Private Tales The March of Progress

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
"Usually the guest is offered a blanket or something." Vass muttered to himself quietly as he flipped around on the carpet.

He was more than positive that the comment wouldn't earn him much more than a thwap across the ear...if Ahsoka could have reached him.

In truth he was content with his newfound bed. It wasn't as comfortable as the cot he had back at the Camp, but it was most certainly better than some of the floors he slept on. Whatever animal had offered up this pelt, it had been especially soft. "Goodnight."

The human said, his eyes closing and sleeping fall in on him almost instantly.

Exhaustion collapsed on his form. The day of hiking, fighting, climbing, and swimming crashing down like a ton of bricks.

Even when dawn came, he slept like a rock.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Ahsoka
Ahsoka wasn't much better off and it was why when her tent flaps opened she was as surprised as Vass likely was.

"What are you doing!? The meeting is in an hour, we leave soon!" the male voice boomed. One of the Elders sons filled the doorway, though thankfully not the one that had wanted to skin Vass alive, even if he did aim a kick at the human to rouse him from his sleep. He wasn't much gentler with Ahsoka though her bruised skin no doubt earnt her her slightly nicer shove.

She groaned in response and swatted at him.

"mmet mout," she mumbled and then shot him a glare. He flashed her a grin.

"Ten minutes," and then he was gone.
  • Stressed
Reactions: Vass
It wasn't the first time that Vass had been awoken by a kick to his side. He snapped up almost instantly, eyes popping open as he reached for his sword. "WHAT?!"

The human shouted, half drawing the blade before his head swiveled around and he looked up at the man that had kicked him.

"Oh." He said with a frown, grip relaxing on the hilt of his sword. He shook his head slightly, grumbling. "Yeah...Ahsoka...jeeze."

A hand came to rub over his face. "Ten minutes."

His body felt as though someone had kicked him down a stairway and then thrown a bag of rice on top of him. Every muscle ached, and it felt as though he had pulled more than one thing. A loud grunt escaped him as he pulled himself up to his feet. "Is there water somewhere?"

He asked, throat as dry as amol-kalit.
  • Sip
Reactions: Ahsoka
Ahsoka's answer was to throw one of the cushions in his vague direction with surprising strength for a half asleep woman. Then she rolled over onto her side and pulled the blankets back over her head.

In the daylight that filtered in through the canvas Vass was afforded a better look as his hosts home. On the side of an ornate cupboard was a jug and cups, alongside some fruit and dried meats she clearly kept for times when she needed a snack. The tent looked far richer than it probably had in the night. Silks hung from the walls and there were several jewels that laid sparkling in boxes to one side the like of which would fetch more than a pretty penny in most human dwellings.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Vass
Vass didn't take time to admire Ahsoka's home, at least not initially.

Instead, after spotting the jug of water, he pulled himself up and off the ground. A cushion landed at his feet, and he grumbled something mildly rude to his elven companion with a roll of his eyes before he walked over towards the water.

Pouring himself a glass, Vass didn't drink it but instead tipped it back and splashed the contents on his face with a quiet sigh. "Kress."

He swore quietly.

"Should have taken a bath last night." Vass murmured, rubbing some of the water onto his face and shaking his head. "Alright...alright..."

His words were soft, and then he pulled himself together a bit more. "Time to go, Ahsoka. Off to prevent war and such."
  • Orc
Reactions: Ahsoka
"You go, it's what you wanted," Ahsoka mumbled from underneath the pillow. She wasn't a diplomat or a soldier. She had gone on that mission because it had been her friend who had needed her, and they had wanted a Dreamwalker along on the mission in case something happened. Which it had. But now? Now one of the other Dreamwalkers could go who were far more experienced than she was and could be of much greater help. But the other Dreamwalkers might now be more bothered about the impending joining of two tribes and...

Ahsoka groaned and pushed herself up off the bed.

Her skin was even worse after a day for the bruises to settle in and she moved stiffly as she tugged on her clothes. No doubt the ride down rapids and away from gooey shadow creatures hadn't helped her recovery. Wincing as she shouldered her bow and arrows she motioned for him to go first.

"Let's get this over with."
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Vass
"But who will be my translator?" He pointed out to Ahsoka, as though he were actually going to be doing any of the talking.

That would mostly fall to the Commander, and then eventually to the Elders that lead Ahsoka's people. Both of them would probably be relegated to the sidelines and...well Vass was perfectly okay with that. He was here to swing a sword, not talk. "Besides."

He said. "Waking up early is good for you."

That was what his mother had always said anyway.

Buckling his sword onto his belt he moved out of the tent, immediately glancing around to see if anything had changed over night. When he saw nothing had, he waited for his companion to point the way.
  • Cthulhoo rage
Reactions: Ahsoka
Ahsoka glared at him but kept her mouth shut; she was not a morning person so for her to do this was, unknowingly to Vass, a rare and unique honour. Anyone else she would have skinned and hung their hide up on her wall. There was a reason as they walked through the camp the few people they did come across cleaning up from the night before wisely shied out of the female Tsi'lagi's way.

The rest of the band were waiting on the edges where Vass had entered the previous day. Most were mounted on strange creatures tall like horses but with curving horns and colourful short fur that ranged from shades of blue and green to reds and oranges. Yet as one of them passed between trees their fur changed and muted, blending in to the fauna behind it and making it almost impossible to see.

One of the beasts bent to sniff at Vass curiously with a warm wet nose.

The Elder from the previous day was there, as were two others in different tribal gear. All mounted on their own steeds each with a protector. The final two were Ahsoka and Vass.

"Hop up," she motioned for him to follow her as she mounted the creature sniffing Vass' hair. "Hold on tight, they run fast."
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Vass
Another day, another new creature.

Vass had to remind himself that this was part of the reason he had joined the Red Hundred in the first place. He'd wanted to get out of Arenholm, see the world, meet new people. Pet odd little creatures that everyone seemed to have.

At least it wasn't those giant fucking spiders they used in the Underrealms. Those things had been fast, but entirely too creepy.

He could still remember how friendly they had been. Something that one would have thought was a good thing, but not when the giant beastie with eight eyes didn't want to leave you the fuck alone because it wanted pets. "Right."

The Mercenary said as he stepped up to Ahsoka, pulling himself up behind it after patting the creatures snout.

"Lets get this over with." He told her. "Try not to let any branches hit me."

Vass had already lost enough brain cells.
  • Haha
Reactions: Ahsoka
Ahsoka sniggered to herself but made no move to offer comfort. Vass might best describe the beast he was riding as a large deer or an elk or a moose. None of them would be right and they were a far cry from horses as was made abundantly clear by the way it lurched forward. It prowled the forests like a jungle cat, skirting roots, jumping hedgerows with magnificent speed. Their companions ghosted in and out of view as their mounts furs changed to fit their surroundings. If someone had a weak stomach this was certainly not the ride for them.

The animals slowed to a stop when they came to the meeting point. A large tent had already been erected under which gathered other officials. Ahsoka slowed her mount to a stop as did the others along the treeline before all turning to him. It was clear that they wanted him to go first.

"Well, good luck friend."
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Reactions: Vass
He glanced at all the others for a brief moment, and then slowly rolled his shoulders in a shrug. "Alright."

Without a word he slipped from the back of the beast, shifting his sword belt slightly as he took in a deep breath and began to step forward. Without another word he headed towards the officials, searching out for the commander.

When the man spotted him he waved.

"Ah, there you are. You brought them?"​

Vass tipped his head in a nod. "Aye, Ahsoka will introduce them...we may need a few translators."

He added. "Did you get all the Kings?"

The Commander nodded.

"All of them are here, some more open than others."​

Vass noded, and then waved to Ahsoka.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Ahsoka
"Did you learn anything, child?" Ahsoka jumped at the voice to her shoulder. She'd been so busy watching Vass as he disappeared into the throng of people that she hadn't noticed the elder moving his mount alongside hers. She blinked at him then slowly shook her head.

"Nothing that could be useful," she turned her gaze back to the group of humans ahead of them but she couldn't see Vass at all among them. A small frown knitted her brows together.

"Everything can be useful, you just might not see it at first," her head swung back to the elder when he spoke with wide eyes but he merely smiled and reached over to pat her cheek. "It seems we are being summoned, lead on child," he nodded to where Vass had appeared and was waving them over. Ahsoka let out a quiet huff before nudging the beast forward and leading the group into the sunshine of the glade.

Silence begun to fall over the gathered group.
  • Sip
Reactions: Vass
The meeting, as it turned out, was a lot less complicated that he had first assumed.

Of course the Kings themselves had not all shown themselves, all save for one anyway. It would have been reported quickly if they suddenly all disappeared, so some had sent Cousins, one a brother, and another his older sister.

All of them however seemed more than open to negotiations, and it was the older sister who stood tallest among them as Ahsoka and her Elders began to approach. The representatives grew quiet, and Vass glanced at his Commander.

"Welcome, and thank you for coming, it is my hope that today we might create some sort of lasting progress."​

The Commander then went on o to introduce everyone.

Elstrid of Ravmir, Gideon of Verenhold, Throi of the Golden Blade, Ymir of Hathren, and finally King Urial who was the youngest of them all. Each of them bowed their heads in greeting, with King Urial even smiling as he was introduced.

Vass was off to the side, one hand on the pommel of his sword as he stood at rest. I hope this goes well.

He thought to himself.
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Reactions: Ahsoka
The Elders could speak many tongues but their long lives meant the dialects they knew were different to the ones the humans in front of them spoke. It would have been like one of their ancestors coming back and speaking to them, saying it was the same language. So Ahsoka translated so the whole thing went smoother, but of course each of the representatives also had a translator who was there to make sure she was translating it word for word. More than a few stumbled over the different languages each Elder spoke which made her smile.

Once everyone was introduced they all sat at a large round table some poor soul had dragged out here.

"Our terms are and have always been simple, you do not encroach on the land not given," Ahsoka translated. "We have asked the armies to halt and the response was the death of our elderly and our young as a warning. We will protect what is ours."
  • Sip
Reactions: Vass
Vass just leaned back on his sword, watching, listening. There was a cacophony of tongues that once again made him thankful for the Common language. It was something that he wasn't entirely sure humanity could do without.

Made things like this much easier.

"We heard rumors."​

It was the elder sister that spoke of.

"No. Not rumors. We were told of massacres. Villages attacked. Men, women, and children hung from trees. Terrible things. How do we know that none of this is true? We do not care for expansions, our kingdoms are sound..."​

She looked at the others, as though she were seeking their confirmation.

All of them nodded. None of these men, well, none of their Kings were seeking to invade. War was costly, peace often brought more coin. More wealth. That was what most nations cared about. A fact Vass had learned long ago.

"But we cannot abide such horrors either."​
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Ahsoka
Ahsoka's lips curled in distaste at the accusation and for a moment she couldn't repeat what they had just said. Her hands clenched into fists until her nails bit into the soft flesh of her palms.

"You think we would--!" she clamped her mouth shut though it worked as she clenched and unclenched her jaw whilst chewing over her anger. Then she spat and turned and repeated what they had said to the Elders. Their reactions were not much better, ranging from shock to outright anger. One of the tall sons even begun to unsheath his blade but his father put a hand on his arm and said soothing words that made him put it away.

Eventually they spoke and Ahsoka translated.

"It is a coward who would take their own crimes and try to pin them on the enemy. The only massacres have been of our blood. Our kind. We would, also, like to see these so called villages we massacred and demand you bring people who spread such lies to us here."
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Vass didn't chuckle, but he kind of wanted to.

"That would be difficult, since he is the one who called on us."​

It was the King that spoke, though he did so with a note of ire that clearly was not meant for Ahsoka or the Elders. He was annoyed about being here, but not, Vass thought, at the Elves. The anger seemed to run deeper than that.

A frown pulled at his lips, and despite himself Vass spoke up. "So you came here without evidence?"

Everyone looked at him. The Commander's eyes practically bored a hole in his skull.

"All we know is what we were told. The Word of a King is strong."​

It was the sister who spoke again, but she seemed somewhat...embarrassed by the reasoning of it. Vass frowned for a moment, and then the Commander spoke.

"I have evidence to substantiate the words of our Guests."

This time all eyes shifted to the Commander.

The sound of struggling echoed out from a nearby tree, shifting sands and kicking feet. Then suddenly a man was thrown into the middle of the group. His hands were bound, and there was a gag stuffed into his mouth. Vass didn't recognize him, but he did recognize his clothes. The same uniform he'd been surrounded by for weeks in the King's camp.
  • Wonder
Reactions: Ahsoka
Ahsoka and the other younger members of their party all snapped round at the sounds on the edge of the clearing, hands on hilts or bows being half drawn. There was no easing of tension when the man was deposited in the middle of the gathering either. In fact it only seemed to make matters worse.

"You - you're the one that murdered my daughter!" The snarl came from one of the young tribesman who did not wear Ahsoka's colours. Red paint coloured his skin giving him a haunting look. In one swift movement he drew his dagger and lunged.

Ahsoka was there within a second, standing between the man on the floor and the attacker. The dagger ended up at her throat.

"This is not how we do justice."
  • Sip
Reactions: Vass
Vass had the hand on the hilt of his sword in an instant, fingers curling around the weapon when suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulders. He looked back to see one of the other Hundred holding him in place, slowly shaking his head.

"Wait, Lad."​

He said quietly.

A frown pulled at his lips as he glanced towards Ahsoka and the blade that now sat at her throat. His entire body seemed tensed, fingers still curling around the pommel of his sword. He seemed to thrum with energy as the Commander began to speak again.

"You can have your justice, but not before this man speak."​

The Commander said simply.

"This is Lieutenant Reflir. He was in charge of some of the massacres. I have...encouraged him to speak of what his King has done. Will you let him speak?"​

All eyes turned to the Elders.
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A single drop of blood ran down the hollow of her throat but Ahsoka did not budge. The man in front of her shook, his shoulders rising and falling with his breaths of rage, and for a second it seemed uncertain which way the cards might fall. Then suddenly he spat to the side of Ahsoka and sheathed his blade.

The rest of her party seemed to breathe out.

"We, will listen," one of the Elders said in clear Common. It might have been pronounced right but there was an odd accent to his words that sounded old. The others nodded in agreement and Ahsoka stepped back to her original place, her fingers coming up to gently brush away the blood pooling from the fine nick to her throat.
  • Sip
Reactions: Vass
Vass frowned as he watched the blade press against Ahsoka's neck, a trickle of blood drawing slowly down her skin. Then suddenly a sweep of relief rushed through the crowd as the man stepped back and away, some of the Elders even seeming to ease in tension.

The Commander paused for a moment, then slowly nodded. He reached down and grabbed the Lieutenant by the back of his neck, dragging the man to his knees and pulling the gag free from his mouth.

"Well, lad. Best talk fast."​

For a few moments there was a pause, and then the blubbering began.

It was, as far as Vass could tell, the truth of it all. The Lieutenant spoke of massacres, orders to push Ahsoka's people out, to kidnap and incite as much as they could. Their command had been to sow chaos, to breed the very attacks that Ahsoka and her others had eventually carried out.

All of it meant to create an excuse for the war the five other Kings had now been set upon.

Reactions, as one might have expected, were ones of anger and indignation. Each of the five representatives voicing their disgust.

"This cannot be allowed to stand.


"It won't be!"

"He would have tricked us into a war!"​

Arguments broke out among the five representatives, each one arguing for a different course of action they should take.
  • Dwarf
Reactions: Ahsoka
Ahsoka's ears twitched as the arguing began and glanced towards the Elders. The three of them were exchanging looks she would have described as surprised too. Clearly, none of them had expected for the tide to turn this quickly. They were a people used to being outside. To being the monsters, the other. A few thousand years ago - a time those Elders could still remember - even a testimony such as this one would not have swayed humans to fight their own kind.

She felt a shift.

Was this a new dawn for her kind, too?

"We do not wish for a war," the lead Elder said and Ahsoka translated fluently. "Our coming here was in an effort to stop the bloodshed. With our combined resistance, will your other King listen to reason and give back the lands he took?"
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The representatives seemed to quiet for a moment, though it took the Commander shouting over them to actually get their attention back to the Elders and Ahsoka. A frown appeared on all of their faces as the question was asked.

Looks were shared, a few sparing words followed by some terse words. Then ultimately a reply came, one that Vass had feared.

"It is...doubtful."​

It was the King who spoke, the youngest among them, but also seemingly the one with the most distaste for the villain in this story. Briefly Vass wondered about who he was, deciding that he would have to ask the Commander about him later.

"He is stubborn, and but one step above a tyrant."​

There were a few murmurs.

"He's more likely to send his men to an assured death then to stand down. Even with all of us."​

Vass frowned for a moment, his lips thinning. "And what if he were to...just go away. Quietly?"

Once again eyes slowly turned to the young man, stares that spoke volumes. He shrugged, and then silence seemed to carry over the conclave.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Ahsoka
"Humans," muttered one of the Elders in their native tongue. There was a general muttering of agreement. When a decision had been made amongst their kind, when it became clear that one tribe was in the wrong, they backed down. They admitted defeat. They might not have been happy about it but at the end of the day they cared about their people enough to swallow their pride.

The Elders couldn't fathom this king did not share the same ideals.

Ahsoka's ears twitched when Vass spoke and she quietly translated.

"The boy speaks some sense."

"It would save lives on both sides."
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Vass
The words died down once more, a view glances were shared, then eyes turned towards the Commander.

A frown pulled across the man's face, his own gaze flickering towards Vass. He seemed to assess the boy, considering something in the back of his head. The young mercenary himself seemed to straighten, stiffen under the mans watchful eye.

"You think you can do it?"​

There were those in the Red Hundred who might argue they were better suited. That they could have done it better, faster, but the question had been given to him.

"Yes." He answered simply.

"I can kill him." His voice was steel. "No one will ever know."

Save for those at this conclave.
  • Sip
Reactions: Ahsoka