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E R E T J V A * T U N D R A
Djævelens hul
Those who had braved the task were never seen again, and at this point, the crazed Nord was desperate to find someone to attempt the retrieval mission. You see, he'd lost his only son, trying to search the depths of Djævelens hul for renown. If his son lived, he wanted his safe returned, despite any objection, by force if necessary. If dead, he'd pay for his son's body to be returned whole with all of his possessions. Gold coins would be the reward for those who prove successful.
The trip would require ample provisions, the necessities that the old man would provide from his trading post. However, no gold would be given until the retrieval of his son or the entirety of his son's possessions, including any journals or adventuring scrolls he might have.
Normally, Nordenfiir might not have been interested in the quest. However, it appeared that a juvenile Nordenfirr sought to Take the Path to acquire a Svalen across Djævelens hul. It was now well past the year in the wilderness, and the Nordenfiir had yet to return. Those who perhaps had an interest in determining the status of the juvenile would find themselves at the trek leading up to Djævelens hul's lair along with anyone else seeking the prize of the coin.