Hath shrugged, cast an eye towards Ghaavel and touched the fragment of bone to the symbol.
Darkness fell. Not the kind of darkness that yours eyes would adjust to. It was absolute. There was the soft rushing sound. Like water over stones. And something else.
Some had always claimed to hear whispers in the void between portal stones. For the first time Hath heard them. It was no language he could understand. There was no intent between the sounds. As soon as they started the light returned.
Hath had to shield his eyes from the savanna sun. He blinked until he could see. By that time the heat had already worked through his furs and he felt a bead of sweat roll down his back.
He heard a cry in the human tongue and turned sharply.
A small caravan was just beyond the stone. The man at the front telling back, pointing to Hath and the axe in his hands.
"No harm!" shouted Hath, lowering the weapon. One of them was already trying to load a crossbow.
Not long after Ubabe and Sheeha would come through. Seemingly both were more dazzled about the appearance of the savannah than the yapping of of humans whom could be seen in every corner of Arethil.
Sheeha even would let out a small chuckle, seemingly finding the odd trip... a unique experience. She would just hop from an end to another if she had the spare magic to.
But all emotion was shortlived when Ubabe petted her by the shoulder and pointed at the humans.
The ashlanders were not known here, in fact humans feared orcs and would preffer to just stay clear.
This time it was the orcs that had to stay clear.
Ubabe and sheeha kept their arms away from their spears, but held onto the reins of their somewhat startled but calming Ash leopards.
Hath Charosh