The town bordering the Falwood was heavy with silence, the occupants strewn about in their final stand. They had fought for their lives against the elf raiders that had come and gone like a morning mist. Humans were no match for elven archers that hid in the trees and those that crept silently in the night with knives and silence as companions.
The Vel Anir guards quietly crept through the buildings, checking for any signs of life as they spied a shack with a yellow glow coming from it. Swords and bows drawn they moved forward, only to find a small boy hugging a woman’s corpse in a ward.
It withstood their best attempts as someone was sent to Vel Anir to report. The Proctors were called, only able to reach the boy after he was exhausted and not able to hold the warding spell any longer.
At five years of age, Virgil was brought to the Academy in Vel Anir.
Biographical information
Vel Anir
Vel Anir, The Academy
Physical description
6'1" 186cm
Black Brown
Political information
Dreadlord - Third Rank
Out-of-character information
-Wards - He is still learning a good deal about how to put together his ward spells to do more than block one type of damage at a time. If he blocks physical damage, he cannot block magical damage, and vice versa.
+Water - Since becoming a part of the Anirian Guard, his second ability formed in the shape of water based magic. A light bit of healing, some manipulation, and even 'creating' water. Creating water is more aptly described as pulling water out of the air and condensing it.
Above Average Fighter - While he is not as good as some of his classmates, Virgil is well above the guards of the city and common mercenaries.
Cooking - Surprisingly adept with ingredients and recipes. Out in the field, he tends to keep at least a cast iron simmer pot to both cook with and bake bread.
The quiet solitude he keeps himself mired in has not been good for him either, yearning for someone to even talk to or be near while in the same respect wanting everyone to stay away and leave him be. Often he comes off as either aloof or arrogant to those around him, intending to make them leave.
While he feels compassion for his fellow apprentices, a startling part of his persona comes forward when elves are his target. The calm and typically quiet apprentice becomes vicious in his actions and demeanor toward them, his anger and spite driving him forward until the offender is dealt with.
The few signs of his magic coming in was when he and a few other boys were assaulted by a flock of geese, and Virgil shielded himself from a vicious pecking. Small other incidents with his magic appearing prompted his parent's to consider sending him away.
There was talk of sending for the Proctors when the elves assaulted his home. He was playing at home when they struck, his mother trying to secure the pair in the family shed when she was struck down. Shielding the shed, he outlasted the elves attack in a sobbing fit over his mothers body.
Brought into the Academy, he soon learned what the place was truly about. He had objections at first, learning to suppress his conscious and morals, though willingly throwing them away when elves are thrown into the mix.
While not the best fighter, he is a decent marksman and excellent with his magic.
The Vel Anir guards quietly crept through the buildings, checking for any signs of life as they spied a shack with a yellow glow coming from it. Swords and bows drawn they moved forward, only to find a small boy hugging a woman’s corpse in a ward.
It withstood their best attempts as someone was sent to Vel Anir to report. The Proctors were called, only able to reach the boy after he was exhausted and not able to hold the warding spell any longer.
At five years of age, Virgil was brought to the Academy in Vel Anir.

Virgil Bingley
Skills and Abilities
+Wards - From simple wards to protect from outward harm, to making a wall to block off an area. Virgil has a natural ability for advanced warding techniques. The best one he has at his disposal is a warding shield that moves as he is moving, similar to holding an actual shield in its ability to block physical attacks.-Wards - He is still learning a good deal about how to put together his ward spells to do more than block one type of damage at a time. If he blocks physical damage, he cannot block magical damage, and vice versa.
+Water - Since becoming a part of the Anirian Guard, his second ability formed in the shape of water based magic. A light bit of healing, some manipulation, and even 'creating' water. Creating water is more aptly described as pulling water out of the air and condensing it.
Above Average Fighter - While he is not as good as some of his classmates, Virgil is well above the guards of the city and common mercenaries.
Cooking - Surprisingly adept with ingredients and recipes. Out in the field, he tends to keep at least a cast iron simmer pot to both cook with and bake bread.
Stoic is the best way to describe Virgil. Like most in the academy, a strict upbringing has shaped his personality into something of a soldier. He does not express how he feels well, nor does he wish to. Instead bottling everything up and never finding any sort of solace with those around him. The academy is not a place of emotion he reasons, and showing it has never done him any good.The quiet solitude he keeps himself mired in has not been good for him either, yearning for someone to even talk to or be near while in the same respect wanting everyone to stay away and leave him be. Often he comes off as either aloof or arrogant to those around him, intending to make them leave.
While he feels compassion for his fellow apprentices, a startling part of his persona comes forward when elves are his target. The calm and typically quiet apprentice becomes vicious in his actions and demeanor toward them, his anger and spite driving him forward until the offender is dealt with.
Biography & Lore
There was a time in Virgil's life where he was fun to be around. His earliest memories were of running amok in the small town he called home, playing with other kids and smiling. Playing hide and seek or tag while doing odd chores alongside his parent's and neighbor's kids.The few signs of his magic coming in was when he and a few other boys were assaulted by a flock of geese, and Virgil shielded himself from a vicious pecking. Small other incidents with his magic appearing prompted his parent's to consider sending him away.
There was talk of sending for the Proctors when the elves assaulted his home. He was playing at home when they struck, his mother trying to secure the pair in the family shed when she was struck down. Shielding the shed, he outlasted the elves attack in a sobbing fit over his mothers body.
Brought into the Academy, he soon learned what the place was truly about. He had objections at first, learning to suppress his conscious and morals, though willingly throwing them away when elves are thrown into the mix.
While not the best fighter, he is a decent marksman and excellent with his magic.