Open Chronicles The much needed ambush

A roleplay open for anyone to join

Riekard Southbridge

The lonesome bandit
Character Biography
Reikard had been travelling for weeks through the unforgiving wilds of the The Spire and Allir Reach, it was a big challenge making it to the outskirts of Alliria alone, but along the way he managed to "borrow" some food from the merchants that travelled the main roads. Even though he was close to his destination, his food and water supplies were beginning to grow thin.

The day was clear and warm, with no clowd to be seen in the sky. Reikard was travelling through the damp forest towards the outskirts of Allria, where a main road cut directly through. For now, there was no one to be seen, only him and the odd sighting of wildlife darting through the dense forest. His trusty bandanna was hanging loosely down his chest and neck, ready to be used at anytime for bandit activities. Ahead of him was nothing but dirt road and trees, as well as one fallen tree which caught his attention. The tree had fallen in the middle of the road, most likely from a recent storm which had come through. Reikard knew it would take a lot of man power to move it and make carriages and carts useless, this was a perfect spot. With a slight grin he slowly put on his bandana and walked to the tree line, his bow and arrow hanging loosely in his right hand.

That's where he waited for some time, his back against the tree as he sat down and examined his sketch book, anticipating his next meal.