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we set up camp on the edge of falwood the city of furless still in site. using distortion magic here would only attract attention and moving into falwood would put us at a disadvantage a night attack is not an option do to the amount of soldiers i brought
"my lord is this not a difficult position, we know not were the furless folks elegance lies should we not move into the woods of fal so as to not be seen?"
my general says in an urgency i've not heard from him before.
"general ta,fa do i sense fear in your words?"
he stiffens defiantly.
"of course not my lord, its just this climate. its making me uneasy i prefer the dark cold caves of our home land"
i nod towards the Forrest.
"if we were to enter now we would be in there territory and the savages of falwood are much less friendly to outsiders than the furless folk, we shall camp here till morning. the warriors and mages must rest, besides 50 lionmen shouldn't scare any self respecting lord of this land and if it does then ive over estimated these folk greatly." i point to the city and its walls "they build monuments to there success as if it pleases the land they walk on, i have no doubt that they see us no little more than a flea and at most they will send a small amount of men to check what is happening here. in an event of an altercation the mages will use their magic to wipe any army's that attack off this land, we will retreat into falwood and use distortion magic to make our escape." what i didnt tell him was that an attack would result in a loss of half of our woman soldiers and although i have confidence in them, a loss of that many would be devastating to future generations however if we end up stuck in falwood at night the losses would be total so ill take my chances.
i pull out some maps of falwood and lay them on the table that sits in the middle of my tent. the map had battle plans and troop deployment schemes as well as casualty calculations written all over.
"we will openly share our plan with any of the lords to this land, and if i'm correct they will welcome a culling of the falwood savages."
he still looks at me hesitantly.
"my lord you trust to much in the idea that other folk will think rationally"
i growl under my breath. "if i wanted a royal adviser id have made you one now hold your tongue boy before i remove it!" i snap. having to deal with such young men in command makes me almost want a woman in charge of things. the young of our people will not be of conscripting age for another 5 years so replacing him is not an option.
"go get me a report on the status of the perimeter"
"yes my lord" he says bowing then exiting quickly.
i understand the boys hesitation he was made general not 4 full moons ago and although he has some battle expiance at only 16 cycles i fear his command may lack.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------@ perimeter: sergeant sha . {pov}------------------------------------------------------------------------
being sent out to the perimeter nearest to the woods of fal is not what i signed up for. the woods give me the creeps too many high points for an enemy to pounce from. i miss the cold dark caves were sent becomes sight. there are too many scents here for me to easily pick up an individual out of the crowd of other scents.
suddenly a spear shoots from the bushes and pierces my thigh i howl in pain but quickly pull the spear out. i shout. "rah,cic,ka fade,iea" a simple clearing spell that sent the bushes, rocks and even blades of grass flying, creating a ten foot circle of bare ground around myself, and also leaveing a very bewitherd savage standing cover less in front of me.
"rae,sedi,fa" i say immediately upon locking eyes with him he loses consciousnesses as soon as the words leave my mouth. i can feel my head swimming as i hear help coming to my aid then darkness sets in
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------king dac,are {pov}-----------------------------------------------------------------
i could here commotion stirring in the camp so i decide to exit the command room and see whats happened. i exit just as my soldiers lash the savage to a log that's been stuck in the ground upright. i smile we already got one and we have only been camped for a few hours. i see one of my women soldiers being carried to the medical tent.
"what's happened?" i ask a private looking quite meek that im even talking to her.
"well S.G sha was stabbed by a spear then she lost consciousness after performing a sleep spell on the savage. the wound will not hinder her duties"
if your not careful during a sleep spell that required eye contact the will of the person your using it on will reflect the spell back onto yourself, shes just lucky she didn't do this on the battle field death would surely bring her the the ever darkness for sure
"be sure that it doesn't,you may return to your duty's private" she give me a salute and marches away. there's now a small group of soldiers watching the savage with fascination. not many of our kind have seen the brutes up close. i approach the beast as it sleeps and whisper "sadi,cia" he awakes immediately.
he begins struggling as i eye him with a smile on my face.
"release me white devil"
he spit's through gritted teeth
i scrape my claws down his face opening 3 large gashes that run vertical from the top of his matted mane to his bottom lip
"you will not speak to your superior blood in such a manor" i hiss.
i turn to my soldiers.
"beat him within an inch of his life then we will see what he knows." the whole camp could hear the howls of this savage but he would not know true pain until he gives up the location of his camp and i make him watch as i burn his village and cull his people i will wipe ever last one of these sky worshipers and restore the noble name of the lionmen
"my lord is this not a difficult position, we know not were the furless folks elegance lies should we not move into the woods of fal so as to not be seen?"
my general says in an urgency i've not heard from him before.
"general ta,fa do i sense fear in your words?"
he stiffens defiantly.
"of course not my lord, its just this climate. its making me uneasy i prefer the dark cold caves of our home land"
i nod towards the Forrest.
"if we were to enter now we would be in there territory and the savages of falwood are much less friendly to outsiders than the furless folk, we shall camp here till morning. the warriors and mages must rest, besides 50 lionmen shouldn't scare any self respecting lord of this land and if it does then ive over estimated these folk greatly." i point to the city and its walls "they build monuments to there success as if it pleases the land they walk on, i have no doubt that they see us no little more than a flea and at most they will send a small amount of men to check what is happening here. in an event of an altercation the mages will use their magic to wipe any army's that attack off this land, we will retreat into falwood and use distortion magic to make our escape." what i didnt tell him was that an attack would result in a loss of half of our woman soldiers and although i have confidence in them, a loss of that many would be devastating to future generations however if we end up stuck in falwood at night the losses would be total so ill take my chances.
i pull out some maps of falwood and lay them on the table that sits in the middle of my tent. the map had battle plans and troop deployment schemes as well as casualty calculations written all over.
"we will openly share our plan with any of the lords to this land, and if i'm correct they will welcome a culling of the falwood savages."
he still looks at me hesitantly.
"my lord you trust to much in the idea that other folk will think rationally"
i growl under my breath. "if i wanted a royal adviser id have made you one now hold your tongue boy before i remove it!" i snap. having to deal with such young men in command makes me almost want a woman in charge of things. the young of our people will not be of conscripting age for another 5 years so replacing him is not an option.
"go get me a report on the status of the perimeter"
"yes my lord" he says bowing then exiting quickly.
i understand the boys hesitation he was made general not 4 full moons ago and although he has some battle expiance at only 16 cycles i fear his command may lack.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------@ perimeter: sergeant sha . {pov}------------------------------------------------------------------------
being sent out to the perimeter nearest to the woods of fal is not what i signed up for. the woods give me the creeps too many high points for an enemy to pounce from. i miss the cold dark caves were sent becomes sight. there are too many scents here for me to easily pick up an individual out of the crowd of other scents.
suddenly a spear shoots from the bushes and pierces my thigh i howl in pain but quickly pull the spear out. i shout. "rah,cic,ka fade,iea" a simple clearing spell that sent the bushes, rocks and even blades of grass flying, creating a ten foot circle of bare ground around myself, and also leaveing a very bewitherd savage standing cover less in front of me.
"rae,sedi,fa" i say immediately upon locking eyes with him he loses consciousnesses as soon as the words leave my mouth. i can feel my head swimming as i hear help coming to my aid then darkness sets in
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------king dac,are {pov}-----------------------------------------------------------------
i could here commotion stirring in the camp so i decide to exit the command room and see whats happened. i exit just as my soldiers lash the savage to a log that's been stuck in the ground upright. i smile we already got one and we have only been camped for a few hours. i see one of my women soldiers being carried to the medical tent.
"what's happened?" i ask a private looking quite meek that im even talking to her.
"well S.G sha was stabbed by a spear then she lost consciousness after performing a sleep spell on the savage. the wound will not hinder her duties"
if your not careful during a sleep spell that required eye contact the will of the person your using it on will reflect the spell back onto yourself, shes just lucky she didn't do this on the battle field death would surely bring her the the ever darkness for sure
"be sure that it doesn't,you may return to your duty's private" she give me a salute and marches away. there's now a small group of soldiers watching the savage with fascination. not many of our kind have seen the brutes up close. i approach the beast as it sleeps and whisper "sadi,cia" he awakes immediately.
he begins struggling as i eye him with a smile on my face.
"release me white devil"
he spit's through gritted teeth
i scrape my claws down his face opening 3 large gashes that run vertical from the top of his matted mane to his bottom lip
"you will not speak to your superior blood in such a manor" i hiss.
i turn to my soldiers.
"beat him within an inch of his life then we will see what he knows." the whole camp could hear the howls of this savage but he would not know true pain until he gives up the location of his camp and i make him watch as i burn his village and cull his people i will wipe ever last one of these sky worshipers and restore the noble name of the lionmen
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