Private Tales The Key of Magic

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer


O' Watcher Mine
Character Biography
Holding the little amulet in my hands, The leather had once been used to hang upon the neckline of someone. However, now, the strap had been broken, and frayed from age. The amulet itself was a strange one. A rather large tooth. One that was carved into it with a rune I was slightly familiar with. While I did not know what it truly meant, I knew it was one of the symbols used in a rune for an entrapment seal. When stepped upon, one would be unable to leave the circle I had created. However, if the circle was broken by a force from outside said circle, then the person could be released.

This symbol had something to do with runes. Hence why I spent a pretty large sum of coin for it. The previous owner held onto it as some kind of trinket and stated it was created from the tooth of some mythical creature. How much of it was true, I was unsure. Moreover, The rune upon it was strange. Rarely had I seen it anywhere else other than my own usage.

I had to follow up on this. I had gone to one of the Libraries and after getting some stares from the Librarian, I had found whatever they had on Runes. Any kind of mention of it at all. Or its use in amulets. Even then, what little they had gave me some context to what it may be.

Many Rune Mages in the past were thought to have carried relics or items that gave them powers or abilities. The item itself allowed the effect to take place when focused upon. Considering that runes took time and knowledge of what the rune did, it wasn't useful for direct confrontation. More so luring into traps, or fortifying weapons, or structures. Either planning ahead of time, or as a last ditch effort.

One line from a book titled "Rune Magic and the Mysteries Therein" perplexed me. A very simple line that could lead me to many conclusions about this Toothed amulet.

"Amulets were worn by Runic Mages of many walks. Some were for empowerment, others for preserving the wearer's life. On rare occasion, even a Key to whatever the wearer wanted to keep. As for where these relics are, and how prevalent they may have been, it is unknown."

Could this amulet be a key? Considering it was part of the binding rune that I used, was the rune a symbol for a location, or a lock? I could not be so sure of it myself. I had to find more. That led me to the current moment. Standing outside of the city. Holding a toothed amulet, and staring up at the sky. Wondering and pondering over my next move.
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Reactions: Esten and Eae
My mind spun with the possibilities of what this amulet could be. Was it this mythical Key to some item? or was it a Key to something more? I had to find out. My blood boiled at the idea of finding something that could legitimately help me in discovering more of Runic Based magic. While in the past, I searched for what I could in Libraries, and in tombs, The best I could do was learn maybe one or two configurations that could expand my ability. However, I couldn't find anything on the symbols themselves.

Taking my time, I retrieved my horse. Keeping the amulet in my pocket, and making my way out of the city. Making sure to find myself alone once more, I took off into the woods. Eventually coming to a stop. Dismounting, and tying the reins to a limb of a tree, I knelt down and began to work.

Clearing a small area on the ground, I drew a knife from my belt and cut a fair amount into my skin. Letting the blood drip quite a bit. Gathering it into a canteen specifically for rituals such as this. Once I had enough, I closed the canteen, and repaired my wound. Grabbing a quick bandage from my bag and wrapping it around the wound on my arm. Staunching the blood flow out of my arm. Taking the same dagger, I drew into the dirt the Rune I needed. Forming the symbols that I knew nothing of, but would still produce the desired effect.


A few minutes later of careful drawing and alignment, I slowly poured the blood into the groves of the drawn rune on the ground. Using my own blood as a "Sacrifice" to power the rune. Placing the amulet gingerly over the symbols in the middle of the circle, it began to slowly glow a crimson. Smirking lightly, Once the little ritual was over, I retrieved the amulet from the rune, and clutched it to my chest. Using a boot to scuff up the signs of the actions I took, and mounted my horse once more.

I lightly pushed the tooth to my mind. Using my limited energy to feel a pull to my right. A pull that was so strong and significant, I began to feel a pain in my mind. One that was reminiscent of a migraine. Shaking my head, I turned the horse into the direction, and set off to find whatever this may be a Key too.
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Reactions: Esten
The pulling of this amulet was tremendous. Powerful within its own right. I could slowly feel the ebbs and flows of the amulet. Leading me quite a distance. I traveled almost a three days ride out towards the Spine. Staying low and keeping to myself. Never once going to a village on the way, or attempting to make contact with anyone. It was for the pure fear of losing the amulet to someone a little shifty.

My horse had long since been tired and used well. Instead of trotting along at a faster pace, there were times that I had to give the guy some rest. I would dismount for a period of a couple miles before I would even attempt to get back on. Gently, I stroked the mane of the chocolate colored horse. Neighing at me lightly as I felt as though I were making a connection with this horse in particular. Even speaking to it.

"You know, I am looking for something. A purpose of Life I guess. What about you?"

Receiving a snort sound, All I could think was that the horse had answered with "Mine is just to take someone somewhere. I don't mind as long as I am fed." Smiling to myself lightly, I patted the horse on the bridge of his long face. Walking onward to keep moving with the Spine. A set of mountains. Eventually, it got to a point where riding the horse was not even useful. Doing so could be dangerous to the horse.

Leading it along, I had to make sure to be careful with the various rocks and stones strewn about.

"You know, I am not really sure why I have to follow this. I just hope it will lead somewhere."

A couple of snorts and a neigh confirmed my own thoughts. "Sometimes, we do what we must. Doesn't matter where it leads us." Nodding my head along with him, I just shook my head. Was I really this lonely to be thinking of how a horse would answer me? Would I really be thinking that? I rolled my eyes at the thought and move onward. However, suddenly, the horse began to buck and pull against the reins. Looking over as I turned to stop, Eyes wide and scared of something.

"Woah! Relax boy, Its okay. I hear ya."

It took a moment to bring him back down to a normal breathing pattern from the rushed and almost frightened one. Nodding my head, I could only assume this is where the horse and I must part.

"Find your way home alright?"

A snort as the horse turned around and began to walk away from me. I will admit, even if I found it stupid, it was nice to talk to someone, anyone, or anything. Even if it happened to be a horse.

An about face to the mountain ahead of me, the pendant was pulling harder than before. Sighing, I walked onward.
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Reactions: Esten
The trek was not one I planned on doing alone. Let alone, by foot. I was not quite prepared for this kind of walking or hiking. I had shoes on that were suitable enough for your average walking. Not one built for long distances with proper support. Barely more than leather socks. However, I kept going. The formations of rocks had various trees and plants attempting to grow from the skin of the mountain side.

It slowly began to start to rain. At first, you could feel the cold humid as it was almost there. Small specs that dotted the ground, and slowly forming into droplets. Small and barely any kind of mark would be left. However, with many dropping, I soon became damp upon my shoulders, and head. Pulling the red hood up upon my crown, I moved to find some kind of cave or entrance into the side of the mountain. I continued to look for anything better than just the shade of the tree.

Of its own accord, I could feel the dragon's tooth lift from my chest. Curious, I pulled it out from my shirt. Floating up in front of my face. Threatening to remove itself from around my neck. I caught it only slightly so. It was pulling forward on my neck. Wanting me to move onward. This was not normal. I had no clue of this. Nor did I so lightly think that this could be a one off. This was important. Despite the rain, onward I moved. Slinking through the trees and over rocks. No path was tread before me.

I continued to walk after this amulet. Thinking I was gaining on some ground when it just stopped. Falling flat to my chest. I looked at it as though my question could have been answered.

"Why did you stop?"

It wasn't facing any direction. It wasn't pulling anymore. I didn't feel anything from it. Was I supposed to be where I was?

"Come on man. This can't be it. "

I started to shake it. Jostling it as though doing so would fix whatever it was. Nothing happened. Nothing at all.

"Damn it. I was so close!"
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Reactions: Esten
I was pissed. Finding myself hating the idea that I would do all of this, waste time on something that wouldn't lead anywhere. Shaking my head, I dropped the pendant to the ground. The Dragon's tooth fell to the ground. Not even bouncing as I just stood there. Head in my hands. Growling at myself. I eventually came to stop. Standing there in the rain as it pelted me with the crying world's tears. Covering me in a sopping mess that chilled to the bone.

"Wishful thinking is not what I need."

I spoke to myself again. The wind around me started to kick up as I leaned down and picked up the dragon's tooth. The blood that had been on it was long since faded and gone. Wiped clean from the rain and the use of it. I couldn't perform the ritual again. Moreover, I had a feeling should I attempt a second time, it would fail me.

"Hope misplaced once more."

The rain was picking up. Threatening to become a storm. One that I was a precursor too. Many called me a Stormbird. The omen of the coming storm. Be it for ill, or good intentions, it was coming if you danced for the rain, or hated the mere mention of it. A storm came surely enough. Now, I was stuck in it. Moving along the side of the mountain, I started to turn around. A gust of wind pushing hard into my face. Looking up to see where I was headed, I found myself face to face with a shadow.

A massive form lay before me. Breathing heavily within the wind. Almost as though the storm itself was created by this creature. The sheer size defied all logic and reason. My entire frame barely could meet the height of this creature's maw. Snout puffing upon me, pushing the sopping hood from my head, revealing drenched black hair slicked back from the sudden gust of wind.

A tilt of the head. Twisting of a elongated neck to allow its massive eye to stare directly at me. The split pupil ovate and sharp much like a feline, but with a twist. A black cross surrounded by a sea of purples, blues, and grays. Blinking at me once, and twice to look me over with a mere glance.

Saying I was scared was completely incorrect. I was mortified at the impossible size of this creature. All of my entire being pleaded for me to flee with the natural fight or flight response. I knew exactly what I was looking at. Even in the darkened storm filled sky, I could make out the flesh, the scales, the hide of this creature. Lifting itself from the ground, the entire frame raising up in defiance of the storm. Wings raising up easily and shrouded me in a shadow that could never be escaped.

From this maw, came a roar that could only be identified as simply,

A Dragon's Thundering Cry.
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Reactions: Esten
The cracking of the clouds resonate within my ears. Yet was a minute purr to the boisterous summoning of the fabled creature. A shadow deep within the confines of my inner self, permeated from the daunting beauty of the drake. My very core was ripped asunder. Feeling the mountain breathe and move from a roar. Shaking the very foundation of all within its influence.

This dragon was powerful, and its blood aged to such a degree, that time meant nothing. A deafening silence cut short the maw of teeth and scales. Physically damaging with the sudden lack of sound. Awe and amazement won over the fear, and despair of the situation. I could barely contain the empathy of my thoughts.

The maw slowly careening down towards me. Closed into a cell of bone to rip flesh and tear rock. Finding an sudden powerful interest of the tooth within my hands, My hand chilled as it reached out slowly. Mind flashing of memories in preparation of the inevitable end of life. Yet, extending it's head, the scales rough, but ridged above the flesh. Bending under the slightest pressure of our contact.


My question never to be answered by mere words, I was bewildered from the shift in my mind. Should I be doing this? Why would such actions take place? Lowering my hand to my side, I found that this dragon, did not feed upon me. It didn't desire a sedation of the primal edge. No. It's head removed from a lowered position, I could feel the raw potential of magic flowing through me. My blood boiling from the flux of strength. Yet, perish I did not.

I found a voice within my head. Soft, but cracking beneath the sky.

"A child that see's his way home. Brought by magic, and the mere smallest increments of understanding, and sought knowledge. Speak o' child mine."
"O' child mine?"
"Are you not born within the Laws of Magic? Are you not a pariah of the people, but a savior of life?"
"I am Kavosh, yes. Yet, I save none but myself."
"Savior of any life, is yet still true. Preserveance for a greater cause."
"Speak plainly. Riddles bring about question to the simplest of ideas."

Noting the physical nodding of the snout in my direction, It began to lay down. Slowly and surely, my eyes deceived me as the scale and flesh fused. Morphing and altering to be that of my Elven father. The face ever more moving to my Elven mother, and once more shifting into my Uncle.

This dragon knew my foster parents. My mind hastened in thoughts. Coming forth with the only conclusion that was not spoken.

"You are my Parents?"
"Astute in mind still I see. Ever... vigilant O' Vigil mine."