Private Tales The Necromancer's cave

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
»Indeed, it can wait, « she mused as they made their way out.

» So the trouble has been, properly eradicated? « Of course, why else would they be leaving now. »It is such a shame I was unable to attend either of you two, but battling undead was not my reason to come.«

Once the light of the outside graced their cheeks, Asuego winced from the light.
»Care for a treat then?« The uncovered her basked, aside from some poppets and other oils, there was also a small handkerchief of cookies.
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Reactions: Míriel Fëanorna
"Your horse didn't like me before..." Valthar mused. He looked down at his clothes and sighed. For a few moments he had been confused as to why the smell had been lingering.

Valthar put down the axe and then he put down the head. He wiped his hand on the cleanest prt of his clothes. One hand was used to pinch his nose whilst the other reached for a cookie.
  • Haha
Reactions: Míriel Fëanorna
"I don't think he likes the smell of me much either presently," Miri sighed and then turned her attention to the cookies. Her hands too were covered in blood and sweat and she looked apologetically at the other elf before nabbing a couple so she wouldn't have to put her hand in the basket again.
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Reactions: Baise