Dreadlords Things in the Dark

Threads open to all members of the Dreadlords group

Alistair Krixus

The Rune Knight
Character Biography

Vel Zrada

"He's got Black Bloody Boots, and a rotund mace, but Dreadlord Braires looks like he took a brick to the faaaacccceeee!"

The crowd cheered as they sang along with the drunk young man whose fingers fluttered across the strings of a well-made fiddle. Although his rosy cheeks strongly pointed to how inebriated the young man was, his stumbling across the stage still somehow gave off the appearance of a dance. With a final flourish, the song came to an end as the young man offered a deep bow and allowed the cheers to reign down upon him.

He then quickly hopped off the stage and made his way to the bar.

"A few rounds on me Saunders and a few more songs?" The portly barkeep Finley offered the man, but his smile fell as he saw the man was shaking his head before the offer was finished.

"You know I would love to Fin, but I have to get back before problems start."

"Oh, alright, but same time next week."

Saunders just grinned and offered another bow before quickly slipping out of a side door. The sounds and lights of the tavern quickly died off as darkness and silence greeted the young man. Something never noticed by the drunk performer as he stumbled his way down the alley while whistling a soft tune.

"Bloody boots, and a golden cuirass, but poor Braires never suspected a dagger up the a-"

The song was cut short with a sudden gasp as the last thing Saunders ever heard was someone humming his tune.

Alistair squinted beneath the early morning sun as he made his way to the alley. Already, other Vigilite members were blocking off the tavern and gathering information from some of the tavern goers...the ones that were not too hungover.

This was the first case Mihali had given Alistair to take point on and he was keen to handle this flawlessly.

The body that greeted them was a young man dressed as a troubadour hanging upside down on one of the walls hanging by one foot from a chain secured on one of the roofs. Multiple cuts covered the man's exposed body with no clear sign of which one had been the fatal strike.

Already he could hear some of the locals gathering near the tavern to see what the commotion was. They needed to get a move on quickly. Alistair looked back to the others with him and pointed at the body.

"Our musical friend here went by the name of Songbird Saunders. He had been making the rounds of various taverns in the lower districts." Normally this would not be something the Vigilite would truly be worried about, but as they got closer, Alistair's runic eyes activated and he was able to confirm the report.

"Unfortunately for us, his real name is Jacques Orlais, the second son of a minor house. He was supposed to be in the city learning music..looks like he wanted some first-hand experience."
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