Private Tales The Sickening Demon

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Dearest Maridis,

Hello friend, I have some work for you. I recently sent another adventurer on an expedition into Amol-Kalit, in search of a rare artifact I wish to acquire. Unfortunately, the lady I sent became sick and died, but not before sending me a letter telling me where she believed the golden chalice to be. If you retrieve it for me, you will be paid handsomely as usual.

With gratitude, Morst Gorgon

Maridis Va Dori sighed and folded up the letter. He kept walking through the sand and approached the ruin, it was a tall, sand covered building. He walked over to the door and grunted as he forced the large wooden door open. He fell through the door and stood, walking into the dark hallway. He began feeling sick and stumbled backwards, before throwing up onto the floor.

The winds were howling against the sandstone structure carved onto the wall of a plateau like geological structure made out of sandstone and covered in sands. It was old, very old. The relic hunter could see the damage the sands did and it was not pretty. The whole thing looked like it could fall and trap him inside at any moment. The architecture was unknown, unlike even most of the others ruins in the area and alongside the grandiosity of it all. It felt mysterious, grand, and ominous. Carved onto the walls were runes, symbols, sigils... All unknown. Some resembled things he had seen before, but they were not exactly alike.

Approaching the structure the adventurer felt sick, as if his insides were being examined and turned around. It became better after regurgitating, but the feeling of uneasiness continued. Inside, besides the writings, there were what seemed like housings and shops. All abandoned, with nothing to be found except tattered, old, fabric and dust.

From deep within the ruin, something old observed the young man; and it says:
"another one goes beyond the veil"
"Who-Who said that? I'll fucking kill you, what's happening to me?" Maridis says as he vomits again, he spits and wipes his mouth on his sleeve. He walks further stumbling deeper into the ruin. He looks around in the darkness, squinting. He bends over and vomits again, at this point nothing is coming out. "I'm just here for some golden chalice and then I'll go, so the quicker I get the chalice, the quicker I leave." He calls out as he looks around in the dark.
The winds that enter the ruin become stronger as the day becomes night and the sun starts to stop shining on the surface

"Follow your guts"

The voice says, omnipresent. Coming from everywhere at once.

"And thy shall get the most valuable treasure of them all"

You notice the wind takes a turn in one of the alleys.
"Follow my guts? Was that a pun? My guts are all over the place." Maridis says as he gestures at his pile of vomit. He feels the breeze in the air and sighs, clearing his throat. "I see, so is it safe to assume this is a trap?" Maridis asks as he begins walking down the alley, he places a hand on the hilt of his dagger as he walks, ready to draw it at a moments notice.
As the Relic Hunter delved deeper, the voice was not heard again. Hours passed and even if it was still day; for now he was deep underground. it was dead silent for a while, he had not heard the voice again. He did however had the feeling of being watched with him all the time.

The sickening effect on his stomach and intestins had passed, but he did feel weaker then usual. Using the dagger was unnecessary, as it appeared nothing lived in the place.

It seemed like it was all illusions of your mind, and maybe you had thought about turning back and leaving. The place seemed empty. Until the room. Oh, the room.

The first door in the entire excavation. Of course it had to be opened. But... Will he open it? As he approached, his heart misses a beat or two. His eyesight fades for a moment. And a rotting smell comes off from the other side. But something else also comes: light.
Maridis was tired and was almost positive he was lost. Suddenly he spotted a brilliant bright door. He pauses before the door, taking a deep breath, he opens the door quickly and walks in, looking to see what is creating the brilliant light. He pauses and allows his eyes to adjust before he looks around the room.
When he enters the room, the light comes from everywhere. When he's inside, the door behind him closes too. He doesn't know whether the lights dimmed or his eyesight adjusted to the brightness, but he could now see why it was everywhere: it was a room full of mirrors, even the back of the door from where he came in. In the mirrors he could see a girl arround her 20's chained: her arms were open with shackles on her hands from where the llight came, off runic writings. She would be kneeled, if not suspended by her hands. Her throat also had a shackle, which made her look to her front even if she did not want to.

"Hello there"

The voice came from all the reflections. Only reflections. She couldn't be found anywhere in the actual room. Her voice was sweet, but something was off with it.
"Where are you? I'll release you, who captured who?" Maridis asks as he walks around with his hands out, trying not to run into things. He squints as his eyes are hurting due to the bright light, he doesn't even notice the door shutting. He begins smashing the mirrors. "Who are you?" He asks as he punches a hole into a mirror.
"I... I am... I don't remember my name, sir. Nor who captured me. All I remember is being in the room. Please save me!"

The girl uttered. As soon as he smashes the first mirror, she screams in pain, but soon shouts:

"Kee-Keeo going, I think it's working!"
A third of the mirrors were gone. As he smashed the second one the looter heard another scream. The chains' lights go out, leaving him in complete darkness, only avle to hear:

"I don't know where I... Where I am."
"I don' know much, all I kn-"

She was interrupted by the smashing of the third glass. Silence... You feel and hear breathing right by your neck.

"Is that you shouldn't trust whatever you find in dungeons"

He feels an acute pain in his neck. Just now he realized how... Cold... The room was. All of a sudden the other mirrors break; three chains light up with a super dim red color that flows away from the girl, who was biting and sucking you neck, passing away just after.

She has mostly white, but slightly red hair; two small horns coming from her head and sharp canines. She breathes slowly and weakly, and does not seem to pose a threat anymore, for the ominous presence he felt disappeared.

The wounds in his neck missed the jugular by little and the lost blood was not very significant either.
Maridis jumps away and pushes her off. Her puts a hand to his neck and when he realizes it's bleeding he ties some cloth around it, the cloth becomes soaked with blood but stops the bleeding. Maridis draws his sword and looks around. "Who are you? Why did you attack me? Where am I?" He asks frantically as he spins around, searching for her.
"Run... It will come back soon"

She said, coughing blood after it, enabling you to identify where she is. But she did not stand still, crawled through the broken glass on the stone floor, cutting herself, to the door, opening it (if given the opportunity).
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