Riekard Southbridge
Riekard is a well kept young man normally dressed in light leather clothing, mostly to keep him warm and agile in the harsh conditions. He has fair white skin and sharp blue eyes that can sometimes be quite intimidating yet calming. During bandit activities he wears a black hood and bandanna to conceal his identity, this is so no one can identify him and report him to any local authorities. His dirty blond hair can sometimes be seen as scruffy, due to his lack of supplies to upkeep it. The height of the boy is nothing out of the ordinary and his build is quite strong for his age, allowing him to just about carry a full grown man with immense struggle.
Skills and Abilities
Sharpshooter- The boy has been using a bow since the age of 6, making him have great experience for someone in his age range. He has an orthodox style that can cause trouble for the most skilled fighters, close range combat. This is not meant to be done when wielding a bow but if you're fast enough you can make it work.
Tracker- His mentor, Luther Southbridge was a seasoned hunter as well as a crafty bandit who knew how to survive. One of the things he taught Riekard was how to track Human and animal footprints, both coming with their very own uses.
Fast and agile- Due to his lack of armour and age Riekard can run at a face pace and use his agility to get to places where no one else cant. This is also great in combat situations if he wants to dodge attacks or get away from any dangerous foes.
Survival knowledge- Luther didn't only just teach him how to track but how to survive as a whole. He teached him everything he knew from; closing wounds, cooking, scavenging,fighting, hunting and even how to make a makeshift shelter. Another thing is the trade of being a bandit, but with a little twist. His mentor always told him to only take supplies he needed and to not be greedy, something that can be good for both sides.
Tracker- His mentor, Luther Southbridge was a seasoned hunter as well as a crafty bandit who knew how to survive. One of the things he taught Riekard was how to track Human and animal footprints, both coming with their very own uses.
Fast and agile- Due to his lack of armour and age Riekard can run at a face pace and use his agility to get to places where no one else cant. This is also great in combat situations if he wants to dodge attacks or get away from any dangerous foes.
Survival knowledge- Luther didn't only just teach him how to track but how to survive as a whole. He teached him everything he knew from; closing wounds, cooking, scavenging,fighting, hunting and even how to make a makeshift shelter. Another thing is the trade of being a bandit, but with a little twist. His mentor always told him to only take supplies he needed and to not be greedy, something that can be good for both sides.
Riekard is a caring and loyal young man behind the mask, when the mask is on that can sometimes be the total opposite. He can sometimes be seen as cocky and overconfident during robberies, while also being aggressive to get what he wants. That's just all a persona to make him act as a different person, if he acted all nice during his jobs he'd never get what he wanted. If you ever meet him in a town you'd never guess him to be a lonesome bandit, but someone who you could count on if you ever got into trouble.
Biography & Lore
Riekard has no knowledge of where he was born or who his parents were. According to Luther, he found him abandoned at a port placed in a small shipping box. Whoever placed him there had covered the box with clothes to keep him hidden, as if they didn't want him to be found. The only reason Luther found him was because of how loud he was crying, if he didn't who knows what would of happened to him.
After some thought the lonesome bandit decided to look after him until he found somewhere to leave him, like an orphanage. Over the years they would both travel the seas on trade boats that brought them to various locations around the world, during that time Luther would teach him everything he knew, almost bringing him up as a son. After some thought he decided to give him a name instead of calling him "boy" all the time, giving him the title Reikard from his middle name and Southbridge from his second.
Time went by and it was getting increasingly hard to let him go, leading him to eventually drop the idea all together and raise him as his very own son. This was around the time he introduced him to his villainous ways and taught him how to survive. Every few weeks or so they would reach a different port and disembark, staying in the area for a month or so. In that time, they survived in the wilds, training and living off the lands. Around the age of seven he gave him his first taste of bandit work, by setting up a trap for any travellers along a key route. That was a key event for young Reikard because it taught him not to be greedy and showed him to only take what he needed.
By the time he was age 12, Reikard had developed a skill of using a bow in an unorthodox way. He was great at shooting from long distances but was different at close range, using his agility and speed he was able to adapt to a new way of fighting. Even though he hadn't faced a real opponent yet, it was still very effective against his teacher. When he reached 15 he had learned and perfected everything he needed to know from his mentor, who was increasing starting to get sick. They had both travelled to The Spine, a mountain area in the middle of a continent. Luther was barely able to travel any further at this point and knew his time was coming, on the day of his death they camped up on a mountain overlooking the area. If he told him the boy would only worry, and he wasn't the sort of man to show weakness. Before passing away he left a near empty journal with a goodbye note "It's your turn boy, go out and write your future" it read at the front, nothing else was expected from a man of few words.
Reikard doesn't really remember his reaction from when he found his teacher and oldest friend dead, he probably wanted to push it as far back as possible. There was one thing though, he made sure to bury him on top of that very hill overlooking the beautiful scenery with his grave being marked with a big stone and initials.
From that very moment he was made the lonesome bandit, who had no place or belonging anywhere, but that was soon to change...
After some thought the lonesome bandit decided to look after him until he found somewhere to leave him, like an orphanage. Over the years they would both travel the seas on trade boats that brought them to various locations around the world, during that time Luther would teach him everything he knew, almost bringing him up as a son. After some thought he decided to give him a name instead of calling him "boy" all the time, giving him the title Reikard from his middle name and Southbridge from his second.
Time went by and it was getting increasingly hard to let him go, leading him to eventually drop the idea all together and raise him as his very own son. This was around the time he introduced him to his villainous ways and taught him how to survive. Every few weeks or so they would reach a different port and disembark, staying in the area for a month or so. In that time, they survived in the wilds, training and living off the lands. Around the age of seven he gave him his first taste of bandit work, by setting up a trap for any travellers along a key route. That was a key event for young Reikard because it taught him not to be greedy and showed him to only take what he needed.
By the time he was age 12, Reikard had developed a skill of using a bow in an unorthodox way. He was great at shooting from long distances but was different at close range, using his agility and speed he was able to adapt to a new way of fighting. Even though he hadn't faced a real opponent yet, it was still very effective against his teacher. When he reached 15 he had learned and perfected everything he needed to know from his mentor, who was increasing starting to get sick. They had both travelled to The Spine, a mountain area in the middle of a continent. Luther was barely able to travel any further at this point and knew his time was coming, on the day of his death they camped up on a mountain overlooking the area. If he told him the boy would only worry, and he wasn't the sort of man to show weakness. Before passing away he left a near empty journal with a goodbye note "It's your turn boy, go out and write your future" it read at the front, nothing else was expected from a man of few words.
Reikard doesn't really remember his reaction from when he found his teacher and oldest friend dead, he probably wanted to push it as far back as possible. There was one thing though, he made sure to bury him on top of that very hill overlooking the beautiful scenery with his grave being marked with a big stone and initials.
From that very moment he was made the lonesome bandit, who had no place or belonging anywhere, but that was soon to change...
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