The Brotherhood of the Bow is Accepting New Members

Gerard Montefort

Headmaster of the Brotherhood of the Bow
Character Biography
The Brotherhood of the Bow is a new guild of around 2000 archers of the shorter-lived races based in Alliria and other parts of the continent, led by Headmaster Gerard Montefort. The guild currently is accepting new Initiates, as well as the following positions:

-Officer of the Treasury
-Officer of the Armory (Quartermaster)

-Bowmasters (generals in charge of 100 men)
-Bow Sergeants (leaders in charge of a company of usually 20 men)
-Yeomen (master archers and rangers who don't want to lead)
-Bowmen (rank and file archers who fight in formation in the conventional way)
-Rangers (scouts and survivalists who travel through rough country on scouting missions and monster hunts)

Initiates who wish to join must pass through a challenging test of marksmanship and endurance. All races are welcome to join so long as they possess skill with a bow. Applicants with previous military experience and a voucher only need to perform a marksmanship test to join.

If you are interested, please comment below or send me a private correspondence. The Brotherhood thanks you for your interest at this time.