Roleplay OOC The Revolution of Vel Anir

Character Biography

Hello Everyone!

After about a year of planning, roleplaying, various sideplots, character development, etc the time has finally come for Revolution in Vel Anir.

Lots of people have dipped in and out, developed Noble Houses, Dreadlords, and even regular guardsmen. The story has finally come to a head, and with Tides of Fate winding down it is time for the main event. I highly encourage all my Anirian friends to join me and see what this new Chapter of the Great City will result in!

The Thread itself will launch this Friday on 5/14/2021

I again, highly encourage anyone with an interest in Vel Anir to join. This story has been developing for a long time, and even if you are worried about 'slowing down' the thread because you have other things going on that is perfectly okay! I suspect this thread will be a long one, with lots of development and intricate details running throughout!

The Story;
Vel Anir has been a city of changing rulerships for centuries. Beginning as a strong monarchy before falling into a familial oligarchy. The Great Fortress City has stood as a testament to humanity for a thousand years. For the last centuries it has been ruled by Seven powerful Noble Families; The Great Houses. They have swayed and guided the path of Vel Anir for years.

No more.

Over the last decades the Anirian Guard has worked stringently to gather themselves into a force of revolution. They have collected information, sowed seeds of dissent within the people, recruited wayward Dreadlords, and prepared themselves for a fight that might very well destroy the city that they have defended for so long.

After an attack of a massive undead army breaching Vel Anir's walls themselves, the city lays in chaos. The regiments of the Noble Houses are in disarray, and the city is still seeped in chaos.

Now comes the hour of Revolution.

In the remnants of the undead the Guard launches it's attack, taking advantage of the chaos wrought to seize the noble families, the puppet King, and whoever else might stand against freedom.​