Private Tales Three's a Crowd

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
“Are you sure I’m not being a bother?”

Ophelia stood before the Chamberlain of the Spring Court who had graciously offered to give her a tour of Grovehaven after she decided she’d make the temporary move to be closer to Quacey. Given the rather unfortunate rumors that surrounded her in her own court, it was rare she found herself in the company of someone who wasn’t judgmental or, on the very rare occasion, outright hostile. What could you expect when you left several angry mother’s without their sons, though?

This was…pleasant.

“I mean it, if you’re busy we can move this to another day. I really don’t mind.”

It was pleasant in a way that made her nervous. This woman had been kind to her and Ophelia was afraid. Afraid of what? Perhaps it was the prospect of friendship that was scaring her. She new it was a stupid fear to have. She didn't even know the woman, and yet she still hoped she would have mercy on her and tell her she was busy doing something for the King. They would have to reschedule and just maybe Ophelia would be back home in her own court before that could happen. God's please spare me this one time.

Elowen Praeda
Elowen had told the newest arrival to Grovehaven at least five times that it was no bother at all. The place was massive and it could be confusing so, of course, the Chamberlain would want to make sure the Ophelia was comfortable here.

Especially in her condition. Her very pregnant condition. A small twinge of longing hit Elowen and she pushed it down. Her ability to help others with creating life had made it nearly impossible for her to conceive. It hit every now and then even though she had no desire for a child right now.

She brought her attention back to Ophelia and smiled a genuine smile, "I really do not mind, Ophelia. You are our guest and I want to make sure you are comfortable and happy for however long you stay."

She knew this was temporary but she hoped that perhaps the woman would stay once her children were born. Elowen had so few female friends here. Not that she was even sure if Ophelia wanted a friend but still. She would be kind no matter what.

Ophelia Eärtári
  • Bless
Reactions: Ophelia
Well, shit...her subtle hints appeared to be too subtle as the woman repeated her offer. "You're too kind. I should not be staying too long, so you don't need to worry too much about me." She returned the smile. "Almost halfway through..."

Quacey had offered her space in Twinhome, which she was alright with, but she preferred Grovehaven. Even if she couldn't be alone, it seemed more warm and inviting than the cold stone walls she spent so many hours surrounded by during her training. On the plus side, it would give Quacey the opportunity to leave and guide more lost women to his bed if that was what he desired.

Ophelia had made it very obvious that they would not be together under any circumstances. This was simply a large bump in the road that they would both get over eventually. She hoped she didn't offend his friends when she spoke of their situation. "Quacey was the one who wanted the child. Sometimes it seemed like he was more lost than others when he spoke of children. It would be unfair of me to keep that from him."

Her attention was back on Elowen, "Where shall we start, Elowen? What are your favorite places here? I trust your judgement, so take me anywhere you like!"

Elowen Praeda
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Elowen nodded at Ophelia's words. It was an interesting situation to be sure but it was not her place to judge what the woman did with the child she had conceived with the Lord. Just because it was difficult for duanann to conceive, that did not mean that everyone wanted a child. Elowen was glad that the father was actually excited to take the child on his own.

"Of course, perhaps it will allow him to take some rest from the problems of other women for a while," Elowen said with a small, knowing smirk.

Everyone knew how Quacey liked to guide lost women and that was one reason Elowen kept her distance from him. She did not want or need him prying into her past and she, certainly, did not want or need him in her bed. She was cordial, of course, but they had never spoken in an informal capacity.

"Oh, I am taking you to the best place in Grovehaven. It will probably be one of your favorite places as you continue through your pregnancy." The Chamberlain smiled as they walked towards the springs. The warmth of the water was one of her favorite things when she was stressed out or sore. It would surely help Ophelia when her back was hurting.

The different pools dotted the warm room with the sun peaking in from above to warm the water. It was quiet right now with only two or three fae relaxing about.

"The springs," she said with a sweeping motion of her arm towards the water. "The water is usually always warm and it is so very relaxing. Clothing is optional and entirely your choice."

Ophelia Eärtári
"Knowing him, he'd probably bring his child along with. I'd bet he'd manage to somehow find even more lost women that way." She chuckled quietly. "I do hope that's not the case. I don't mind him going about his business, but everyone needs rest. I wish he'd take some time to make his home less..." She paused, trying to pick out a word that would accurately describe how she felt in Twinhome. "Sad."

In the few months she spent there during her training, she had begged him to make the place more homey. He denied her a full set of servants, instead forcing the two of them to cook together and clean which was horribly offensive to her. In the end, he did let her bully him into bringing plants for her to take care of until she would eventually get upset with her progress and kill them all.

Her smile matched Elowen's as they walked and talked, quietly curious about where she would bring her that she might like to spend time at throughout her pregnancy. "Is that something you've learned from experience? I was unaware you had children," she commented. It wasn't meant to come across rude, but she was not sure how Elowen would take the question. She had only spoken to her a few times before this and had never thought to ask.

"Wow, its stunning!" She looked about the springs. She wasn't entirely sure, but she didn't think they had things like this back home. This was glorious in comparison to her place of relaxation, the greenhouse full of decaying flowers. If it weren't for the other fae, she would have gone in the water right there.

Her skin went pink as she mentioned clothing. "Clothing optional?" Her tone suggested she was horrified at the concept of not being modest, which was clearly not true given her predicament. It wasn't modesty that terrified her, it was how vain she was. She was quite horrified with her current look, fully believing motherhood did not suit her. "Perhaps I'll have to stay a little while after the child is born to experience that. It is truly beautiful, Elowen."

Elowen Praeda
Elowen chuckled at the thought of Quacey bringing his child to help women. She hoped he would take a break as well. Women who needed help would still be there once the child was old enough to care for itself.

She did not realize that she had stiffened up when Ophelia had asked about children. "Oh no, I do not have any children. I have just known enough pregnant fae to know that warm water helps with aches and pains. Your back will start hurting towards the end of the pregnancy."

Elowen had been a midwife many times especially when the pregnancy had been difficult. Elowen was able to help keep the mother and baby from dying more than once. She would be hard pressed to have children but at least she could help others. It was worth it to her.

"Yes, it is the best place but it is not my favorite. It is my second favorite." She smiled at Ophelia. "I hope you do stay a bit longer. It is all beautiful here."

The Chamberlain started to walk again, "now it is time for my favorite place. My garden!"

Ophelia Eärtári
"Oh..." Ophelia rested a hand on Elowen's shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. She noticed the tension she had inadvertently caused and made an attempt to comfort her. "Forgive me, you just have a very motherly aura about you." She let her hand fall. "And you seem to know much more about what to expect than I. I appreciate the warnings."

She felt a smile on her face that almost seemed out of place on her sad features. How bizarre was it that after hundreds of years avoiding people, she was already finding herself warming up to a complete stranger.

"Second favorite?" She raised a brow. There was certainly no way any other place could compete with these springs. Yet, every step she took within Grovehaven had proved her wrong. It only got more beautiful the further she went.

I hope you do stay a bit longer. It is all beautiful here.

"It really is. Home in the Autumn Court has become more unbearable in recent months. It would be a nice change, but I'm sure I couldn't stay forever." She followed Elowen as she began walking again. "" Her voice would reveal hints of nervousness. "I do love gardens. I had one back home actually, but perhaps I can observe from a distance?"

She was unaware if Quacey had told anyone about the troubles with her domain. It wasn't like it was a regular topic of conversation. "The pregnancy has wreaked havoc on my powers. My own garden has wilted into nothing. I would hate to destroy the things you hold most precious."

Elowen Praeda
Elowen smiled at Ophelia. Perhaps it was her affinity that gave her a motherly aura. She may just have a motherly soul destined to take care of others and help them with their children. Who knew or understood the ways of the gods.

She chuckled at Ophelia's hestitation to go near her garden. She had no idea what the woman's affinity was but it apparently liked to kill things.

"Firstly, I can bring anything back to life in my garden so no worries there," she said with genuine warmth.

The two ladies walked out of the springs area and back outside into the cool afternoon.

"Second, what is your affinity? If you do not mind me asking."

Ophelia Eärtári
"If you're confident you can fix what I kill then I suppose its alright if we go. But don't say I didn't warn you." She was hesitant, but didn't want to decline the offer if it wasn't going to be a big deal to bring life back to the plants Ophelia would kill. For a moment, she was even a tad jealous of the woman. Gardening had been her passion since childhood but as soon as her first husband dropped, so did her roses. Her pride and joy.

She persisted, trying everything she could to grow flowers that wouldn't die the moment she touched them going as far as having a friend do the work for her so she could enjoy them from afar.

It wasn't the same though. They weren't hers. She was admiring someone else's hard work. He thought it was silly for something as simple as gardening to be such a sore spot, but she couldn't help getting upset seeing his roses and other exceptionally ugly flowers in her garden.

And when she got upset, his work was pointless. She'd wiped out his harvest before he could even pick them for arrangements.

"My affinity..." She was quiet for a moment. "Quacey and I have been working on it. I think I'm unlucky, but he says it's death. Given that this is not the first child I've conceived, nor the second, possibly something related to life as well." It was hard to hide the sadness in her voice as she spoke of the children she had never met. "Regardless, I think it's rather unlucky to be forced into some balance of life and death. Would you not agree? It's cruel."

Elowen Praeda
Elowen listened to Ophelia explain her affinity and she felt a pain for the female. It was an exceptionally cruel affinity especially when death was the more prevalent side of it.

"I have never conceived so I do not know the pain of your loss," she said softly and took Ophelia's hand in her own. There was a reason that Elowen had never conceived. She gave a bit of her life and her fertility to everything and everyone she helped. Her power was greater than herself and she understood the sacrifices that she had to make.

As she held the other woman's hand, she sent some of her life magic into Ophelia's body and felt it wrap around the babies - BABIES! - in her womb. They would be safe from whatever her affinity tried to pull on her.

"Oh," she said softly with a smile. "I did not ask permission but I sent some of my magic into your womb to protect your babies and to make sure they survive their growth in you and their birth...I hope you do not mind..."

Ophelia Eärtári
  • Nervous
Reactions: Ophelia
"Be glad you don't know the pain." Her words were not meant to come across as cruel, though she could not predict how the woman would take them. Many women would kill to conceive, but she wished she had never gone to the funeral that brought her to Quacey every single day. She didn't know conceiving without grave consequences. "But if this child survives, I will leave him or her with the Spring court in Quacey's care. It would be nothing short of a miracle though."

Ophelia watched the woman as she grabbed her hand. Was this a spring people thing? She knew some people enjoyed hugging, but perhaps they enjoyed holding hands. Strange, but okay.

There was a change on her face as she held onto her. Something seemed off, but judging by her smile it was not bad. "Elowen, you didn't have to waste your power on me." She tried to reassure her, squeezing her hand gently before letting it go. "Wait a moment." She froze. "Babies?" She raised a brow at the fae.

That can't be right.

Elowen Praeda
A brilliant smile lit up Elowen's face at Ophelia's surprise. Of course it would be a surprise unless she went to someone with a type of magic that would detect the number. Elowen spent the majority of her life as a midwife because she loved helping other women especially since pregnancy was hard on the duanann.

"First off, it is no waste, Ophelia. I have spent much of my life as a midwife. I use my affinity to help women with the toughest thing we go through."

Elowen continued to walk now like she had not just sprung the news that Ophelia was having twins.

"Yes, babies. Two. Two heartbeats, two consciousnesses, and two bodies. You are going to have two healthy babies, Ophelia," the smile was back on Elowen's face.

She just could not help that she loved babies and pregnant females.

Ophelia Eärtári
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Ophelia
Ophelia remained frozen in place as she confirmed what she had hoped was some sort of horrible miscommunication. "Two...?" She whispered. "Please tell me you aren't serious." One child was bad enough, but two?

The smile on Elowen's face was enough to know she was not joking around on such a sensitive topic. "I suppose it was a good thing we met then because I don't know what I'm going to do." Her energy did not match the happiness that was radiating off the other woman. In fact, she felt sick for the first time since the morning sickness subsided.

Taking a few deep breaths to calm herself, she began to follow the woman who was a few steps ahead. "I'm sorry. This is a bit of a shock." She rested one hand on her stomach. "It only took me like five or so months to tell Quacey the news and now there's two. I don't even know how to tell him that. You probably know as well as any other that he's rarely home with his 'occupation'. I'm going to be on my own, responsible for the lives of two babies." Her tone shifted nervously with the last sentence as she continued to panic.

Elowen Praeda
"You need not worry yourself, Miss Eärtári."

When at last the two women pushed open the gates to Elowen's garden, a tall and broad-shouldered figure awaited them both beyond it, his hands locked behind his back and a soft smile on his features. "Whilst you do not consider yourself Spring, the children were born of a Spring father, and therefore have my protection. No harm will come to them so long as they are within my land."

It was obvious enough from the thin, silvery crown sitting atop his head, but Nairth still found it quite prudent to introduce himself, nodding his head towards Ophelia as one of his hands comes around to rest atop his heart. "Forgive my lack of manners. I do not believe the two of us have met properly. I am Nairth San'Seya-- King of the Spring Court." The platinum-colored robes that had been draped across his body as though they were glimmering sheets that had fallen from the sky practically glowed in the sunlight that bathed the garden. The King looked at Elowen now, his smile turning to a smirk.

"My dearest friend and Chamberlain told me we may have a guest today, very nice to meet you, Ophelia Eärtári."

It was only natural he'd know of her; whilst Quacey did act on his own for the most part, he was required to report to San'Seya on a semi-regular basis. What details he left out-- and there were plenty-- were easily enough filled in by the whispers of the trees. "I feel that before I allow you to indulge in our accommodations any further, I must apologize to you, Ophelia, for the behavior of my fellow Spring. If Quacey's actions have caused you distress, I must express my remorse."

Said remorse came in the bow of his head for a few moments. A common gesture, but far more meaningful with a crown on the bowing head. Straightening again, Nairth steps out of their path.

"I'd very much like to join you on the remainder of this grand tour." San'Seya reaches out to place a hand on Elowen's shoulder. "The lovely Elowen has cultivated quite an impressive display. Worth going out of your way to see, for certain."

Elowen Praeda Ophelia Eärtári
  • Aww
Reactions: Ophelia
You need not worry yourself, Miss Eärtári.

The unfamiliar voice startled her as the gates to Elowen’s garden opened, revealing a face she’d seen once, at the tournament. Had a crown not been placed upon his head, she would still recognize him by Quacey’s description of his friend. He was the King and he was even more ethereal in the flesh than he was in the stories she was told.

She scrambled to give an uncomfortable bow, the look of panic from Elowen’s surprising news and a King showing up out of the blue still plastered on her face. “I’ve heard many a story of you since meeting Quacey, your majesty. It is nice to finally put a face to them.

She stepped back slightly, returning to her normal stance as he continued to speak, offering an apology that confused her more than anything. Given her history, it was more likely that she was causing Quacey distress. The poor man desired a family of his own and it was cruel that the Gods sent her to fulfill his dream. Even if Elowen could guarantee they would survive until birth, there was no guarantee they’d live much longer.

They both knew that, but it would no longer be Ophelia’s problem after she would return home.

If I’m being honest, I think the only one causing me distress is Elowen. Though it is not her fault for delivering news I had not been expecting. I can’t hold that against her.” A soft laugh followed her comment.

She waited for Elowen to begin walking again before speaking again. “Thank you for allowing me to spend a brief time here. I am eager to see her gardens. I've been missing my own for quite some time now. My affinities have been...temperamental at best which seemed to be detrimental to the lives of my roses."

Nairth San'Seya Elowen Praeda
Any response that Elowen was going to give to Ophelia was cut short when she looked up to see her King, her best friend, her lover waiting for them. She stood quietly as Nairth greeted Ophelia and assured her that she and her children were welcome and safe here.

Nairth's hand came to rest on Elowen's shoulder and she, unconsciously, found herself moving closer to him. They had made no announcements about their relationship but they had not taken any pains to hide it either. It was just there and no one had the nerve to speak against it yet.

"I did not mean to cause you stress, Ophelia. I think it is better to know there are two now versus when you are in the birthing bed. That would be an unpleasant shock to find out that you are not done yet. At least you can prepare this way," Elowen was trying to put Ophelia more at ease.

Elowen took Nairth's hand in her own as they walked deeper into the gardens. The colors and the smells were two of her favorite things in the entire world. Roses, hydrangeas, jasmine, and many more types of flowers and plants dotted the land now.

One perk of her affinity was that she did not have to worry about weather or seasons when planting.

Nairth San'Seya Ophelia Eärtári