Private Tales The Chalice

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer

Venanin Sen Shiir

Character Biography
It had been for Vel Anir. At least that's what the young Dreadlord had told themself when they had set out for this quest. The small band of soldier's that had volunteered had been mostly wiped out my the brigands they had faced. The remainder had been killed to keep the secret of what they had found. The apprentice had it now. They carried it wrapped in a cloak dried and crusted with blood someof it their own. The vast Savanna stretched out in front of them like a waving ocean of grasses for as far as their lavender eyes could see. On foot like this it would take months to cross. The faithful chestnut roan that had been a constant companion was deeply missed in the moment.

"I have to keep it safe." Venanin said aloud. The only reply was a swooping breeze that danced along the heavy headed grasses of the Savanna. "Once I drink from it everything will change everything."

The dragon's blood that was given had been mixed with the dreadlord's own and was ready for the ritual that had slipped into Venanin's hands. If the dreadlord did this right, and with the Chalice, it could increased their power and wealth by orders of magnitude beyond even the most ambitious dreams. But the place must be right. The center of the Savanna near an ancient stone circle, that was where Venanin had to make it, and soon.

The wind played games with Venanin's silver blond hair as it danced across the open planes. The odd cloud cast long shadows across portions of the grassland as if staking claim of their territories, or perhaps showing compassion on the creatures that dwelt beneath the burning gaze of the too bright sun. The dreadlord trudged on, sore feet that had not seen respite under the battlemage's single minded driving. The goal was all that mattered. Venanin would lose all, everything. How far that price would go was impossible to say. Would even life be stripped away or just possession, status, and current wealth? The lavender eyed dreadlord apprentice doubted it would be so mild. The laws of equivalent exchange when dealing with magic could not be broken or circumvented. Everything had a cost. The cost of this ritual would be high. Too high perhaps.

The heavy yellowed stalks of the grasses whispered against the burn marked armor of the warrior's body as they continued on. The silvered sword in it's scabbard made a faint swishing as it brushed through the high blades of grass. It almost made the faint distant buzzing impossible to pick out until it was almost too close. Venanin ducked low and scanned the skys sure another enemy was conspiring to stop them from using the Chalice.

"Manticore." Venanin said as the schooling that had been pounded in surfaced. "I hate Manticore."
The dreadlord forward rolled through the grass as the beast swooped for them. The skin filled with dragon's blood that they wore over their shoulder started pouring out the magical blood. It had saved the battle mage from the beast tail but at the cost of a long rip in the fabric.

Venanin panicked.

The apprentice grabbed the Chalice and tried to empty the remaining contents into it. The still hot blood steamed in the goblet and the dreadlord saw no option. He drank the blood from the artifact and hoped it would work. If so, he would lose everything and then gain more than he could imagine. He only wondered how long it would take.