Open Chronicles The Visit To Hallowed Valley

A roleplay open for anyone to join
A couple of miles away from Molthal Kingdom, you can see Lucifer leaning up against a tree in the middle of the night at the foggy mysterious woods, he'd pull out a lighter and a cigarette before sparking it up and blowing smoke out of his mouth. He would think of what's to come in the near future whilst looking ahead at the dark abyss of the unknown. His sword properly equipped in it's leather sheath on his back, the sword has a finely carved skeleton that's holding onto a scythe imprinted on the sharp blade. The man holds the cigarette with his right hand while resting his foot up against the tree for support, patiently waiting for the arrival of Cinder - hoping that the demon would sense his energy and come check it out.

The presence of pure evil was lurking in these woods and no one even knew it. The bright moon shined it's beautiful light upon the scenery, perfectly showcasing villages in the distance making it seem like a piece of priceless art from this point of view. Small little eyes of several devious goblins are in the background, swallowed by the darkness of the night. Of course, they won't attack. They too can sense his magical energy. Lucifer realizes that this is the going be the start to of something bigger than himself, an evil revolutionary movement that will shake earth to it's core when it's time. For now, it's best to lay as low as possible and gather a large following out of nothing.
  • Yay
Reactions: Cinder
Cinder stood in the dark of the forests. The goblins that slinked away knew he was there, and they knew to avoid him. He took form, and the red glow of his eyes began to glow in the blackness. And he began to walk towards the man, smoking a tobacco wrap. It was this man that had caught his attention, someone who would make a worthy disciple, worthy of his power.

He approached him from behind, too tall to be human or even orcish, and with two tall antlers atop his flayed head. He stopped a few feet from him and waited.
Lucifer flicked the cigarette onto the fresh soil of the ground and slightly turned his head to the side after hearing someone approach him from behind. He'd smirk and say "Me and you. We want the same thing. Why not scratch each other's backs. Yeah?" as he awaits the demon's response. The eerie scenery was quite perfect for the two, with it being cold and dark out. He wasn't at all scared or worried for his safety as he should've been but knowing how they're both evil. They have no need to attack each other. They're of valuable use to each other and that's crystal clear.
"What do you have in mind?" Was the simple response question. He knew full well what the man wanted, and he knew how he could use it to further his own means. But he wanted to test the man, see how honest he'd be. Because they were both evil, both were likely to try offing the other once their usefulness had been exhausted. So he'd test the man, and see how likely he was to betray him.

"More importantly, what can you offer me in return for my power?"
"You'd get an endless supply of followers all over the world that'll worship you for decades to come. That's what I have to offer. I'm sure you know what I want already. So what 'cha say? You in or out?" he'd reply to the demon's response before waiting once again to hear what he has to say. Knowing that there's strength in numbers and that would be their first ideal plan to begin with. His sleek black straight hair covered partially covered his face, making him seem even more mysterious. Lucifer had a gut feeling that if he wasn't able to convince the demon to join him on his journey, then it wouldn't really work out well. This is his only hope.
To conquer the world was frankly impossible for him to accomplish, at least in his lifetime, but a kingdom of followers was definitely something he would be happy to accept. He couldn't bring as he had no lips, but he answered saying. "The terms are acceptable."

A scroll, black as the night with glowing words written across it. "Sign the deal, and we can begin."

A quill was summoned for him.
"Sure thing." before he turned all the way around and signed his life away with the quill, writing his name down in fancy cursive font. He'd chuckle as the two of them walked away into the darkness of the thick forest heading to their first destination of choice, Hallowed Valley. After an hour of walking, they'd finally reach the place.

Once there, their bodies would return back to normal and Lucifer would put his sword back into it's sheath on his back where it belongs. It wasn't long before they were swarmed by weak malnourished demons from all angles as they all circled them both, not sure to attack or to make peace with them. Lucifer glances at Cinder, saying "Do your thing." hoping that he'd know what the man was talking about. If they didn't make a good choice in a matter of seconds, they'd both be viciously attacked by all of these demons surrounding them.
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  • Smug
Reactions: Cinder
Demon's, minor, pathetic truth be told, not many would stand against him at all, even fewer would survive. So he stepped to the horde of demons, all lesser imps and a few succubi, and he let his mind do the talking, forcing the few hundred demons into submission, and they then had an army to conquer with. The man's demon-summoning skills were impressive though, since he was able to summon so many at once.

So he turned to the mortal and said. "How, where is the village you wish to take?"
"Belgrath. A little bird told me that forces of Molthal is attacking their front gate. We're going to help Molthal take over their kingdom and by doing so, they'll be intrigued to make an alliance with us. Scratching each other's back again. We help them in battles. They help us in return. I'll want to meet face to face with their leader and come to an agreement. What I need is a portion of his men in our army of undead." He'd chuckle after saying that, thinking that it's a risky move but it's the one that'll get us the furthest ahead to where we need to be.

The hundreds of malnourished demons would await our command as they stand there, growling and gnawing at their teeth while Lucifer looks over at Cinders, wanting to hear his opinion on it and asks "What do you think? Smart play?" as he crossed his arms over his chest. The soft breeze of the night gently blows his hair to the side as well as barely moving the flaps of his vest.
"Belgrath. A little bird told me that forces of Molthal is attacking their front gate. We're going to help Molthal take over their kingdom and by doing so, they'll be intrigued to make an alliance with us. Scratching each other's back again. We help them in battles. They help us in return. I'll want to meet face to face with their leader and come to an agreement. What I need is a portion of his men in our army of undead." He'd chuckle after saying that, thinking that it's a risky move but it's the one that'll get us the furthest ahead to where we need to be.

He nodded his understanding. “A fair step forward. And the presence of a demon lord will ensure that Molthal will take you seriously, and ensure you remain unharmed.”

“But the first order of business is to ensure that you have a fortified position to fall back to should things go poorly. There is a castle ruin not far from here, enslave a few villages and it will be rebuilt before long. Then we can continue to Belgrath.”