as a child." She then said with a peculiar earnestness, "But Aine, you're so pretty! I wish I was pretty like you. I don't know what I would do if I was, but I think it would make me happy."

She paused, knowing that a much more grim reality awaited her. Especially if Aine didn't want to stick around. Cassandra became downcast, her eyes scanning the water in front of her now as a sad frown formed on her lips.

"Do you think there's any hope for us?" she asked, fidgeting with the amulet around her neck that carried the Shade's spirit. "Do people ever escape from such curses?"
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The moment of silence was something Aine was quite familiar with, being alone for so long. So, nothing would usually distract her when this state of mediation happened. But when a slight nudge feeling appeared in her mind, she slowly opened her left eye, leaving the right to stay closed.

She noticed Cassandra staring at her then looking away with a blush. Huh? She thought, confused by the reaction; Cassandra answered with a few sentences that made her cheeks blush. Oh, for bugger sake, she thought to herself, trying not to slide back down in the water.

It wasn't that she didn't like compliments, but she hardly ever got any, so she wasn't used to them. Aine opened her eyes fully, now adjusting herself to look directly at Cassandra with a soft expression.

"Gonnae-no, frae whit Ah can see ay ye, yer jist as bonnie, thocht honestly, bonnie tae ye main be ugly tae some. sae, gonnae-no worryin' abit it, an' jist be ye, cause ed doesnae matter, ugly, bonnie is jist words, ghoices ur whit pure matters.." Aine replied with a small gesture of her right hand to Cassandra.

She lowered her hand back under the water and idly moved it back and forth, making tiny waves just above the surface. Cassandra added two good questions that Aine didn't know if she had answers and if she did, she didn't want to answer them.

The idea that there was hope in curing herself of lost memories and ability was starting to fade. It seemed the gods had other plans for her. A grain of hope was still in her heart, surviving, and Aine had no idea how it could still be there, but it was hanging on a silken spider thread for dear life. Aine pursed her lips as her expression still stayed soft and warm.

"Tae be honest, Cassandra, ah dunnae know." Aine replied with a slow shrug, water beads sliding down her shoulders.

"Ane can hiner 'at th' fates leid us tae some sort ay answer." continued stopping at that. She felt disappointed in herself that she didn't have more of an answer for the woman, but that was all she knew, and giving Cassandra false hope was cruel, and she wasn't going to do that.
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Cassandra sank into the water a little bit. She supposed it was folly to think that a complete stranger would already have the answers to such things, while also still bearing her own curse. Yet with the Shade gone, she only found herself hoping that the situation would improve, that it had to improve. There was no alternative that was in any way bearable to her now that her head was clear. She thought she felt her mother's influence, powerful mage that she was, and while Cassandra couldn't do magic herself, she knew of a lot of various magical principles from when she was being groomed to become a mage. There had to be an answer somewhere, and she figured there were only two options: ask around, or find a book that could help them.

"The fates haven't been kind to us," she said. "I think we need to look elsewhere for help. And... I think if we stick together, maybe we could find answers. My mother knew a lot of people at the magic academy in Alliria--maybe if we went there we could find someone who knows how to deal with curses. Maybe we... could even be rid of them."

She said the last bit with a conspiratorial undertone to her voice, like the two of them were doing some great and terrible thing even though what Cassandra was suggesting was the opposite. Yes, the academy was a good place to start; there had to be something there for them to find. And without the Shade, the two of them could walk right in and start asking questions. She felt so giddy she started splashing the water around her, a big grin forming on her face.

"We might actually be free!" she exclaimed, not caring who heard or saw her as such. She started laughing, then looked into Aine's eyes, high on the happiness of those hopeful thoughts and wishing that her new companion felt it, too. In a moment, she settled down a little, and relaxed against the bath wall again.

"What's the first thing you want to do, if you didn't have a curse?" she asked, suddenly.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Aineflynn
Aine watched Cassandra's thought process and pondered her words carefully. In her heart, she couldn't help but feel Shade wasn't gone no the beasty was either passed out from the drain of using all its power, or it was lying in wait.

The idea of finding a place that could help them was terrific, but a magic academy was dangerous for everyone involved, not just because of Shade but of her. Aine cringed inside at what could happen to so many innocents. Despite the water being warm, she shivered. Her expression, though once more, softened into a relaxed state.

Then she suddenly jumped at the woman's shout of being free. Aine closed one eye as the water splashed on her eyelids. Aine slowly wiped her face and looked back toward Cassandra, who was now staring at her and asked her another tricky question.

What would be the first thing she'd do? Honestly, she didn't know. If the curse broke, then her memories would return, and then whatever the memories were would dictate what her actions were. It was frustrating how everything had to rely on another thing, a frustrating cycle.

"Ah dunnae know." She replied with her eyes diverted down to the water at her side. That was the best thing she could come up with; Her curse was too complicated, and she didn't want to burden Cassandra with more details. Her companion was beaming with relief, and it was best to keep Cassandra in this dysfunctional bliss as much as possible.

Aine looked back toward Cassandra, scooting herself up a little so that she couldn't be more in an up proper position.

"Cassandra A dinnae wanna ruin yer nicht, but gaun'ae this school micht be dangerous. A dinnae think yer beasty has gone away, but gin ye want tae gae, A'll gae wi ye. But A have an idea thon micht help keep Shade bonnie an everybody else aroond us alife, If an' when it wakes back up." Aine paused but kept her smile encouraging as she didn't want Cassandra to lose the hope that brightly poured from her.

" Sae, Ah can curse livin' things, which means as ye saw th' apple. noo, Ah keep daein' 'at, mebbe oan larger things, but th' only problem we rin intae is, 'at mah curse in unpredictable." She continued gesturing with her hand.

"It's risky but an' a wee expensife, aam sure shade woods need tae feed aff ay somethin' loch a human, sae we micht need tae buy some livestock. but, Ah hink thes plan is th' best temporary fix we hae. " Aine finished looking at Cassandra curiously, wondering what the woman thought of the idea. Deep down, she worried that it sounded too crazy and stupid. Then a thought came to mind, oh, she was being so rude, you idiot, ask the same question back. Aine thought again, feeling embarrassed as not having the best social habits down yet.

" Sorry, aam nae guid at thes, whit woods ye dae, if ye werenae cursed?" Aine asked, softening her smile.
  • Cry
Reactions: Cassandra Galanis
Cassandra listened intently--and with some sadness--at Aine's sudden reluctance. She felt pangs of shame that tempered her excitement and had her sinking back into the water. Thinking for herself was more difficult than she originally envisioned, and it seemed like every good idea she had was blocked by some sort of unforeseen resistance that made something as trivial as visiting a magical school some sort of herculean effort. Yet she knew Aine was probably right, and that she needed to be more... realistic... with her plans.

"It's a good idea," she said, softly. "About the livestock, I mean, but the problem is that it feeds off the emotions of other, well, people. They have to be able to feel those emotions... Be consciously aware of them. It's the suffering the Shade drinks the most, which is why... he usually... um..."

Tears welled in her eyes as her mind wandered back to the killings she had unwillingly been a part of. It made her stomach tie itself in knots.

"U-um anyway, if it gets bad enough I'll have to find some other way to deal with it. But thank you, you've been so kind and thoughtful to me. I... I really want to go with you to the academy, risks such as they are. I don't want to be like this anymore. I can't take it. I simply can't. After being with you here and being able to think for myself, I can't go back now."

The amulet on her neck swirled with some sort of darkness, but she still didn't feel the Shade's presence.

"If I... If I were free... I think the first thing I would do is go visit my mother's grave. I... think it's the least I can do considering I was the one who killed her. Well, I guess technically it was the Shade, but... still, I... I need to pay my respects. After that? I think I'd want to find something to do, and just find a place by the seaside or a forest, and try to live the rest of my life in quiet peace, somewhere far away from any kind of fighting, or killing..."

She shook her head as tears streamed down.

"I don't know if that'll ever happen, but, I have to at least try," she said, finally giving up and breaking into a sob. She found herself desperately wishing that Aine's curse wasn't one where they couldn't touch, because she found she wanted most of all now was the embrace of a friend.
  • Cry
Reactions: Aineflynn
As Cassandra drooped back into the water, looking deflated, a pain in Aine's chest began to throb, having been the cause of this. Aine mentally scolded herself for not being more inept at dealing with people, but when was she ever going to be?

The whole memory loss didn't help; as who knows, before this stormy cloud that loomed above her head, she could have been the Queen of social graces.

Cassandra spoke of how the Shade fed on people's emotions, and her plan would still work. After all, animals had feelings; also, she had other ideas, but Cassandra doubted it and then began to cry from the pain of her memories.

Aine felt worse and worse, making this poor woman cry again; again, out of instinct, she wanted to touch the quivering creature before her but couldn't. She tilted her head toward the side, spotting a group of folded towels so neatly placed near her.

She leaned over, grabbed the heap of fabric, and tied them to each other. Aine paused as she heard what Cassandra would do when her cloud lifted from her, and she had to calm herself. I'm not going to cry. I'm not going to cry. I'm not going to cry. She thought over and over as she finished her little project.

She turned around with towels in hand and, seeing Cassandra had turned herself into a fountain of tears, the pain in her chest became stronger. Right, I can do this. Once more, Aine thought to herself, as her expression turned serious in a very adorable way. Her tongue had somehow peeked out from the corner of her lips, and those brows were squenched down into a concentrative look.

Aine inched toward Cassandra until she knew she couldn't get any closer, and with one big heave of the towel, she tossed the cloth and somehow made it go around the woman. She did a little jig of joy inside herself as her plan worked. Aine still had a hold of the ends, and with a gentle tug, Aine somehow made a way that Cassandra felt a hug without being a hug.

Yes, it looked ridiculous and weird, some who would laugh, but hey, it's the thought that counts right. Aine kept that warm comical expression on her face as those bright orbs were intent on Cassandra.

" Noo, noo calm doon, gonnae-no yer tears lassie. we will free ye ay yer beasty an' i'll make a promise tae ye. beasty ur nae beasty, we will visit yer mothers grae together. ye willnae gang aloyn, awe rite? " Aine assured Cassandra.
  • Aww
Reactions: Cassandra Galanis
Cassandra could just make out through her teary eyes that Aine seemed to be moving closer to her, grabbing one of the towels along the way. She wasn't sure what she was about to do; was Aine going to tell her it was time to get out of the bath? She collected herself a little bit as she realized that something was about to happen. Then, Aine flung the towel around her and Cassandra could feel her tugging on the other side.

"Oh, you actually... you're..." she stammered, smiling through her tears. "But Aine you are wonderful, truly, I would give a great deal to simply wrap my arms around you right now, and you've found the next best thing." She wiped a tear from her eye, still smiling from ear to ear. "Thank you--I hope that we can find out how to break your curse, too. I should very much like it if we didn't have to spend our future time together so far apart."

Cassandra laughed, being filled with a sense of confidence again. She loved seeing Aine's happier features, as they were an uncommon sight while she was possessed, and perhaps that led to her finding Aine's smile all the more wonderful.

"We will try, with the livestock. But I do think the academy is our next best bet. We should leave for there in the morning. I'm looking forward to seeing so much with you. Even... even my mother's grave."

She gave one last smile, yet she doubted it would be the last one she'd show that evening, so long as Aine was around.
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  • Aww
Reactions: Aineflynn
Aine waved her hand, dismissing the thanks and breaking her curse. She gently dropped one end of the towel and pulled it slowly toward her, removing the hug and tossing the wet heap of cloth onto the floor near the tub so the servants could get to it.

" Aam nae as wonderful as ye main hink lassie." She replied adjusting herself again in a more laid-back position.

" Ah hae mah ain flaws. alrecht, boss early morn it is, thocht Ah hink we shoods be gettin' it ay th' bath's suin, aam startin' tae swatch aw wrinkly." Aine held up her right hand, showing that her skin was red and starting to crease. She'd let out a hearty honey laugh as she leaned her head back, letting the sound fill the chamber, which would bounce off the walls.

She'd look back toward, those golden eyes bright and shimmering with delight.

"Och aye, Ah hae tae admit, Ah swatch forward tae travelin' wi' some company, thocht Ah will warn ye, Ah snair." She teased, letting out another chuckle. Honestly, Aine had no idea if she snored or not, but it was nice to knock Cassandra, and it kept the poor girl off of those horrible thoughts.

Be damned the fates, gods, whatever is toying with them. They deserved some joking about and feel happy for once. Aine thought to herself as she watched her companion.

"Alrecht, aam gonnae gie it, afair mah wee bits swatch loch puddin'." Aine again teased, as this time she just stood up, not caring if Cassandra saw all her goodies. As the water cascaded down the well-crafted body, it would shimmer a little along with the now pinkish skin tone. Aine would step out of the bath, shaking her feet a little and stepping on the pile of wet towels with a few squish sounds.

She'd then go and grab a towel and begin to dry herself off now Aine's hair which was so dirty it was like the night was no longer contaminated. The wet locks of a pretty chestnut brown danced freely along her shoulders and back. Once Aine pulled the towel around her chest and made the fabric into a lovely little dress, She'd begin to put her hair up in a towel, making twists here and there.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Cassandra Galanis
As their indirect embrace came to an end, Cassandra couldn't help but see a little bit of sadness in Aine's eyes; she wondered if she felt the same isolation she did. Given that she couldn't touch anyone, as she said, she couldn't help but feel more than just a little sympathy. She only wondered: what flaws was she referring to? She was a little anxious about that now, but Aine seemed so nice, and she didn't have a reason not to trust her, so Cassandra hoped it was just something she was saying, and not a cause for concern.

Cassandra noticed her own skin as Aine mentioned hers, feeling a little sheepish suddenly. She was happy that Aine seemed to be looking forward to their journey as well.

"Good, I think our travels together will be--"

She was cut short as Aine stood up, momentarily without clothing until she retrieved a towel to cover up again. Perhaps it was normal where she came from, but Cassandra couldn't help but stare, not only because Aine herself was conventionally beautiful, but also because there was something mystical about seeing the body of another woman, having been functionally alone for so long. Nevertheless, Cassandra's cheeks flashed a hot red for a moment, averting her eyes long after Aine had covered up, as if it would do any good at this point.

"I guess I should get out too," she said, softly. She was much more careful about the process, but invariably herself was exposed for a moment. Unlike Aine, her body was thin and athletic, maybe a little malnourished from the life she led and the infrequent meals she often endured while hunting for the Shade. She didn't really know about hair care or anything of the sort, so she covered herself with the towel as best she could, not even knowing how to fold it into the way she would like.

"I... thank you again, Aine," she said. "It's gotten late, it would seem. I suppose we should get some sleep. I... really hope that I'll see you in the morning, and that this isn't all just some dream." She nodded, waiting for the two of them to dry off, snatching one last long look at her new companion, still in awe that she existed. Even if they'd only just met, and even if they were both terribly, terribly cursed...

Cassandra stood alone in the middle of a dark void, standing alone on a small rock surface of some kind. She looked at her hands--they still seemed to be hers--and then looked forward. Suddenly, small torches lit up, eventually illuminating something on the other side of the chasm. It looked like a person, becoming slowly clearer as she squinted. The image became clearer, and what she saw widened her eyes, causing her to quite literally stumble back a few steps. The ghastly image she saw, was herself: but yet not herself. It was a gaunt form, almost skeletal, with a hungered expression in her eyes. It then uttered, in a guttural voice that chilled Cassandra to her very bone:


Cassandra awoke in a cold sweat, screaming, gripping the sheets as she sat up. Her breaths were heavy and she stared at the dimly lit wall at the end of her bedroom. Confused, and frightened, she pulled the sheets up to her chest, rocking back and forth slowly. A haunting question lingered in her mind:

What... what was that?
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Aineflynn