

Biographical information
Unknown 21 None
Physical description
Kavosh Male 5'10"/1.77 meters Lean Black Silver Pale
Political information
None Vagabond, Rogue, Magic User
Out-of-character information
Vigil 11/18/18 Matthew by LAS-T


Vigil is a young man who stands average height for most human males. Fairly long black hair and silver eyes. A tell tail sign of his species as a Kavosh. Should one ever see his bare skin, There are a multitude of lacerations upon his back. Upon his forearms are many scars of cuts that have been self inflicted, as well as imposed upon him by others. There is no rhyme or reason to the placement of these cuts and scars. Upon his left leg is an incision leading from the hip bone all the way down just before his kneecap.

Skills & Abilities

While not formally trained by any school, or mentor, Vigil is adept in the uses of magic, and magical abilities. Namely blood magic. Manipulating blood, or the life essence of himself and those around him. This can be done as various forms of Blood Magic from Hexes, Seals, Confinement, and even use it offensively. While he can use these skills, He doesn't know why what symbols do a specific thing. He just knows that a shape performs a specific action.

Daggers and small blades are a thing for Vigil. He lacks any formal training with a sword or even open combat. More so resorting to stealth, and his use of magic to get him out of situations he may find himself in. While he does have a very good grasp on how to use smaller daggers, and even Long-knives. While he does carry a Shortsword, he uses it as a last resort rather than his go to.

For a man who lives alone, Vigil is independent and can work very well alone. As many tend to leave him to his own devices anyways, Vigil has learned of conserving resources, to hunt, trap prey, and survive mostly upon his own skill. While he would rather not, there are times where he has used coin to pay for a meal or a place to stay on the rare occasion of not finding any suitable place to stay, or being surprised by downpour, or snow. Vigil is a survivor.

As one of the dying sub-species of humans, Kavosh, Vigil naturally has a much stronger use of Magics in general. It is believed for him to be a pureblood at the time due to a lack of information of his birth, or living conditions before being appointed to foster homes, and orphanages. While he could very easily use magics of a higher degree than what he would be accustomed to, he tends to not perform magic very often due to the stigma of his bloodline.

The Kavosh are looked down poorly upon and are known well for their destructive capabilities. They are considered bad omens and even a curse in walking form. Not a lot of people will come to trust or understand Vigil and who he is simply because of his species.

Magic & Spells

Rune Magic - While very limited, Vigil has some knowledge of the more simplistic uses of Rune Magic. While Rune Magic itself is a very complex and very dangerous form of Magic, It is considered to be one of the oldest forms. So old, that many modern Mages, Paladins, and Sorcerers know little to nothing of this art. Those that do understand the knowledge of such practices, are sometimes thrown off as not "True" Mages, or practitioners of Magical arts.

One of the major reasons for why Rune Magic is so poorly thought of, is due to its complexity that has only increased over the span of generations from a lack of detailing such practices, as well as the stigma of being powerful, at a dear cost. Most often causing the deaths of practitioners who know little to nothing of the Laws of Magic, nor their implications that are tied to the Runic Form.

Secondary to this, Many believe that Rune Magic is not suitable for Combat. Slow and Methodical your strokes need to be to complete the Rune required. Even the simplest of mistakes can cause the death of the caster, allies, or even the destruction of entities and objects around them without the intention to do so. While VIgil himself understands that every action comes with a price, and that All magic requires a price that may be heavier than expected, Vigil still uses this.

As a more Stealthy individual, Vigil can use the lack of attention towards him to place runes or to create runes upon objects to strengthen, or fortify them. While he has little knowledge of such abilities, the lack of potential mentors in such a field, means that all he has garnered up so far, was earned through trial and error. He has the scars to prove it. While Vigil doubts someone would take him on as an apprentice, he is hopeful that he may be able to learn the secrets of Rune Magic once more, and use it to the highest advantage.

Blood Control - A very rare ability, Vigil has heard nor read any form of Magic performed in the same capacity as this. While there are various stories of castors using the blood of mystical creatures, and humans to perform rituals, sigils, and runes, He does not know of anyone that has the ability to take control of the blood of their own body, then shape and form it to their will and desires.

Vigil is a man who understands very little about the practice of this Blood Control Magic. He knows, and utilizes some limited forms of controlling his own blood to sharpen his knives, to become acidic, or even harden and fossilize to become jagged points that can be thrown or launched at enemies, He lacks any true understanding of how this can be implemented to the fullest extent. Same as with Runic Magic, this control over his own blood is limited to his usage and thusly will have to understand and find the fullest extent of his prowess by trial and error.

The major downside to having magic such as this, is that it requires a blood sacrifice. Be it his own, or an enemy's blood. More often than not, Vigil has to injure himself via a blade to the wrist, hand's or fingers to draw enough blood to use as a weapon, or to control it. To prevent serious injury, Vigil rarely practices this as loosing too much blood can be dangerous, and even fatal. More so that it requires not just blood, but magic to perform such feats.


Volatile is an understatement for this man. Having been moved from orphanage to foster homes, and even living on his own, He has never trusted anyone. Being a Near-human like species that is called and named a "Bad omen" by many religions, leaves many not trusting, or wanting to be near him to begin with. Having his family lost by him killing them as a child on accident, caused quite a bit of grief for him over the years. Moreso, the families that have taken him in, also either dying due to accidental magics, or by throwing him out due to his species, and practices of Magic.

Anger is easy for Virgil. Anger of quite a few things. Its hard for him to control his anger to varying degrees. While he tends to hold himself in a stoic expression, and doesn't seem to show any emotion at all, Anger is always there just under the surface. While some in the past have attempted to help and aid him in controlling this rage, all have failed to some capacity. Either failing him and giving up, or failing to do any help, and only making the situation worse.


Currently, Vigil carries an assortment of Knives, Daggers, and Long-Knives. While he does carry a Nordic based sword that he had stolen, He prefers the usage of his Long-knives. These blades are fairly long. Too short to be considered a sword, but longer than your average dagger. Taken from his elven foster parents after their untimely death, He uses them as his main weapon, and tool.

Of course, Any kind of person who wants to be able to survive on their own wears armor. Mostly for minimal protection, but superb movement and agility. The Leather armor that Vigil wears is much in due to what little coin he had spent at an armorer. Odds and Ends were put together to create something that could provide protection, and keep warm on those chilly nights.

Generally with him in some form, is sleeping materials, as well as two changes of clothes. While he does have coin on him, its mostly kept in various places upon his body. Should someone attempt to mug him, then he wouldn't lose all of his money. Just a small portion of it here or there.

Biography & Lore

All accounts of his family have been told to him from the eyes of families, caretakers, or children around him. Losing his parents and sister at a very young age to his accidental use in magic is clear. However how, is up for debate. Children have said that he himself as a young child picked up weapons against his parents and killed them out of rage for something they did. While Religious Zealots speak of his magical abilities and how he drained the very life from them. Others who merely took care of him spoke of his anger as a very young child that fueled his magic to kill his parents in various methods. Anything ranging from absorbing them as some kind of Vampire, to ripping all the blood from them, creating a hex that cause them to slowly die in pain, and even a seal that forced them to some other dimension or time.

All of that is stories though. Vigil has never trusted them or believed them.


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