Private Tales The Heart of the Matter

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer


The Hidden Hand of Mari-Kuul
Character Biography
The Forbidden City
Four months ago...

In the dark, it was easy to spot the orange glow of firelight flickering through the openings of a ruined structure. It was one of many down this long forgotten street, which had long ago been retaken by the sands. Laru approached, and entered into the derelict abode. Within, gathered round a small fire were three figures hooded and robed - as always. They knelt round the fire with their hands clasped together, and their heads bowed. He knew who they were, they needn't reveal themselves or rouse from their silent works.

He came near the fire, and knelt.

"Laru'Dahl," Neh'rai's voice rose, but her face did not, "we have been expectant..."

He remained silent, as was as much of a response as she was likely anticipating from him.

In the fire, a change began to take place. Images began to take shape. First, he saw the image of a scorpion, ensnaring, and lashing. Then the scorpion was split into three, and these three moved across the sands in separate ways, biting whomever they came to. Then, he saw a great fire dwindle, and an emerald rising atop a great pyramid. The emerald shined with light, and there was a shadow that rested near its base. Then he saw the scorpion return, and move against the shining emerald, splitting the great pyramid.

Laru remained silent, but Neh'rai knew him well enough. His thoughts were plainly understood, and she needed no special power for that - though she did have such abilities.

"You know now, what I have seen, and what is expected."

Laru's head turned up from the fire and to her, asking his wordless question. And...?

"He seeks to undo what has been done, and reshape it. There is much danger for those in other camps... there are many yet to be bitten."

Neh'rai was just as cryptic in her speech as he was in his lack thereof, but they both seemed to have an uncanny understanding of one another. But if he understood well enough, then he understood that she was telling him this for one simple reason. But, her final words were enough to save him from any doubt.

"Bring her to me, Laru'Dahl. We will make her like us, and the scorpion's sting will have no venom that can harm her..."

Current Day

The city was still quite vibrant with the Sultana's birthday celebration. This made it all the easier for Laru to make his way through the streets rather inconspicuously. If his sources were correct, then Liana was attending Soleimon's celebration at the palace with other delegates of the Empire. This was both a good thing, as it seemed Liana had little trouble introducing herself on her own, but it was also a bad thing, as it put her in the scorpion's path. And so, without drawing any attention, he made his way to the palace. He would be there in only a short time...

Al'alar thought it quite fortuitous that this Sultana had chosen to host such a grand party for her own sake. There were quite simply so many people bustling about with their given holiday that their job would be made only all the easier. The slaying of Medja's loyal associates would begin here, and just about everyone in attendance at the palace was a target. But he was no fool, he was not getting into that palace, nor were any of the others he'd brought with him - three other able assassins. All of them Abtati.

There had been a growing sentiment among the Abtati that the Empire had become far too diluted with human and other ideologies. Following the appointed godhood of Gerra was one thing, but lowering themselves to following a human had, at first, not truly resonated as deeply as it should have. So now, having been fooled, or so those like these gathered assassins felt, they would lash out in anger and vengeance. With blood. So, when a particularly pretty woman wearing a long dark blue gown that cinched at the waist and had flowy short sleeves was spotted exiting the palace, there was a quiet understanding between the group that this would be their first target.

They would strike quickly, as soon as they had the chance...

Since Liana and Laru'Dahl had dismantled Allarahn's organization, she had moved through the streets without a care. Her normal suspiciousness had also been subdued with this sense of safety. A sense that was apparently misguided as she left the palace and headed toward the inn she had made her most recent home.

She had quickly decided that Laru had been mistaken and the palace was not where she was supposed to be. Now the question was what to do until Laru returned or sent for her. That was a decision for tomorrow though because she was tired and ready to fall asleep.

Liana's mind was elsewhere as she walked and she had completely missed any signs of being followed or watched.

She turned down the small road that ran in front of her inn. The darkness of the night was lit only by the moon and she finally felt that prickle of fear run down her spine. Liana casually reached down to raise her dress so she could retrieve her knives from either thigh.

  • Devil
Reactions: Laru'Dahl
She'd been easy to spot. There were not too many dressed quite so extravagantly, or at least there weren't to his eyes. Maybe it was her countenance, or the intensity in her eyes even as she casually made her way along. There had been little debate by the time they'd finished with Allarahn. Laru was quite smitten. Perhaps that is why he also failed to see the signs. He was far too focused on her.

He'd followed her from the palace, but made no sudden moves to close the gap between them. He was lax in his awareness, and saw no need for urgency. He instead chose to make his way as casually as she as not to draw attention, and wait until there were fewer eyes upon them. She turned down the dark street, and he did shortly after, and approached her from behind. He saw her change in pace and demeanour, and saw her reach for her weapon.

"Liana," he said quietly, coming to a halt before drawing close lest she strike out, mistaking him for some stranger to be warded off.

Liana had been about to turn and attack when she heard her name said from lips she had missed so very much.

“Laru,” she breathed out as she turned to smile at him. “Why are you here?” She sheathed one knife but kept the other in he’d hand. If he was here so soon after leaving her then someone was very wrong.

She found it hard to keep the distance between them and she quickly found herself sheathing the other knife before throwing her arms around his neck. Liana would have kissed him but the stupid mask stopped that.

Later. She would show him how much she had missed him.

“What’s wrong?” Liana asked after she had pulled away.

  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Laru'Dahl
Laru wrapped her in his embrace, thankful that he had found her before any ill fate had befallen her. It had been troublesome for him to accept how quickly he'd grown to feel so deeply for her, he refused to imagine what he might feel should something happen to her. Given what he had been shown, he was almost surprised to find her unharmed.

"There is great danger, Liana. I must take you from here, I must take you to the Forbidden City," he cast a look one way, and then the other, "something is about to take place, and you are not safe. None of us are... we need to leave as soon as we can."

It wasn't going to be terribly difficult leaving the city with no one trailing them like there had been last time, but despite this he felt no lack of urgency. In his mind, it was time to leave immediately.

Liana did not want to leave his arms but she had to. She had more questions and he was being more cryptic than normal.

"Let's go to my room so I can gather my things and you can fill me in," she said before pressing a quick kiss to his lips.

She was silent as they entered the inn and made their way to her assigned room. Once the two of them were in safely behind the locked door, she started to pack her few belongings into her bag.

"So what is going on, Laru?" She asked as she continued to pack her bag.

As he often did, he said little more to her until they had reached the relative safety of her room at the nearby inn. In truth, she was the only one who he had spared so many words to in many years, save for perhaps Ashuanar himself, who he really did not have many exchanges with in person anymore. As he followed her there, he began to... detect something, and he began to feel as though they were being followed. This apprehension was alleviated as they entered the inn, but it did not diminish fully. Upon entering her room, he was quick to surveil it, checking behind draping curtains and examining the streets below through the window.

"So what is going on, Laru?"

His eyes still peered outside as he replied, quietly, "I am not wholly sure Liana..." he turned from the window, facing her and removing his mask, "Neh'rai has shown me some... cryptic things, and I believe that the likes of yourself... if not all of us, are in great danger."

Laru described what Neh'rai had shown him to the best of his ability, but given how little of it he truly understood the details were even more vague. There were things seen that were difficult to describe.

"She requested that I again take you to her, so she can make you safe."

Honestly, he could have saved the description of what he had been shown because as soon as he said Neh'rai she knew that whatever it was was serious. Like Laru, she was equally confounded by his explanation of the visions. She would need to see the woman in person.

"Of course, let's go," she said as she quickly stripped her dress off and slipped into a pair of dark pants and a dark top. Her normal dress, really.

Liana placed a quick kiss on Laru's lips before grabbing her bag and looking at him expectantly. "I am happy to see you and I wish I could show you that properly but it will have to wait..."

Only with she was he ever so casual, showing his face and speaking so plainly. It was a way so rare for him in the sight of others, but she had proven to be his exception. Without his mask it was impossible to hide the smile the crept across his lips as she changed in front of him, wearing it well after he once again placed it over his face with a wink.

"We will be a bit safer once we've left the city."

Now that she was ready he led her from there and back out into the street. Night had set in, but the traffic in the streets had hardly diminished. There was far too much excitement in the air. To him, this was all the better for them, because now, unlike before, he felt uncomfortably aware that they were being watched. He refused to betray this, and taking Liana's hand in his, he led her through the crowd and out into a festive square. Once they'd made their way through there, Laru had arranged for some familiar transportation to get them out of the city.

"Of course," she responded to his assurance of greater safety. She trusted him implicitly and she knew he would never put her in harm's way...on purpose.

Liana was on edge and on high alert as the two of them exited the inn. She was even startled slightly when Laru took her hand because she was so focused on everything and everyone else around them.

As they came to the cart that she recognized all too well, she let out a soft chuckle. "You really know how to treat a girl right, Laru," Liana squeezed his hand gently.
  • Smug
Reactions: Laru'Dahl
From behind his mask, he smiled a little. Of course, Liana would recognize Elrix's mode of transport. The accessories that hung from his shabby wagon were all too distinctive, as well as the overall ramshackle state of it. But it would do as they needed well enough, and friendly company - hostile as he was - was hard to come by. Laru'Dahl could at least trust Elrix. That was worth far more than a pleasant demeanour.

Still, they would have to put up with his incessant negativity the whole while.

Laru led Liana to the rear of the wagon, where he parted the curtains that hung there and ushered her within. They would depart as soon as they were settled.

“How long is the trip this time?” The last trip had taken forever but it had been a long trip full of Laru and Liana getting to know each other. It hadn’t been so bad and she hoped this trip would be alright too.

She smiled at the masked man once more before disappearing through the curtains that gave privacy to the wagon.

Once they were both inside and seated, she unsheathed two of her hidden daggers. It was best to be prepared.

"Not as long this time," he said, removing his mask as he entered into the back of the wagon. And though he seemed to take a more casual posture once he'd seated himself, he too remained acutely aware of the goings on around them as Liana unveiled her daggers.

They were not alone in the wagon. Elrix of course was out front at the reins, preparing to set them off. Within, however, there were also two others who sat nearer to the front. Liana probably recognized their dress as similar to Laru'Dahls, and was likely safe in assuming they were friendlies - likewise obvious given Laru's complete lack of addressing their presence.

They were indeed friends, and their presence served to help lighten Laru's mood.

"The Forbidden City is not so far from here, Neh'rai is waiting for us near there."

Like Laru, Liana felt a little safer knowing they had two other people on their side. Elrix grudgingly put up with them but these two would actually fight with them.

"I hate to admit it, Laru," she started, "but I am scared."

It wasn't the first time someone wanted her dead but it was the first time that she had done absolutely nothing to deserve it.

"Do you know why any of this happening?"
