Fable - Ask Trapped in the Den of the Slumbering Dragons

A roleplay which may be open to join but you must ask the creator first


From Below
Character Biography

Somewhere, East of Thiria...At the border of the Spine and the Blightlands, the border between Winter and Autumn...
When one isn't looking...
There exists a series of caves, known to be little more than a death trap for any adventurer brave enough to enter.
Entrances have been boarded up with wood and boulders, only for another one to make its inviting appearance a few weeks later...
Waiting for someone curious enough to continue through the perilous, winding walls of the mazelike darkness.

One does not enter Lortha on purpose.

Nicknamed the Slumbering City, she is the first of three cities comprising the Kindgdom of Nid, an architectural marvel once closely associated with the Winter Courts. There is no true consensus on the origin of the city's name, though two theories have been considered since its rather recent rediscovery. The first was based on the written account of the city’s presence prior to the arrival of the first modern settlers. In Efferil Cithreth’s journal, as a group of lost explorers explored the stalactite-like architecture, they came upon the body of a woman, Lorindiel, sleeping on her throne. The second theory was based simply upon the eerie silence that the city offers as one approaches. Even during the liveliest of celebrations, Lortha from afar appears still and silent beneath the luminescent canopy provided by nature’s own little stars.

A total of five paths lead out of Lortha. One to Iveril, the second city, two into Ur, the third city, and two more leading to a number of mazelike cave systems and eventually above ground- if you can survive the trip.

And you..

You have managed to survive the fall.

Enamored by the luminous flora, you followed the narrow, damp hallways. You crawled on your belly through claustrophia-inducing keyholes. Completely lost, you finally thought you could see the stars above you only to make one simple misstep. The ground caved in beneath you and you tumbled helplessly through the air. Landing in the underground rapids, the water pulled you along to the end where the water and air met, dropping down too many feet to count. The waterfall carried your screaming body down. And down you plummeted until, with a bone-jarring crash, you landed in the dimly lit cavern below.

Dazed. Disoriented. The water slowed to a lull, gently carrying your body along. You hear soft giggling of a child hiding in the grass, but you only see glowing as your eyes adjust to the darkness. It felt like an eternity, your body aching as you barely maintain consciousness. But eventually you wash up into the stony ground alongside. You look up and illuminated only by the light of glowworms, you see the pathway leading up to a kingdom that appeared to be carved in the stalactites themselves.

The child stood before you, nudging your battered body with her foot.
"Psst." She whispered quietly, making an attempt to wake you before the locals arrived. From the darkness, you see the flickering blue-green torchlight and a group of fae descending along the pathway. Their features, sharp and ethereal, as they closed in. It is clear they regard the disturbance with suspicion.

"Who goes there?" The booming voice of their leader, and elderly man is heard. He can see the child, but not you.​
He didn't want to move. After battling in complete futility against the currents, he felt as if his muscles had nothing left to give.

His eyes turned towards the girl. How could there be people down here. Goblins and dwarves, he was told, could live in the deepest cracks in the earth where the light feared to sink. She was neither.

His fiery temper had seen him through worse. Water lapped at him as he rolled away from the girl. One hand landed on the flat of a stone, slipping on its smooth wet surface until he found purchase.

Little by little, he dragged his body out if the water and into the grass.

"Where am I?" he hissed. The back of his nose and throat still hurt from coughing and spluttering up water.

  • Devil
Reactions: Athanasia
"Shh!" She child made an attempt to shush the battered stranger upon hearing the voices call out to her. She snapped upwards to face the men and women carrying the blue-green torches.

You glance between the blades of tall grass, eyes struggling to focus entirely on the features of the mob as your body and head ache from the fall. You realize that the child is stepping away, towards the group in an attempt to hide you from their line of sight. The child has a noticeable limp, her left leg is scarred up until it is covered by her too-large dress that looks more like it was the tunic of one of her parents.

She communicates in a language that sounds foreign to you, but it is unclear if she is not speaking your native tongue or if the fall has altered how you perceive the voices. You can see her waving her arms, acting something out that is far less dramatic than a stranger stumbling into their land. An animal, perhaps, fell into the waters and drown.

The leader of the group glances back out in your direction, swatting at a butterfly that shared the same luminous qualities to the glowworms illuminating the entire cave, but soon after he beckons the rest of the group to turn and head back towards that distant city perched so precariously within the stalagmites.

She returned to the stranger after ensuring the group of fae had lost interest in her story. She understood his question, but was unable to speak in the same tongue. She chose to inspect him, grabbing at his arms and legs to see how badly he was wounded. Miraculously, he had only suffered some bruising. It might not hurt too badly now, but he would certainly suffer tomorrow.

She offered him food from her pocket after forcing him to sit up. It was small, about the size of a walnut. Its surface was iridescent, shimmering and shifting colors in the dim blue-green light, and rough, but not hard. A fruit of some sort, but nothing akin to the fruits of the world above. She shook her hand again in his direction until he accepted or declined.
  • Yay
Reactions: Arwyl Minras
As the child moved to intercept the group, Arwyl tried to call upon his magic. He could pull a crack into the fabric of things and draw a blade of spirit glass from the aether.

His magic formed nothing. He couldn't feel the structure of things. The aether that formed the bedrock of reality. It felt like it moved, slipping through his fingers.

He swore under his breath.

The elegant, ethereal creatures seemed to believe the odd child. They vanished back into the darkness.

As the child returned, he simply stared upwards. There was no ceiling. Lights reflected off the wet, glistening surfaces. Plants and creatures all giving off a soft glow.

She offered him food from her pocket after forcing him to sit up. It was small, about the size of a walnut. Its surface was iridescent, shimmering and shifting colors in the dim blue-green light, and rough, but not hard.

"No, no I'm..." he tried to protest. Moving hurt. He started to piece together his memories. He had been looking for a route through the rocks to lead his party.

"...alright, alright," he whispered. Taking the small nut. He glanced at it just once between starting to chew.
  • Devil
Reactions: Athanasia