Open Chronicles The Alchemist's dangerous journey

A roleplay open for anyone to join


A slight wind was blowing about with a soft drizzle wetting the stones of the streets in Elbion, most people walking around were either covering their heads with a cowl or the slight lugage they were carrying as they went off to work.
There were people everywhere in Elbion despite the weather, no matter where one looked they could hear the noise of conversation, laughter and even the occasional bickering of arguements. Everywhere except a single house, inside a slight drip could be heard falling from the open window edges. If one were to look inside they would be horrified by the mess they'd see, books lying everywhere.. Scrolls half opened and squished between more stacks of books.

Any person would've probably long since gone crazy from the mess, any person besides the one living there. Maelyne was busy alchemising herself some pills for the journey ahead of her, paying no mind to the mess around her. She was used to it after all, if you were to ask her everything was where it was supposed to be.
As she wanted to start making herself some pills to help cure toxins she found herself missing a core item.
Maelyne frowned and sighed "It seems I'm all out of Styrax obassia" (Snowbell Flower) she looked around, got up, packed all her things in her satchel and walked over to the windows to close them.
After closing the last window she tapped a rune scroll stuck to the wall next to the door, a soft breeze went around the house and lifted all of the books and scrolls putting them back into the bookshelves in proper order. A second tap on a scroll next to the wind scroll dimmed all the orbs of fire inside of the lanterns throughout the house, after taking one last look around she showed a smile and gave a slight nod and left through the door closing it behind her.

Upon reaching the edge of the city she stopped putting her hand to her chin "Hmm, I should probably try to find myself some people to travel with" she took out a map of the world of Arethil and studied it quietly. As she was holding out the map any raindrops that would come close to her froze and harmlessly fell to the ground without soaking the soft paper the map was made from.
She muttered softly "Through the Aberresai Savannah, past Allir and all the way across the icy peaks of The Spine" her finger flowed across the map following the path she planned out "And finally northward towards the Ixchel Stone, there I should be able to find myself some Styrax Obassia or at least somewhere in that area".

She rolled up the map and put it back into her satchel, checked the small pouch containing her coins, turned around and decided to try her luck in a nearby tavern where adventurers normally could be found.
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Reactions: Die Shize
The Careful Barrel was as much of a tavern as any owner could muster. An establishment positioned in the thick of it within the city streets, there was a sign hanging outside which depicted a barrel and that was it. Inside was a different story. There was a roaring fire, malt beer, meat ripe off the bone, and live musicians playing the drum, the flute and the violin.

Patrons aplenty in this establishment. Most as lively as the music, with laughter and conversation all around. Some were as drunk as skunks, others well on their way to that condition, while some sipped or simply listened to the music. There were shadowy figures in corners with hoods over their countenances, lighting pipes; dancers before the musicians, ready to dance into the night; buddies hugging at the bar to be served by bartenders; and onward into the tavern were many adventures amid strangers or those who knew each other.

For his part, Torin Gemheart knew no one here. He might have settled for a corner table to smoke his pipe but, at that moment, the only table that was open to him was in the center of the tavern so he claimed it. There were a few plates before the dwarf fit for his appetite. This was one guy who liked to sit and eat and think and smoke his pipe despite his outfit of violet cloth and golden armor giving him off as an adventurer as much as a warrior; or, rather, because of it.

Honeyed chicken which he found to be delicious for this otherwise simple establishment; roasted onions dipped in gravy no less exquisite; beef-and-bacon pie; crab cake; sweet pumpkin soup; buttered carrots and turnips soaked in butter; boiled beans; honeycakes baked with blackberries and various nuts; black bread; and dark, strong beer.

It was a feast for a dwarf and nothing terribly fancy all things considered. This was a tavern with a variety of breakfasts, elevenses, luncheon, afternoon tea, dinner and supper. Meat and mead was his cup of tea, so to speak, but Torin was famished from his tour, and the merchant-smith-warrior felt like doing nothing else than eating and drinking the day and night away. The tavern did have an inn with room service fit for breakfast.

So, the Gemheart blew an O of smoke from his lips, bit into his pie filled to the brim with beef and bacon, washed it down with his beer and listened to the music. There was no interruption to it, no disturbance for him, though he was ever an adventurer and could sit alone or converse with anyone who might yet show.

  • Yay
Reactions: Maelyne
From the main entrance of the city it still took Maelyne a good while to reach the first tavern on her path, she stopped and looked up at the sign describing a barrel. Taking a moment to gather her thoughts she gave a slight nod to herself, she reached for the door as she muttered softly.

The Careful Barrel, this is a good of a place as any to find some one to hire.

Upon opening the door she was greeted with the strong smell of sweat, smoke and alcohol. Hesitating for a moment she swallowed and steeled her mind, being the studious person she is Maelyne never really had allowed herself to get into the so called pleasures of smoking or alcohol. Stepping into the tavern and closing the door behind her she imediately noticed several heads turning their gaze towards her, some curious, some suspicious of her arrival, some scheming but also there were some gazes who looked at her in amazement. It wasn't often after all that a beautiful young girl like her would enter a tavern full of big sweaty burly men.

Ugh, already being targeted? Let's just get this over with.

She ignored the gazes as she walked further into the tavern, eventually her own gaze however fell on a lonely figure sitting at a table in the middle of the establishment. She noticed they were a rather short yet stout person, looking closer she saw it was a dwarve who was armed and eating enough food to feed a entire household. A slight smile fell upon her features as she continued her way toward the lonesome figure, once there she raised her voice so that it would clearly reach them.

Excuse me, do you mind if I take a seat? I am here to look for people to join me on my travels.

She tapped on her money pouch and sat down at the table patiently waiting for the dwarve to finish his food. It didn't take long before one of the drunk sweaty men came up to her "Hey there pretty lady, if you have nowhere else to go tonight how about I let you warm my bed? Hic" his words sounded slurred and his breath smelled awful as he spoke close to Maelyne's face.

Maelyne in turn looked at them with steely eyes, with all the moisture in the air inside this establishment she could easily freeze the entire place over. But if she wanted this noble dwarve's help she knew she had to stay calm.

I suggest you take your leave, I am not here to look for trouble nor to cause it.

Torin Gemheart