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Act 1: The Mansion. Urchin 's quest
At the edge of grimere, an old village belonging to an old noble bloodline stood an even older villa, abandoned for as long as most people imagined.
From its appearance alone, it was clear that its architecture was severely antiquated and the building was some two stories tall, featuring a large veranda in its south-eastern corner.
All the windows were bolted shut and barred with planks... all windows but one.
There, an outset window on the southern side appeared to be hanging open, if only just slightly, clapping against its wooden frame every time the wind passed by. A small person could easily inch themselves inside if they wanted to.
Well... nobody was looking, and that one window was beckoning in such a welcoming way. What harm could it even be to just take a brief step inside?
Certainly, there were souvenirs to take from that place. Whatever that old-borne family left behind.
Well, only if one seizes the opportunity to get them.
At the edge of grimere, an old village belonging to an old noble bloodline stood an even older villa, abandoned for as long as most people imagined.
From its appearance alone, it was clear that its architecture was severely antiquated and the building was some two stories tall, featuring a large veranda in its south-eastern corner.
All the windows were bolted shut and barred with planks... all windows but one.
There, an outset window on the southern side appeared to be hanging open, if only just slightly, clapping against its wooden frame every time the wind passed by. A small person could easily inch themselves inside if they wanted to.
Well... nobody was looking, and that one window was beckoning in such a welcoming way. What harm could it even be to just take a brief step inside?
Certainly, there were souvenirs to take from that place. Whatever that old-borne family left behind.
Well, only if one seizes the opportunity to get them.