Private Tales The Colour of Broken Hearts

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Character Biography
"How long until this new guide arrives?" She asked, once again, but doing her best not to look up into the sky and seeing the sun ascending higher. Faye looked to Olenn, who grimaced as he sat with the pain. Crouching, she put the back of her hand to his brow. "You are fine, my friend. You are responding to the salves at least. That is a good sign." She smiled, relieved.

"Dying... just like that." He smiled, sadly at that.

"Oh, do not fret." She smiled, for she did not truly worry for his outcome. Faye had the right salves and tinctures in her pack, and applying it just moments after she saw the snake strike his ankle, it had indeed saved his life. The snake itself had slithered away, not interested in the two humans wandering the Wylds but her white dragon made sure to keep an eye out on their clearing they sat in. "The pain receptors will still give you grief, but I am confident the venom isn't spreading any more. See? Your veins are fading back to normal."

She had some of his blood still around her mouth from where she had sucked the venom out from it and spat it out. Faye had used the bottle of alcohol she had brought with her to clean her mouth.

"Can you see where Feyrne is? Has she brought help?" Olenn's Blue dragon had been gone several hours to find someone to assist. He had gotten word from his bonded dragon that a new guide will be there to continue Faye's exploration so that her friend could seek better medical attention once back on the Wall.
  • Yay
Reactions: Talorgan
Biersys didn't like having a dragon circling overhead. He could feel the tension in her flanks as she leapt from a rock, gliding down into the valley.

A battle between dragons was determined by several factors. Being larger and starting from much higher in the sky were the main ones. Altitude offered speed and a tactical advantage.

"Calm now," he murmured.

He followed her gaze. His dreq wyrm turned her neck towards the left.

"There we go."

He had little expectation of what was needed of him. Most of the times when he was a guide no one truly listened to him. They wanted to see the sights, not understood the nature of the wilds like he did.

They landed on a rock not far above the pair of humans he could see. Talorgan slid down from his saddle and made his way down towards them.

"Is everyone alright?" he called out.
  • Bless
Reactions: Faye Valimir
"We are alright." Faye stood up, one hand resting on the back of her hip as she looked towards the man sliding from his mount. Not a dragon, which surprised her but she did not ask him about it. She knew of this man, knew that he acquired himself a dreq wyrm when his family had dragons of their own. "Olenn's recovering, but would need proper care back in the city. Thank you, for getting here so quickly."

It had been her father's dying wish she did not go out in the Wylds alone, as a blind dragon was not enough support. Snakes were the least of the problems out here.

"Perhaps you can give me a hand? Olenn refuses to let a woman help carry him to mount his dragon." And there was amusement on her lips, the smile aimed to tease her friend who only groaned. His dragon broke through the close treetops, winding through the trunks to settle and let his bonded climb up onto the saddle.
  • Yay
Reactions: Talorgan
Talorgan glanced at Olenn. He gave a quiet grunt. He didn't know much about the people he was supposed to guide. He felt that he would have recognised her jet black hair and striking eyes if she had been at any events. Perhaps she was not of nobility.

He grabbed Olenn around the shoulders and lifted him up. The man was able to use one foot to stabilise himself and drag himself up. Talorgan used both hands to give him a boost. He got a good look at the snake bite.

"You treated this?" he asked. With his body paint, thick beard and gruff demeanour Faye might have been regretting her substitute guide.
  • Bless
Reactions: Faye Valimir
"Yes, I did." She answered without missing a beat. "Packing an entire kit worthy for being out on the field did not see viable to me when salves and vials can keep one alive." This was not her first time out in the Wylds. She had been coming out here for years now, had learned things from the different guides that sometimes accompanied her. Olenn himself had taught her how to track down Thanasian yarrow, to figure out where such a plant would thrive.

Once Olenn was seated, sighing and holding tight to the pommel on his saddle, he gave a thanks to the man before lifting his gaze up at Faye. "Remember, the reports came in that the jarlax were three days away, the fight with the black dragon is two days away. Good luck on your search."

And he gave the other male an odd look, thinking better of giving him a proper farewell before his dragon moved out and bounded for the skies.

Faye's eyes fell on the replacement guide, a brow arching. "Your name?"
  • Yay
Reactions: Talorgan
"Hmm," went Talorgan. "Impressive," he muttered to himself.

Too many, he thought, remained sheltered behind their walls and refused to understand the world beyond them.

Talorgan stepped away as the dragon threw itself upwards. The heavy beat of its wings sent a spiral of dust whipping up again Talorgan.

He turned back towards his client and gave a sharp whistle. Biersys snaked down towards them, keeping close to the ground.

"Talorgan," he replied. He didn't ask for her name back. He was of the Vulcarys family, but she did not need to know that. He padded over to his dreq-wyrm on bare feet.

"Where do you need to go?"
  • Frog Eyes
Reactions: Faye Valimir

It did not ring a bell, but he certainly lookd the part of a tribal person than a Thanasian. The fact he had a wyrm and not any dragon breed also painted him as odd in her experience.

"I want to travel towards the coast. There is a dragon I am searching for that I can collect scales from for my art. The scouts patrolling the area have reported it had gotten into a skirmish with Jarlax, some casualties on their side." Faye looked to her dragon, who was smaller, but still large enough to carry two people upon his back. The white dragon was a healer too, and despite his blindness, he was still sharp with his senses.

Extending her hand, Cathàn nuzzled his nose into her palm, moving to stand from his lounging position.

"My name is Faye Valimir. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Talorgan."

The namr Valimir was known, for they were throughout history, pioneers of the artisan trade and were successful merchants.
  • Yay
Reactions: Talorgan