Fate - First Reply Thundering War

A 1x1 Roleplay where the first writer to respond can join

Zhu Shai

Character Biography
Silence, stillness, calm. Inhale, exhale.

Calm in thought, and clear skies in his mind. It had been three weeks since he had set out from the monastery, and he sat lotus in the center of one of the many isolated pagodas in the mountains. He had been readying himself for joining the rest of the world, and meditation was what he used to keep his goals and morals straight. But inconvenient for him, he had come across a number of tribals, indigenous or primitive people who didn’t care too much for his presence in the mountains.

He had yet to be harmed by them, and they had yet to be deterred by his staff. Things were sure to escalate from there, but until then, he’d wait, and think. Until a set of footsteps could be heard approaching him. If they were hostile, he’d be happy to oblige them. If not, he’d be happy to speak.
It had not been long since he had departed the monastery, letting the mists and forests close behind him, hiding the monastery from the sight of the outside world. It had been several hundred years since he had last left the monastery for his initiation pilgrimage. Then it had been fifty years before he returned once again to the monastery, although this time, he suspected he might never return.

Not that it wouldn't be allowed. He simply did not think he would have reason to return. The mists would always open for one who had mastered the Breath. But the world had changed, even from what little news they received from their occasional visitors who had sought them out, or a place of refuge, which they offered.

But Tielan decided to start by tracing a route through the pagodas that dotted the Spine, pausing to speak with the Fyiama who stood vigil in the high peaks, and learn what he could of recent days. It concerned him, for the world had indeed changed, and it seemed even more dangerous than it had been. What intrigued him the most was that another traveler had been seen tracing the pagoda paths. Not one from his monastery, for they had no novices who had either recently left or were expected to return soon. This would have been a different monastery and he was very eager to hear who they might be and what they considered.

So, he picked his way through the mountains, adjusting the two swords so they did not catch on the mossy rocks or get wedges in the folds of the landscape, while he used the wooden training sword to prop him up. Despite his heavier build, he was quite fit and had no issue with the high altitude, and hummed softly to himself.

Ahead, he could just make out the familiar red roof of the pagoda, nestled into its little spot, and he traced the ancient steps up to the temple.

"Greetings, traveler!" He called ahead, cupping his hands around his mouth. "Care for a visitor?"

Zhu Shai
"Greetings, traveler!" He called ahead, cupping his hands around his mouth. "Care for a visitor?"

The call was that of a friend. Not familiar, but definitely someone who did not intend to be hostile. He stood up and turned to face the man approaching him.

He stepped calmly out of the pagoda he had sat in, and smiled at the newcomer. "Visitors are most welcome Traveller. Might I ask who you are? I recognize the garb of a fellow monk, but not the colours you don. From what monastery do you come?"

He would hear the man's answer then introduce himself. "I am Zhu Shai, Disciple of Storm Monastery."

A disciple was a lower mid-tier monk where he learned. It started with a Novice, Apprentice, Disciple, Student, Adept, Master, and finally Enlightened. He was of respectable skill back in the monastery, though still with much to learn.

The large monk in front of him appeared to be superior to him in skill, by virtue of his apparent age. Though he was uncertain of whether he was a Master or not.
"Ah, excellent!" Tielan called back, walking up the steps and leaning slightly on the wooden training sword. He wiped his forehead with one sleeve as he settled into a seat on the floor of the pagoda. Not out of breath, or breathing hard, but glad to be sitting down. He stretched and rolled his neck to loosen it up before rubbing his hands together to take out the chill.

"Storm Monastery, you say?" Tielan considered and then shrugged. "I confess to being unfamiliar with it. I am Tieland Kiertan, Master from the Monastery of the Four-Petaled Flower. Pleased to make your acquaintance, Disciple Zhu Shai." He pulled himself to his feet and bowed before taking a seat again and rummaging in his pack.

"I have not yet eaten today, what about you?"

Lips pursed, he considered what he had with him. Hard cheeses, breads, and the mixed up ingredients for a special stew he had developed that just needed the chance to add water and boil. That wouldn't be terrible for a place like this, assuming they could get a fire started and enough water to fill the pot.
"Storm Monastery, you say?" Tielan considered and then shrugged. "I confess to being unfamiliar with it. I am Tieland Kiertan, Master from the Monastery of the Four-Petaled Flower. Pleased to make your acquaintance, Disciple @Zhu Shai." He pulled himself to his feet and bowed before taking a seat again and rummaging in his pack

He took a moment to bow respectfully, "apologies Master Tieland, had I known your rank I'd have shown the proper respect upon seeing you."

"Not many people are familiar with it save the monks themselves and those who came from it. It is high in the mountain peaks, not easy to get to, for the purpose of connecting more securely to sky. I'm afraid I am unfamiliar with your own monastery Master Tieland."

"I have not yet eaten today, what about you?"

Zhu shook his head in polite declination. "I am currently fasting. No meals before or after midnight, water only at sunrise and sunset. I do hope you understand. Though your offer is most thoughtful."

"Might I ask the purpose of your journey? A pilgrimage? A mission? Do you seek other practicioners or are you leaving your monastery for other reasons?"
Zhu Shai

Tieland nodded as he leaned back and settled more comfortably into where he was sitting, letting out a slow breath as he felt his joints and bones relax from having to carry him up and down the mountainsides. As the younger monk bowed, he waved his hand. "No need for that, lad, this is hardly a ceremonious occasion and certainly no need for formality towards me."

At the mention of fasting, a slight frown and quiet sigh escaped his lips and he let the opening of his satchel fall closed. "No meals either before or after midnight?"

He scratched his beard as he tried to think that through and that shrugged. "Ah, well, very dedicated of you then. And it does seem wise to have a monastery very high up to connect with the skies. And I'd be more surprised if anyone was familiar with mine. We much prefer to be tucked away unnoticed. But if you're ever in need of dire assistance traveling through the spine, and find the entrance to a steep box valley filled with mist so thick you can't see through, that is probably the four-petaled flower offering you shelter."

Why was he journeying? That was the question wasn't it. He pondered it for a few moments as he wiggled his toes to loosen them. "Well, I suppose it's a mission, or perhaps a pilgrimage. I've left to find the recipes in the world that truly represent the pinnacle of the sacred and communal culinary art." He realized how strange that must sound to the young monk fasting and added. "We do not seek to distance ourselves from the world, but live fully and deeply in harmony with it, to promote harmony and the flourishing of individuals and communities. Cooking and eating is one way in which we can exist more deeply in harmony with others."

Then he realized that was perhaps too much like the teaching he had been doing and laughed, deep and rich, causing his round belly to jiggle. "Sounds backwards for a monk, does it not? But I've been in the monastery for over two hundred years since i last left, and since we all agreed I was hardly the right temperament to lead the monastery, I would be free to do as I please, and I so want to see the world again, one last time."