Gavin frowned when Lilyth told her story about being ambushed in Allria. It reminded him of his ex-lover: A noble named Annabelle. A woman who was kind and gentle, one of the few women who actually saw Gavin as a person rather than some deity that the people of Daldaria made in their minds. Even though she was betrothed, they were attracted to each other nonetheless. It was Gavins best moments in his life talking and having a great time with Annabelle yet also one of his biggest regrets: being part of a cheating scandal for one of the biggest families in
Elbion. It wasn’t the way of the Knight yet being with Annabelle felt..... nice.
She was pregnant when Gavin left and she wrote him a letter saying that a mage determined that it was not her husbands child but his. The two of them agreed to keep it a secret but Gavin often made visits to see his firstborn: a daughter. She was a precious thing, she giggled whenever Gavin picked her up while Annabelle smiled. He felt awkward doing so. A child whom Gavin help made but he cannot give her love due to the fact he was the Lion of
Gavin remembered Annabelle begging Gavin to help find their daughter who disappeared into the forests of
Alliria. The young man searched for days yet couldn’t find his daughter. Fear rose in his heart that day, the great knight who protect others but not his own daughter. “Do you remember your mother’s name lass?” Gavin said as they walked out from the forest.
“Do you remember what she looked like?” The question came back in a more wistful tone. He kept his distance from Annabelle and her husband out of shame for his inability to rescue their daughter his daughter from danger. It was a mistake to have a child in the first place not only was Gavin not prepared for one but it would’ve raised an outrage yet here he was indulging In his lusts. Try as he might, Gavin was not like his mentor Ser Thomas quite the opposite in fact.